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There's time for everything they say
Time to work
Time to restrategize
and time to relax

It's how it is and how it would always be and for each one of them, it's important to get it right to avoid misplaced priorities

Of all of these phases, a time to relax is one time that corresponds with holidays

The holiday is the time we get to relax and bond more with our loved ones
That time we take to do other things apart from work
That time is important for health and most importantly creating memories

It's so nice and sweet to have holidays
I love holidays because you get a lot of me time and fun
it's that time that brings excitement

With a fun-filled atmosphere, twinkling lights beautiful decorations, and lots of laughs with family members around
it's all for one goal, togetherness, creating memories to reflect on, and bonding
It's always a beautiful season to exchange gifts, show love, and be loved

It's that time of the year again
that's time that comes with the smell of a mixture of delicious meals and happiness

that time there's enough to eat and give out
It's that holiday with a Christmas
That holiday that comes with the bearing of gifts

that holiday that comes with lots of love in the atmosphere
That holiday that comes with togetherness

Sometimes this holiday doesn't come with plans for me, okay apart from the default plans that it has to be with more food and has to be fun

But for me, I do not have the time to travel far away to do holidays like this

It's one important holiday I bond with my family members because work and school make everyone out In different places and this holiday is the connection we have to be back home to parents to have a good laugh, talk about old memories, Merry and yes bond with old friends

it's an important holiday I believe is to be shared among family members and loved ones

Is this year going to be a different one?
ohh I just can't tell yet but every New Year's Christmas holiday is always better, more fun, and more lovely than the previous one,so one thing for sure is that it's going to be better and more fun

A visit to an old friend's house would be part of the default plan, picking it up from where we left it, having more memories to create and making the holiday a fun-filled one

A type of hangout to unwind from the year's stress and relax would be part to creating a moment and having memories of it
Oh yes and indoor activity with family members is not something to miss
catching up with everyone about how the year has been,making good memories of how being together can be,telling each other the importance of having each others back and
creating moments with one another are list we like to tick for every holiday with my family members which would be part of this year holiday too

it's looking like I have the holiday all planned out already but no, not yet these are just default plans that always surface with this holiday


I love the default plans of more food and fun. Of course that's some of the majors in the celebration.

I want to chip in,
Why don't you decide to stay alone, I mean, not traveling home if you're school.

Have a taste of difference 😄


I love this, to spice it up right and have a different one this year.
Would have love to but everyone would be coming I just have to be hone to complete the team


Are you the Ronaldo of the team?
Sometimes, a Ronaldo team can play without Ronaldo 😄


You are right. The holiday is a good time to bond together as family. Few months ago when my girls were on school break I was working and so I didn't get to spend quality time with them.


Yeah, the Christmas holidays are the time we bond as a family. I think that's the only time most people have to take a break from work and school. As for me, it has been a while since I have really sat at home, and somehow home is not feeling like home again, but I would be glad about one thing: having some time with my family.


Yeah you are right having some time with family.
