Bracelate gift for my church member
It is a beautiful afternoon and a lovely tuesday and I hope all is well with you all. I bring to you all a sweet and warm hug from idarasuas. A hug that will melt yours hearts and makes you feel warm.
So I will be making a sweet bracelates today for my church member who recently found out that I use to make wearable jewelries. She has my skin colour and I decided to use these two colours for her to matche with her skin. This is a bracelates that is made from a place of love to her and I know that she wil appreciate it. I spend a lot on doing this precious gift..
I love the fact that I have done and completed the bracelates. Glory to God.
Materials for these bracelates are
Milky coloured bead
Black coloured bead
Beading needle
Fishing line
I will put the fishing line inside the needle hole and also do the same to the second needle. So now both edge will have one needle
Àfter putting the both needle from here I will then put the bracelate hooks inside the fishing line using the both needles to do an intertwine.
I will carry one black beads and use the two needle to go through it in an intertwining maner, from there I will pull it down to meet up with the bracelates hook.
I will put three black beads and one milky coloured beads inside one nee
dle a d pull it down to meetup with the first intertwin black,
Next I will used the other second needle to put another three black coloured beads and also one milky coloured beads and also pull it down to the first black intertwin beads.

Next one i will still put another three black beads and also a milky coloured beads and then do the same to the left side and i will used the black beads to intertwin them together.
Next one i will still put another three black beads and also a milky coloured beads and then do the same to the left side and i will used the black beads to intertwin them together.
Next one i will still put another three black beads and also a milky coloured beads and then do the same to the left side and i will used the black beads to intertwin them together.
Next one i will still put another three black beads and also a milky coloured beads and then do the same to the left side and i will used the black beads to intertwin them together.
I will now use the needles to go through the last hooks so that I can complete the bracelates and make it stay at a place whenever it is being worn.
Beautiful ❤️
This is so beautiful