Everyday we keep hearing or even saying this word to ourselves or even to others. Fear is just an illusion but can be real which either makes you superior or inferior. I have fears for different things and people and I sometimes want to give up on some things but I somehow don't.
Whenever I'm given a task, I always try to be among the best because I don't want to fail. I've come to learn how to strive through any situation because I don't want to be left behind. I always believe that no matter how hard a situation might be, there's always a solution to it so I don't let myself give up on any situation. My fear of failure kind of always brings the best out of me.
I always try to put myself in people's places before I speak but somehow I always end up misinterpreting their good intentions and this might make us have some misunderstandings. Sometimes when I'm asked to be the judge about an argument, I most times end up misinterpreting things and it might cause malice between me and persons involved. So now I always try my best to always say nothing in an argument so I don't misinterpret people.
Ever since I learnt that there is life after death, I've always tried my best to always do the things that are right in the sight of God and man but sometimes I find myself doing things I should not be doing and at this point I always turn to the right path because I don't want to loose my life.
I know so many persons are also scared of missing heaven but the question is, Are we ready to obey the word of God? I've come to realize that we always say we believe in God, we are Christians and yet we don't want to accept the teachings of the Bible instead we follow that of man. The Bible has given us the way to eternal life but we still choose to follow the teachings of men.
This reminds me of the mistakes of the Israelites, they knew God was powerful but they still did not believe in him. They wanted the God that they could see physically like other nations so they started making gods with their golden earrings and other things. I'm scared of losing heaven but I always end up believing lies because that's what is comfortable for me, that's what my parents have been doing, that's what the society believe is right so that's what I'm doing.
Not because it's what God said but because what men says. I'm trying to study more about the words of God so I can understand his words but I'm seeing some things I don't understand clearly so I'm looking for someone to explain to me. I don't want to miss out on everlasting life and I don't want others to do too.
This is my greatest fear, loosing my life, I don't mean this physical life but the spiritual life.
Thank you for stopping by, see you at my next blog ❣️❣️. |
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When it comes to children, fear is bad because it can not adds anything to them, rather than making them to be frightened and not happy , but when life's of an adult are being considered, it can at time's metamorphoses to something important, that is Making an adult to be equipped and ready to take on the rough road inorder to free up it mind.
Brought to you by @dreemport
So true, I'm glad you stopped by, thank you so much, I truly appreciate it.
You are welcome
Yeah 🤗🤗.
wow... what a great post!!!
when I used to be younger - I also feared this... until I read this verse.
Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
hehee that means - nothing, no - nothing, can separate us from His love once He has made us His! Look at that list of all the things that the apostle Paul mentions - and reassures us - if those thing can't... then nothing can. NOTHING will separate you from HIS LOVE when you are His! hehehe
so you - (and @merit.ahama) can rest in His arms and just trust that if you are His - you are His forever! ❤️
I'll pray that you will know this fully!!
seeing this from our beloved DreemPort! hehe
I've read that verse a number of times and reading it again now has renewed the assurance in my heart.
Thanks for this ma'am 😊
Wow, I'm happy to know that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ if he has chosen us. But the problem I'm having is, can we just be anywhere or do just anything that is good and be rest assured that we will make heaven? Please I'd really love to know.
Losing our lives is something to be scared of really, no one wants to die. But living our lives to please God is the best right now cos we gain nothing if we lose our lives without Christ. But having a good relationship with God will ensure that even if we die now, we will live again. I saw this from dreemport ❤️
Yes that is true, I just hope we keep following the teachings of Christ.
Thank you for stopping Ma'am, I truly appreciate your contribution.
I fear death..because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to achieve my goals before it happens..
That's amazing, I hope you achieve all your dreams dear. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your amazing comment dear.
We all have fears. Some big and others small. The way out is how to deal with our fears. No man is perfect but we must strive.
Nice post.
Yeah that is true.
I'm glad you stopped by 🤗🤗.
Fear of losing my spiritual life... A very strong fear if I should call it that 🙌 we pray we make it to eternity.
Well written dear, all the best with your entry ❤️
Thank you sweetheart, I wish you the best too ☺️☺️.
Thanks ❤️
You're welcome dear.
Interesting post, is the bible also written by man though?
Yes it is.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment.
Fear of missing heaven is one major fear I have too. What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. Each time I remember the fact that once heaven is missed, it is eternal damnation, it sends shivers done my spine..the crazy part of it all is that one does not even know when death will come. It comes like a thief in the night. This is why I try my best possible to live a good life at all time so when it eventually happens, at least I'll have hope of eternal rest.
Great post.
Yes that's just the major way out. I'm glad you stopped by and left such amazing contribution ☺️☺️.
I hope we keep doing the will of God.