Alive & Thriving Thankful Thursday : I Fixed It! πŸ™Œ || AATYr5 || Slice of Life πŸ˜†


Happy #thankfulThursday πŸ™Œ Honestly, there are lots to be thankful for each and every day. At times, we do encounter challenges. However, we somehow find a way around them or through them. I do my best not to dwell on the challenges but on the lessons learned each time. That helps me grow and be more in control of my emotions. (There are times when it's tough. Just be accepting of what you feel -- even when it means anger or frustration and move forward.) Hey, I'm a work in progress. I guess that's what it means being a spirit having a human experience. πŸ€”


So, exactly what did I fix? πŸ”§ Remember the electric fan with the loose head? Out of the blue, an idea popped in my head. πŸ’‘ It's one of those times when you get a suggestion from some spirit guide that presents a solution to a problem. Thank goodness that I do listen to it. πŸ˜‚ My electric fan is working now -- no more disruptions to the fan schedule. πŸ‘


Cat mom Nian and her kittens are enjoying the sun at the back area. I now keep the back door open all day (and night) except when I'm turning on the cooling system. That's my natural weather forecast on whether it would rain at all. This was taken last Chooseday when it was too dry (and warm). I know when it's likely to rain when even the cats stay out of the open back area. πŸ˜‚


I'm thankful that today is a better day. πŸ™β€οΈπŸ’‘ It's not perfect though as I had issues with my Internet connection all of a sudden around half an hour or so before my day work ended. Thankfully, I have mobile data and reported the issue to the provider. I find it strange that I do not get to talk to anyone (customer service) but the issue gets fixed somehow. It doesn't happen often, thankfully.

I still actively work on these affiliate sites daily. Nowadays I get to do more on each site. Hopefully, that helps me earn extra and get to payout limit faster on LeadsLeap.

Now, it's time to wrap things up. The outdoor kitties are missing, like they're all having a meeting somewhere. πŸ€” I just fed them earlier. I wonder where they all went. Mini's still outside as usual. I swear she's fast becoming the big boss in the flat. 🀣 I can't exactly lock up with her outside. πŸ™„ Anyway, we're a day closer to the weekend again! Hope you're having a great day! Nighty night from Manila. Ta-tah! πŸ‘‹



credits for the new signature : @stdd

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB



I hope the kitties finished with their secret meeting and came home.

I love it when I get messages from my spirit guide and can fix things.
