Productivity Starts With The Right Mindset



You can really accomplish anything you want if you have the right mindset. Your mind is your most powerful tool and your biggest challenger when it comes to productivity. Your mind is the thing that tells you to wait until tomorrow or to watch one more episode instead of starting your work. Your mind is also capable of incredible power to push you in the right direction and keep you on track to get the job done.

Your mindset is crucial to beginning to change your work habits and strengthen good work routines as well as kicking unhelpful and unproductive habits and routines to the curb. If you are feeling down and depressed about really thing, that can be a certain productivity killer. If you are in this kind of mindset, you will not be able to focus on your tasks that need your attention because you have your mind set on other things in your life. It can be hard at times to keep your personal life out of your work life. Sometimes, it's not even all of that, and just a lack of motivation.

Changing Your Mindset Sets You On The Right Path

But how can you change your mindset? Well this is something that is handled in different ways. If you are looking for a long-term change, you can change your mindset by creating new neural pathways in your brain related to your workday and productivity by practicing a variety of mindfulness and mental exercises. Short term, there are a variety of techniques you can use at the moment to help your mindset enter a positive and productive state.

Changing your mindset at the moment is a challenge for some people. However, it is not something to be afraid of! Just as previously stated, your mind is your best tool. You have ownership of your mind. It is yours and therefore you can create any change you want!

Using Meditation and Exercise As A Productivity Tool

To help create a more positive and productive mindset quickly, try meditation. Mediation may seem like a long-term solution, but taking a moment to reduce your stress through meditation is extraordinarily helpful. Meditation is known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, help return the body to homeostasis, and even lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol in your body.

This happens all through the breath. Deep and full breathing is a core aspect of mediation and can help oxygenate the blood. When we get stressed at work, we tense our shoulders, back, or stomach. We begin to take shallower and shorter breaths. Taking long and slow deep breaths can help increase your blood oxygen levels and increase blood flow to your brain to help sharpen your focus.

Mediation can also be practiced daily to see even stronger long- term results of relaxation and increased focus while working. Another long-term or short-term practice you can incorporate into your mindset training is yoga! Yoga is not only for flexible people, it is for everyone. A yoga practice can help you to increase blood flow around your body to help increase focus and productivity at work.

Now, especially the guys reading this may not be down with doing some yoga, but at least do some mindful stretching. Making sure your body stays relaxed and limber can really help your mood. It helps keep the blood flowing, which also helps in creativity.

It is also great to get your body moving if you feel unproductive! Exercise is crucial to a healthy mind. If you are feeling foggy or fatigued, that means your blood needs to get moving. You need to spread out your work time to allow for some time to get up and move around. If your body isn't moving, your mind isn't grooving. If you are at a desk for allot of the day tied down by a boss, then you might think about getting a peddle machine so that you can bike while you work. At least it helps keep you moving.

Getting up and standing is a great way to at least keep your blood flowing while you work. Think about getting a standing desk. These things are magical. Standing while you work can help increase your production because it forces your body to be upright and as you are standing, you will be able to move around a bit, which helps keep that blood flowing.

Changing The Way You Think About Work

Another way to change your mindset is to change the way you think about work and productivity. If you tell yourself, “I have to do this project and I don’t want to,” you are going to be unhappy while doing it and avoid starting! You will drag it out because you do not feel like it and you will make your mindset worse. Try speaking and thinking about your tasks in a more positive way! Try “I get to do this task and show off my skills!” Or "Man, I get to write articles on Hive for a living and get paid for my efforts without having a boss!" I have to tell myself these things allot to keep the motivation for creating content. It really goes for any job or task.

How you think about the tasks you have to accomplish, or the mood you are in when you are approaching those tasks can make all the difference in the world. It all goes back to being in the right mindset.

Changing Your Environment To Promote Productivity

Changing the way you think about something will change your mindset over time. You can also change your workspace to be helpful towards your productivity. For example, if you tend to get distracted when you go get a glass of water, then put a glass or pitcher of water in your workspace. Optimizing your workspace for our needs is a way of increasing your positivity in your mindset and helping you to get over the productivity block!

Having a cluttered workspace can wreck havoc on your productivity. Keeping your workspace clean and organized can really help you get through your day because you will be spending less time looking for things, and more time working on things. It also helps keep your mind uncluttered as well. Usually when my environment starts to get messy, there is something going on in my mind that needs to be addressed.

Addressing Changes in Mood and Mindset

Your mindset can and will fluctuate throughout the day, starting clear and typically positive in the morning and tapering into a more negative outlook by early afternoon. Our mindsets can change as easily as the weather, and often change along with our emotions. This can come from issues with a boss, client, or just things not working right. Mastering how you emotionally relate to your workspace and environment is an integral part of mastering your mindset!

Learn to identify when and why your mood begins to shift throughout the day. Midday burnout? Hungry around 3 but dinner is still hours away? Feeling stiff or cramped at a desk? Identify what brings your mood down and find a solution!

For example, maybe for burnout, keep track of all the things you have done so far! Seeing all you have accomplished that day can give your motivation a boost, which can boost your productivity! If you get hungry (or rather, hangry,) after lunch and before dinner, try eating a lunch that is more filling with more protein! Or keep a snack in your workspace. If you get stiff at a desk or workspace, get up! Stretch and walk around for a moment.

A healthy diet is key to a strong mind as well. The way I always look at it, garbage in, garbage out. Eating a healthy diet can have all the difference in the world because your body is getting the nutrients it needs to work properly and efficiently. Eating a good meal to start the day can help fuel your productivity. If you find that you get hungry, you can keep healthy snacks around that can give you a boost of energy. Processed sugar is a killer, so it's best to munch on some good fruits, veggies, nuts, etc.

Recognition Is The Key To Solving The Problems

Self-awareness and identifying what brings down your productivity is one of the best tools you can have when you begin this journey! If you can start to recognize the things that are causing you to lose productivity and motivation, you can usually find your way to solving those issues. Once you are able to find that good balance, there will be no stopping you and you will be a productivity machine!

As they always say, the first step to solving a problem, is to recognize that you have one!

Keep calm and Hustle on!

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Changing ones mindset toward something helps and can be the only thing stopping us from doing what we have been procrastinating about for a long time.

I like to workout, which is one activity I love to do so much ,but I noticed when I stop doing it for a week or two, my productivity is affected.

Meditation is also very helpful, though I have not tried it before, but I have friends who do this to reduce stress.

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