Experimenting on 37 Criminals Dcity


Dcity just created a new mechanic where you can experiment on junk citizens and have a chance to turn them into some amazing cards. It only cost 300 SIM to experiment on cards. If you have a full prison of criminals like me, this is an amazing opportunity! Even the sick citizens you get for most of these experiments is a tax refund! Who cares about popularity, tax refunds are guaranteed income from dCity! You could even get war shares from this.

Cards player can get from Experiments:

Screenshot 2022-11-23 101712.png

Sick Citizen
Population 1
Income -3
Popularity -3
Tax refund 1-3

Super Citizen
Population 1
Income -5
Popularity 40
Tax refund 10

Super Criminal
Population 1
Income 20
Popularity 20
Tax refund 5

Super Soldier
Population 1
Income -20
Popularity -20
Tax refund 10
War shares 20

Super Cop
Population 1
Income -10
Popularity -10
Tax refund 10

Lets roll the dice and see what I get!

10800 Sim to experiment on 36 criminals.

lol. and I got 36 sick citizens.

Screenshot 2022-11-23 101508.png

This is fine because I have tons of unemployment to eat through that negative popularity effects population. That 36 guaranteed income now! Those criminals cost 300 sim to turn into 850 sim valued sick sims!

I love this new mechanic!

0.003 PAL