An estimated 2,500 people rallied at the Washington state capitol in Olympia to protest against Democratic Governor Jay Inslee's stay-at-home order. [Lindsey Wasson/Reuters]
A meta-analysis that was done at Johns Hopkins University has found that:
"The Obvious: It Was All For Nothing"
A Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of all the credible studies concerning lockdowns has found that government measures to contain covid were useless:
This meta-analysis founded that lockdowns caused incredible big economic and social costs all over the world where it was imposed by governments. It had almost no effect in reducing the spread of Covid19. It only reduces mortality with 0.2%.
Because of this finding lockdowns should be rejected‼️
The researchers from JHU’s Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise defined lockdowns broadly “as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). NPIs are any government mandate that directly restrict peoples’ possibilities, such as policies that limit internal movement, close schools and businesses, and ban international travel.”
Governments should have known beforehand what the devastating effects on economies and education would be. It's unbelievable that governments and leaders did not recognize this before lockdowns were imposed.
They started draconian lockdown measures unheard of in history for an impossible gain: a respiratory virus cannot be stopped, lost of lives were a looming certainty.
The researchers compared mortality rates in various states in proportion to the strictness of the lockdowns and find the following:
Hence, based on the stringency index studies, we find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates.
The use of lockdowns is a unique feature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns have not been used to such a large extent during any of the pandemics of the past century. However, lockdowns during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic have had devastating effects. They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy. These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best. Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.
Don't try to soften the blow in saying that it was maybe understandable for governments to do this at the onset of the pandemic. No, it was not, it was ridiculous from the beginning.
What about the people that was excluded from lockdowns? Healthcare workers, Police, Civil servants, Grocery store workers, the Supply chain workers? How were they supposed to be protected, supposed to not come into contact with their lockdown families after work? How would transmission be stopped in cramped places where people stayed in lockdown
Totally illogical from day 1.
Why was the Chinese model accepted and adopted by the world without questioning?
Since when could they be trusted? This super virus was developed in their laboratory in Wuhan.
Even the mask wearing were ridiculous then and still now. Numerous studies showed that a mask cannot stop the aerosol particles of the virus. Small children are having speech problems, and emotional problems because of mask wearing.
Governments failed miserably in this quest to protect their citizens. They knew it were the older citizens, at risk children and those with comorbidities, but they failed to protect them.
And still it's going on, lockdowns, camps for the unvaccinated, vaccine mandates. In which era do we live? The question remains if this draconian measures were really necessary in the light of the death rate?
As I said, and still it's going on, no apology from nowhere. How can we still believe the authorities?
No!!, good going Canada's truckers, let the world follow. Enough is enough.
Thank you for reading.
a year ago suggesting that lockdowns were useless would get you branded as a conspiracy theorist, get you discredited professionally if you were in the medical industry, and get you kicked off of social media for even suggesting it. Funny how that works, huh?
Thank you for commenting. Well, yes the truth is coming out, bit by bit. I think the vaccine truths will also soon be out in the open.
Luckily in South Africa we did not had any further lockdowns even amidst the peak of the Omicron wave. It had come and go. I really hope the end is in sight.
Actually it's not funny, it's pure behavioral psychology. Developed in the early 60's and deployed for the US gov by Rand corp on the North Vietnamese in 1965. This technology has been in continuous development since then.
The impact, effect and outcomes of lockdowns are modeled and recalculated based on real time events producing probabilities of outcome so high they are almost certain.
If you flip a coin and it comes up heads three times in a row, that's luck, if it comes up heads 35 times in a row, the game is rigged. But the sheep keep betting on tails amazed each time it comes up heads....
Thank you for commenting, definitely not funny. We are suffering because of this for 2 years now. Time for it to stop.
Not what we want, but while on the surface it may seem to stop, most likely it will simply transition to whatever is next.
I think it more important to understand these things will continue so we need to manage how we navigate them. As well as teach what I have learned later in life to the younger generation.
As humans become tolerant to their surroundings these things always have to escalate to keep humanity in fear.
Yes, I suppose you are right, that it's just going to change...I believe we are nearing the end days...
Thank you for the upvotes. Very much appreciated.
You are welcome! I have some thought regarding end times and would love to understand your thoughts on my perspective, at a later time.
I am in the process of swapping some HIVE, don't tell anyone, for POKT to run a node. Actually several nodes.
That would be interesting. My endtime views is based on what the Bible teach. Would be interesting to hear about yours
Cheers and Good Luck!
Yes, some people is coming to realise the truth. The truth will have to prevail in the long run. Hiding the true facts is getting harder and harder.
I have not read the book yet but this looks very interesting. This roll up from twitter gives a good intro for the book as well as the youtube clip at the end.
I bet this doesn't stop various governments from using lockdowns in many places around the world still.
Keep doing what you've been doing and you'll keep getting what you've been getting. People just need to stop complying and I am happy to see that a lot of the world is doing precisely that.
Thank you for commenting. You are right, we are lucky in South Africa, we did not had any lockdown with the last wave of the Omicron variant. Just still mask wearing mandates, restricted number of people at gatherings.
People are tired of everything and yes the world is wakening up. Blessings
do you think this is because your government wisened up or was it because the people were not going to tolerate it anymore? I recall when SA had some really hardcore lockdowns and made traveling from place to place illegal and even banned alcohol and strangely, cigarettes as well.
I think government has wisened up a bit and realised that they can't keep on destroying our economy. We have a 34% unemployment rate.
Big companies started to take government to court for lockdowns destroying their business especially alcohol companies.
The supposed logic after the cigarette ban was that in poorer areas people share cigarettes.
Currently fights in court over companies bringing in vaccine mandates. Unions are winning as our constitution allow for freedom of choice.