HIVE has been my best performing investment this year
This year I decided to stop taking risks, so I have been investing mostly in bonds. I bought HIVE because I believe in the platform, the people and because it can generate yield, which helps prevent risk and makes the investment more palatable to me.
I started buying below 20 cents and it is now above $1. Granted, historically HIVE has price pikes that don't last long. But one day we will have one of those spikes and won't go down.
After the first few spikes in price we had this year I did sell some. This time I am not selling. I am not eager to buy more near the all-time highs obviously, but I am in no hurry to sell either.
I am just glad that I have this banked. If an emergency comes by the power down could save me financially.
As I live in Brazil and inflation is rampant, it is tempting to power down and pay a few bills, but why would I sell my best-performing asset?!