Events That Have Occurred


Happy greetings to all hive friends every where. Thank you Reflections Community by @tarazkp as manager. First time Join the Reflections Community.


We don't know what life Will bring in the future, like the incident I experienced several month ago. Starting with a trip using a vehicle with the aim of leaving the city.

The distance is quite for around 200 kilometers, the journey took around six hours then another 20 kilometers to reach my destination. There was a natural even in the form of Landslide.

Came from local Resident who happened to be passing by after the vehicle stopped. They said a Landslide had just occurred indeed the area that was hit by the Landslide is a hill area, but what I pass is smooth.

Because I passed by this place several time with landslide the vehicle stated slowly and finally stopped completely. When it was also pouring with rain. In my mind would it be better for me to turn around? Look for an alternative route, but this road is the only route between Cities.

I looked at the vehicle's rear view mirror behind my vehicle there were quite a long number of vehicle that had stopped various of vehicles. All the vehicle couldn't run to fill this kind of boredom, I tried to listen to music in the vehicle from the flash disk, changing to listening to the local frequency radio oclastionally informing about Landslides that had occurred.

After waiting for about two and a half hours, the car slowly started to move. Vehicle traffic at the scene with an open and close. The queue around fifteen Cars could go thoough and then alternate Cars in the opposite direction then I arrived at the destination city.

Self reflection that you need mental preparation and patience every time you travel, because at any time something can happen such as natural events that cannot be prediction, enjoy the trip with a happy heart.
Thank you very much.
June 7,2024.

