Generally, the concept of change is one that a lot of persons find tasking to accept. Everyone just wants to do whatever they want to do with no one interfering with it, whether it be something good or nay. We enjoy the cruise of being the boss in whatever we have made up our minds to do and that’s how we get the satisfaction to keep doing whatever it is we do. The truth is, no one likes being told what to do, not even a one year old child. We all just want to do our things the way we want to do them and don’t have anyone criticize or judge us about them.

I’d say, a lot of us have our conception of what change is and what brings about change. Recently, I got the opportunity to hear a message on what change is and one thing that stick so much to me was what indeed brings about change. According to the speaker, he said that change is as a result of the information we feed our mind over time. I believe this is true because a person who is addicted to something, did not just start getting addicted to that thing in a day, it is as a result of constant interaction with such a thing.

The most interesting part is, most times, those things that are not good for us as humans are the things our mind easily processes and save up, why? Easy! It’s basically because they get into our minds in small quantities, they know how to make themselves comfortable. It’s just like in your phone storage, most times you don’t really care about those files that are occupying little space in your phone’s memory, instead you focus more on those large files. And most times, you even have to clear up some important files because they are larger.

Now, you as a person undergo some certain changes over time because you kept consuming a particular information over time. As the simple but true saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. If you want to get better at something, it’s easy, just be consistent at it. Although, sometimes it’s just easier to take in things that have smaller storage than those with larger storage. For example, let’s say you need a file of about 650MB for an important job application and also a video of just 23MB which is not concerned with helping you get that job, which of them do you think will take a shorter time to enter your device? Obviously the 23MB video.

With this in mind, we now know that daily, our minds have so many battles it fights just to make sure it gives us the best but guess what, the mind doesn’t know what and what you need, so it just focuses on the things you consume and that is how it estimates what you need. So if you keep filling your minds with things that will benefit you, that is what the mind will use overtime, to form your new habit which we can refer to as change. So by now, I’m very sure I have been able to make it clear to you that, the things you feed your mind is what causes you as a person to exhibit changes.

So my little advice is, for you to really be the boss you think in your subconscious mind that you are, be in charge of the things that gets into your mind because they just end up defining you as a person whether or not it is who you want to be. You don’t have to consume every information you see because some information just needs you to have encounter with them once for them to get into your subconscious mind and stay rent free, waiting for the right time to manifest itself.

I hope you learn a thing or two from this. Do feel free to leave your questions, your contribution and feedback on the few things I’ve mentioned here. It’s always a pleasure having you stop by ❤️.

Images used are mine


You presented the concept of change in a interesting way and I am quite impressed with the way. I agree with you that change doesn't occur in single day. It takes continuous effort.


Thank you Intishar, I’m glad I could impress you with it.

Yeah, no change happens in a day


It finding it difficult to accept change is one of the common habits of human as a natural effects on the human society.

But we forget to accept that some changes are inevitable.


Those inevitably changes are not even our problem because we can’t change it if we don’t change the ones within our control


change is as a result of the information we feed our mind over time.

This is very interesting and thinking in retrospect, it's true. What we do over the years contributes to the changes in our lives, whether we are aware or not.

I like your advice of being careful with what we feed our minds. It reminds me of one I read that we should guard what enters our thoughts because life flows from it.


I’m happy to have you leave a comment on what I have said and I can see you got the message.

I do have more to say on this but I’d do that in my next post to the community 😊.

Have a great day FG 🥰


It's my pleasure and I look forward to reading further from you :)

Have a beautiful Tuesday :)


Change is scary. Because of the uncertainty of the future which only amplifies the fear, a lot of people are averse to change because it is quite easier and 'safer' to stick to doing the normal.


According to the speaker, he said that change is as a result of the information we feed our mind over time.

This is really valid, Hope. Sometimes, change can be brutal, painful and scary. However, like you mentioned, we are the boss of our minds and we can control our subconsciousness however we want.

A friend of mine (a pastor’s child) grew up in a “perfect” home. He was a good boy until he got to the university and started smoking. The addiction didn’t just start. He started gradually. First, he allowed himself (his mind) to get influenced by his surroundings. He got into it, and that changed his life. He changed from a good boy to a smoker.

Instead of filtering the bad information, he consumed them. I’m pretty sure his friends must have told him to try it just once, “try this thing. It’ll make you feel good.”


That’s just it my love. Our mind is just like a new born baby, it automatically gets use to the one who breastfeeds him or her whether or not it’s the mother or not.

Too bad your friend didn’t get to filter the information that were coming in and virus got in.

Thanks for your thoughtful contribution Fave 🥰
