A difficult coexistence [ENG-ESP]
Greetings dear friends of Hive Pets, after several days of absences due to personal problems, I am back in this beautiful community to tell you how have been the days of coexistence between Muñeca and Coco with the arrival of Balto. Some time ago I had already told you that I rescued a puppy in street condition, [they named him Balto](https://hive.blog/hive-196708/@hylene74/and-they-named-him-balto-another-rescued-puppy-eng-en-esp).
The truth is that those were very difficult days, when the herd grows it is not always a reason for joy, new members are not always welcomed with pleasure, and that is exactly what happened to Balto. At first, Doll looked at him with some mistrust, but, then she accepted him, I have always said it, she is an angel with a little tail, she gets along well with everyone. It is normal that at the beginning there is some distrust because they do not know each other. However, I think that after a couple of days they were both playing, although I noticed that she did not tolerate some things from Balto, like when he took her bed, Muñe would move away, but she never fought. Balto and Muñeca could spend the whole day together, but it was not the same with Coco.
I thought that Coco would be more receptive taking into account that he was in street conditions, but no, I was surprised to see that he did not accept Balto, when he saw him he barked at him and that was not the worst, Balto barked back. Being this way, the situation is complicated, Coco is older, for the time that has passed since I decided to take him out of that hostile environment, he must be a year old approximately, that puppy that arrived home with a sad countenance, was left behind. Balto and Coco were like water and oil, that's why I never dared to put them together. This meant that the situation became stressful for me, I had to hide Balto to take Coco out into the garden after lunch to do his business. Balto wouldn't listen, so I had to bribe him with dog food to get him to come into the room so I could take Coco out.
She had to keep them always separated, Coco with Doll or Balto with Doll, she was the neutral of the three. With this situation, the urgency of finding a home for Balto was imminent. The days went by and the possibility of an adoption became more and more remote. I was asking if anyone wanted a puppy and everyone said no. I was resigning myself to the fact that “he is going to be adopted”. I was resigning myself, “he will stay at home”, I thought, and at the same time I imagined the stress of keeping them separated to avoid fights. However, something happened and there was a change in everyone's life.
To be continued……….
Thank you for reading
The photos are originals taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9 phone
Saludos estimados amigos de Hive Pets, después de varios días de ausencias por problemas personales, estoy de vuelta en esta hermosa comunidad para contarles como han sido los días de convivencia entre Muñeca y Coco con la llegada de Balto. Hace ya un tiempo que les había contado que rescaté a un perrito en condición de calle, [lo llamaron Balto](https://hive.blog/hive-196708/@hylene74/and-they-named-him-balto-another-rescued-puppy-eng-esp).
La verdad es que fueron días muy difíciles, cuando la manada crece no siempre es motivo de alegría, los nuevos miembros no siempre son bienvenidos con beneplácito, y eso fue lo que justamente le pasó a Balto. En principio, Muñeca lo miraba con algo de desconfianza, pero, luego lo aceptó, siempre lo he dicho, ella es un ángel con colita, se la lleva bien con todos. Es normal que en principio haya algo de desconfianza porque no se conocen. No obstante, creo que al cabo de un par de días ambos ya estaban jugando, aunque notaba que ella no toleraba algunas cosas de Balto, como cuando le quitaba su cama, Muñe se apartaba, pero nunca peleó. Balto y Muñeca podían pasar todo el día juntos, más, no sucedió lo mismo con Coco.
Pensé que Coco sería más receptivo tomando en cuenta que estuvo en condición de calle, pero no, me sorprendió ver que no aceptaba a Balto, cuando lo veía le ladraba y eso no era lo peor, Balto le respondía el ladrido. Siendo así, la situación se complica, Coco está más grande, por el tiempo que ha pasado desde que decidí sacarlo de aquel ambiente hostil, debe tener un año de edad aproximadamente, aquel cachorrito que llegó a casa con un semblante triste, quedó atrás. Balto y Coco eran como agua y aceite, por eso nunca me atreví a ponerlos juntos. Esto significaba que la situación se volvió estresante para mí, tenía que esconder a Balto para sacar a Coco al jardín después de comer para que hiciera sus necesidades. Balto no hacía caso, tenía que sobornarlo con perrarina para que entrara al cuarto y así poder sacar a Coco.
Tenía que tenerlos siempre separados, Coco con Muñeca o Balto con Muñeca, ella era el neutro de los tres. Con ésta situación era inminente la urgencia de encontrarle hogar a Balto. Los días fueron pasando y cada vez era más remota la posibilidad de una adopción. Estuve preguntando si alguien quería un perrito y todos decían que no. Me estaba resignando, “se va a quedar en casa”, pensaba, y a la vez imaginaba ese estrés de mantenerlos separados para evitar peleas. Sin embargo, algo pasó y hubo un cambio en la vida de todos.
Gracias por leer
Las fotos son originales tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi 9
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So cute 🥰
Que bonita historia, espero por esa continuación 💕
Hola, pronto... saludos.
Cómo vas a dejar el post así con ese final? jajajaja necesito saber qué pasó? jajajaja no me dejes así XD
La verdad es que vives una odisea con tus peludos, espero que todo se resuelva. Balto me hizo reir mucho con esas orejas tan grandes, espero que no lo regales, merece un buen hogar. Además, pienso que castrándo a uno de tus dos perritos machos todo irá mejor. Gracias por compartir tan hermosas fotos, saludos! 💕
Hola, esa historia es larga, pero con un buen final. Saludos.
Its sad to see both species of animals doesn't get along well, I experience that with our cat. At first they are really not in good terms. But as time goes by, they got accustomed to each other. I hope on your next story, they will get along well na, so that they can live together with you.
Hi, I was afraid they would fight, so I always kept them apart. In the next story I will tell you what happened with my pets. Thanks for visiting. Regards