Warhammer - The Enemy Within - by Richard Lee Byers - Book Review



I always have a book with me, it's my escape button if I am ever bored or stuck somewhere. I always keep a backup book in my backpack when I go out, or go to work. My backup book for a few months was The Enemy Within, a Warhammer book by Richard Lee Byers.

I found this book at a thrift store for $1.00. It was in horrible shape. The pages were stained, the spine busted, the pages well worn. It looked like someone actually read this book and threw it around a room. I instantly buy any Warhammer or Magic the Gathering novels I find at any thrift store, no matter the quality.

This book is about a celestial mage called Dieter that is being black maled by a witch hunter named Krieger. Dieter was ordered to be a spy for the empire and uncover the identity of a chaos coven leader named the Changer of Ways.

This is a relatively easy to read book for a Warhammer Black library book. Some are a little long winded and hard to get into. This one is a fairly simple story, so the mental entry is not too much. Only a few character and a single plot.

There is only a hint of romance in this book and it is not much more than a humanizing aspect of a character than a focus. Like many of the Warhammer books I have read this is a grimdark setting, so the heroes are not really that perfect and the enemies are not that evil. Everyone has their own motivations and there is a level of balance to the morally grey world of Warhammer.

This is one of the better simple Warhamme Novels I have read, although typical. They always center around the Empire and Humans as storytellers. Any other race is just an enemy or a side character. If you like Tzeentch lore, this is the book for you. I can't remember any other novel that was centered around this form of chaos. The book is actually kind of short for a Warhammer novel, coming in at only 253 pages. You could easily read it in a weekend even if you are a slow reader. It took me a long time to read this one because I only ever read a chapter at a time.

The story is an investigation into the workings of a cult, the power structure and politics of being in a cult and the struggle of resisting the temptations of chaos. This is a story explaining chaotic mutation and magic. It's also a dig into why people fall to worshipping chaos and what happens to these people. I would definately suggest any Warhammer fan to check this book out, its really cheap on secondhand stores. I can't believe they sold it new for $7.99 new. Never buy books new...


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