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For every invention comes a new one with time
For every idea comes a better one with time
For every learning comes an update
For everything we get to own or have access to comes a better version with time

It's like with time there's always room for a better version, it's like with time we get prone to change, it's like with time we can always be better in all we do

Time is one factor to be considered in all we do,even to be on track and make every of our doings count

In business, time counts to make the best of the business and growth
In learning, time counts to move higher and be Better
In education, time is important because there is always an update to meet up with

Education is one important aspect of acquiring knowledge, values and so many more
It's like a base of how well we all do in whatever we intend to become
It's the key factor to unleash and discover ones potential, making such potential surface, and making the best of it
It empowers, enriches, and impacts knowledge to be better
It plays a huge part in making the society, community, and country a better one
It allows more opportunities, increases growth, and most importantly builds and prepares a better future

Through learning(education)more is learned, we get a deeper insight into things, and values are impacted
It's one important factor in shaping one's mind, habits, and goals
But the beautiful things about this is,time evaluates education, time updates education, time expands education, and time gives us more reason to be educated

How education was in years back is different to how education is now and would be different to how it would be in years to come because of the time factor,because more has been improved, and because there's a need to keep up if such education wants to be of use
And that's why sometimes I just wish we all could see that time has a great impact on everything and there's a need to move with it to become relevant

If I ever get the chance to remove a thing from the educational system in my county, it would be such a great pleasure to reshape and make it a better
This would be me removing the outdated way of learning, outdated use of curriculum, outdated use of methods, and most importantly outdated use of approach and topics learned
The time factor has a new of making things outdated because it comes with updates

Here in my country, there are some manner, approach, books, and curriculum that needs to be updated to make education better
Having to learn about things that are no longer in place or has been replaced with technology is not the right way to make use of education

Education is meant to make us better, not drag us behind

Updating all outdated means in all sectors of education like curriculum textbooks, and methods would be my priority because time requires we move with it to be relevant

Time is important likewise education, to be relevant both just need to correspond


Updating our syllabus is surely a good one, most of our textbooks are outdated and has been in use for a very long time when there are new knowledge, research works findings out there.


Yeah exactly, that way we improve.
And we get better.
Thank you for dropping by


This is spot-on. The syllables that are being used now is not different from the ones that were used a decade ago and it's very surprising because back then, just graduating from school guarantees people a job. However, at the moment being a graduate doesn't guarantee that you would get a job anywhere.

A lot of things needs to be improved so that we would offer more quality of education and everything you suggested is on point.


You get!!!!!
Like those things are outdated there's been improvement on them can we improve on our education too to be relevant????????
Hopefully things get better and all these is fixed
