Things to expect between 17 and 33


Things to expect:

17-20 is the stage of CURIOSITY and Defiance.

You have been given all the rules and now it’s time to apply them accordingly but something inside you that makes want to question everything you’ve been taught/told from puberty to morality.

This is the stage where curiosities usually kills the cat because there’s so much about life and human behavior that you will never understand until you hit 20.

20-23 is the stage of CONTRADICTION and indecision.

After your curiosity has led you to uncovering secrets and breaking rules rules you aren’t supposed to, You are going to gain access to information and knowledge that’ll challenge everything you’ve been told or taught and it’ll affect your sanity and judgement.

This is the stage where insecurities grow, doubts, regrets, fear of the unknown and every other confusion sets in to break your confidence.

You will most likely make and repeat a lot of mistakes because at this stage, You are still of the verge of discovering yourself. You may not even know what you want or who you are until you hit 23.

23- 30 is the stage of EXPOSURE and Experience.

Now you have made many mistakes and learned all your lessons, You now understand why the rules were created in the Curiosity stage.

The information and knowledge you have gained is going to give you a better understanding of life and human behavior but not without trials.


This is the stage where you’ll want to take your life and business decisions seriously but the distractions and disappointments will keep getting on your last nerve.

In this stage, you’ve discovered that human nature is selfish and manipulative and if you are not careful, You will be used.

30-33+ is the stage of TREPIDATION and what ifs.

The fear of not finding love or happiness. The fear of growing old and losing one’s appearance to wrinkles. The fear of stigmatization and not measuring up to social standards.

Most w||men find comfort in marriage but others will constantly face the music of a society that will always remind her of the things she is expected to have achieved before 30.

If you are unmarried at this stage, the pressure doubles and your chances may appear slim but it is not. You are still young and vibrant, quit sulking and get fully involved with work and business.

The more financially stable or successful you become in business the higher your chances to finding love and true happiness.

