Splinterlands Daily Quest Stream Replay - May 22, 2023


Today's stream featured a few guests: Prime Rogue, and the very well spoken and coffee fuelled gentlefolk @onthemountain

We proposed a rather radical bunch of ideas, including a proposal whereby we engage antibot activities in ensuring that all players must submit a captcha consisting of the creation of a splinter lands meme in order find and play a game:

We propose the synthesis of a novel, experimental proof of humanity integration, synergising to declare war upon the inhuman and tyrannical miscreants that extract beneficial outcomes from the Splinterlands eco system.

The ontology of this project is firmly rooted in a traditional illustrative and participatory experience of engagement informed by the work by Richard Dawkins and other incredibly intelligent cultural theorists and anthropologists who in the past were called futurists.

As we populate a world premised on the scarcity of resources notably and most important SPS, we must ensure that all human offspring are considered carefully in any change in socio-economic, political, cultural, epistemological or revolutionary use cases for the DAO.

  • Once the battle button is clicked a randomly generated Splinterlands meme template is assigned to the user
  • The user must, in 30 seconds or less, create an original, unique and hilarious Splinterlands related commentary
  • The opponent synchronously does the same
  • Once both memes have been created, the players must review the memes with a thumbs up or thumbs down
  • A thumbs up will result in +3 rating, while a thumbsdown will result in -28 rating

-This rating will be allocated on a new leaderboard with the same divisions as the existing ladder

The instrumental and performative nature of the SPS rating system will play a increasingly salient role in the outcomes of humanity.

So there you have it, the ultimate Splinterlands community proposal. Will you vote for it?

Until next time...

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Thanks as always for your time!

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