How to teach little children about God - Part 2
In part 1 we taught the little ones what God did and is still doing.
He is the creator of everything and He is our provider.
What is God?
God is a Supreme being.
He is bigger and greater than anything else.
He is greater than any super hero.
God is spirit.
He cannot been seen. Its like the wind, you can feel it but you can't see it.
God is a Triune God, He is more than one, three persons but one being.
Yes, that is difficult to understand even for adults.
It's like a candle it has 3 components, the wax, the wick and when you light it, the flame. Together all 3 makes the candle. The wax on it's own is not a candle, the wix on it's own is not a candle, without the wax and the wick, there is no flame. So only the 3 components together make a candle.
God is:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Spirit
God have certain human traits.
Like us He can feel, see, hear etc. but He has no limits. He is Omnipresent, that means He can hear and see everywhere at once. Does not matter where you are.
Because God is Omnipresent He sees us.
He is always with us. We are never alone. When you are afraid and feeling alone, remember God is with you.
He hear our prayers.
When you talk to God it's called prayers. He hears our prayers and answers them.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you!!!