Splinterlands Daily Quest Stream Replay - July 31, 2023


It's time to see if bots being banned from modern is a good thing and if it ensures that I get a higher win rate.

I went on a few rants about various things in this stream, and I think I made some of hte audience sit up and pay attention. My view :Now that we've "banned" bots in modern - are large farms of scholars just bots with more steps?

If you want an interesting, one sided rant about how I've found a new hill to die on, watch this stream replay.

Otherwise, don't. :D

Until next time...

Want more holoz0r and Splinterlands?

If you prefer sleeping in your designated time zone, go watch replays on YouTube.

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If you haven't started playing Splinterlands, you should do that immediately. It's very good fun.

Go and watch me open season rewards and packs on YouTube!

Want more content from me?

Witness my futile efforts to play my Steam Game collection in alphabetical order.

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Thanks as always for your time!

0.058 PAL


Glad to see your winning is good and amazing.

0.000 PAL

Someday, I'd sit my ass down to know how this game works
I'm really interested

0.000 PAL

You are back! You are alive, and didn't die during your stream! Well done:)

0.000 PAL