Mental Health Break and Why It’s Important


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The Philippines has been under strict quarantine protocols for two years now, and only now does it feel that covid cases are slowly dwindling down.

Covid has affected every single sector in our society, one of which is our educational system.

Online classes and studying at home might sound like a dream to most students when we were still in face-to-face classes, now this dream has turned into a nightmare.

Although online classes have some perks like lesser costs, more time to spend with families, and home comfort, the disadvantages immensely outweigh the benefits.

Studying online has imprisoned me in my room; I spend all my time facing my laptop or phone, which is really draining. Having no time to go outside, talk to friends, or collaborate with classmates is seriously depressing.

Additionally, most of our professors don’t teach that well; they just send us PDFs of books and expect us to do very well during exams.

Online classes have really taken their toll on every student in the Philippines.

Studying online is much harder than face-to-face classes because we students tend to double down on studying because we can’t comprehend our lessons in one take because of annoying distractions in our homes.

Imagine having to study while you have chores, barking dogs, and attending to the needs of your siblings; it’s such a nuisance. Face-to-face classes gave us a proper learning environment to focus on our studies and not think about anything else.

A mental health break is such a great help to us struggling students. We can relax for a while, do our hobbies, spend time outside, and acclimate to our lessons a bit more.

It’s such an incredible sight to see that a lot more people acknowledge the importance of mental health and why we should take utmost care of it. In the past, that argument would get you ridiculed as ordinary people would label someone crazy or dramatic for having mental health issues.

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I hope that lots more people become aware of just how important mental health is. Our mental health is crucial in making rational decisions and helps us get through real-life problems much more systematically.

Mentally unhealthy people might tend to make bad decisions. They might make problems a lot worse instead of solving them.

I also hope that most of our citizens become more aware of mental health problems and actually acknowledge them as legitimate medical conditions like fevers or urinary tract infections.

You can’t treat UTIs by simply saying “get over it” or “man up,” there are tons of medications you must take to help your condition become better. This is the same for mental health issues as well.

Seeking help or counseling is something that we should be more open to and not humiliate.

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I once talked to a classmate of mine who once sought out the help of a psychiatrist, and once she got home, her aunts and neighbors labeled her as a crazy/insane person. I could have never known how she must have felt, but I know that that must have hurt like hell, especially coming from people who you thought cared for you.

Asking for help is something we never should be afraid of. It’s normal, and mental health issues should be treated like every other medical condition out there.

If taking breaks is something that you think you should do, then do it. Taking breaks from the hustle and bustle of life tends to work for me, and just playing with my dog seems to make me feel better.

Please do your part and help spread the importance of mental health!


Thank you for reading my post! And I wish you all a great week ahead!

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I hope that lots more people become aware of just how important mental health is. Our mental health is crucial in making rational decisions and helps us get through real-life problems much more systematically.

This is so true. I wish that more people will be educated and/or educate themselves about the importance of mental health. You can't just live day by day and pretend its normal when deep inside you are broken and could barely function. Thank you for this article @humbledwriter. By the way, in case you haven't read, @patsitivity has some blogposts about mental health, anxiety, and depression. You should check it out!

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Thank you so much!! I agree, a lot of people suffer from it every day and it's made worse by people disregarding it as a medical condition. Yes, I read @patsitivity's blogs a lot; she gives a great perspective on her journey to wellness.

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I think recently people talk about it more that before but it's not enough to break the stigma for other to share their stories and reach out for help!

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Hello @asasiklause, @humbledwriter! Speaking of mental health break, I just did a full 7-day break from certain things including Hive. I also need to focus on my work as it gets way too demanding during the BER months.

One lesson I'd like to share is: THE WORLD CAN WAIT. At times, we're afraid to take breaks because we fear missing out on a lot of things. If you think a break is necessary to move forward, by all means, take a break. You don't even need to explain to people (except in your work tho you really need to notify your boss). I've spent the week reassessing this year's goals and drafting some changes to help me become better and think of what I'd want to do next year. Haha, yes, I plan ahead hehe. Cheers!

And thank you @humbledwriter for writing about this topic. I hope we go beyond writing it. I hope we talk about it with our friends, classmates, and family so that more and more people will get to acknowledge the importance of Mental Health!

I really hope you too are doing great! Sending peace and love your ways guys! ❤️

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Im literally having goosebumps reading your reply. I could totally relate to that mental break. I also did that a week a go but i was still active online, but my time was only directed to something essential and then more resting. I'm planning to take a break soon after this busy shenanigans brought by the Ber Months. We will make it through!!! Thanks Pat! 🤗

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Thank you! I always feel that I have to constantly do something productive every day, but I now realize that breaks are also an integral part in moving forward and being productive.

I wish you all the best too!!!

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That's true, @humbledwriter! I feel that all the time, the urge to do as many things as possible in one day. But I'm taking things slowly this time around so I won't end up with the worst burnout ever again. Taking breaks doesn't have to be an entire week, it can be an hour, a day as long as you give your body, mind, and spirit the chance to recuperate. :)

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That's great to hear. Thank you for your advice!!

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Hi @humbledwriter, I agree we should definitely raise awareness on mental health especially as our country is still under quarantine. Just want to ask as I am no longer a student, how your school implements a mental health break?

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Hi! Well, basically our school gave us 5 days to relax. Which means no activities, no classes, and no nothing really. They gave us time to do what we want to do.

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Oh I see. Enjoy your mental health break! We all need it 😊

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Don't forget to exercise everyday. This will keep your mind and body in good condition.

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Oh, yes that too! Thank you for your advice!!

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It's good that you talk about mental health with a personal touch on it. Most people disregard mental health issues just because some dont find any relevance to it or worst, are in denial. But when you know of someone with a firsthand experience, you slowly recognize the issues within you that you never thought you have. More people talking about it, more people realize they need things to get done. ☺️

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I completely agree! When people don't have first-hand experience, they don't bother thinking about it and do not take it seriously. Thank you so much for appreciating my blog!

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The shift from traditional learning to online learning has truly taken a toll on my mental health. Being at home most of the time, facing my laptop while doing schoolwork has been draining! that's why I make sure to do at least one thing for myself everyday to rest my mind for a bit and most importantly for my mental health☺️ thanks for sharing this. I truly hope that people would continue to spread awareness about mental health conditions. and together let us stop the stigma ☺️👍🏼

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I know! This online learning method is super draining, and I can't even absorb all of the information they throw at us.

Perhaps I should also do some things for myself, to just clear my mind.

Thank you for reading! I hope you have a great week ahead!!

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...they just send us PDFs of books and expect us to do very well during exams.

This absolutely reminds me of my prof where I got a 0 (zero) for a quiz T^T. As an accounting student, we deal with monetary amounts so, my answers have .00 (point zero-zero), but the gform answers are like "100", but mine is "100.00" My prof didn't even consider this, lol. That situation really took a toll on my mental health for months, and since then, my performance in class has decreased cos 1st-time makakuha ng ganung score. Until now, I'm still gaining confidence in my educational aspect, lalo sa quiz, coz of that :<<<

...her aunts and neighbors labeled her as a crazy/insane person.

It must've been hard for her :< Mental health check up is also like a physical check up. My fam don't want us to have a check up too about this. Baka raw kasi sabihin ng kapitbahay na kinakawawa sa loob ng house, lmao, what an ewwy reason T^T

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I've dealt with that too, gforms is a menace to society ahhahahahaha, but I'm glad our professor double-checked it though. That quiz experience must've been scary, I wish you all the best in your exams and I know you can come back and finish your course with flying colors!!!

I know, people should really be more aware about mental health issues mygad Pinas hahahahaha.

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