Celebrating The Kids Makes Them Few Loved And More//LOH Contest Week #195


Celebration is I think in my own opinion we should not wait for one day to come before we do it. Personally I do celebrate as the Lord provides for me and the family. Most times during our special days we may not have the resources to make it come through so if we are already used to big parties then that day will be a bad day because there is nothing to make it big. This is my personal take though.

There are several ways I use in celebrating my kids, first is buy them special gifts to make them happy. So a times when I just plan out a little I just look for a gift to get for them. Mostly I buy them items that will help them improve their learning, some instructional materials. Not that buying toys is not good at all but looking at the resources I have at my disposal I just try my best to use it accordingly. When my son was some months past 1 year, I bought him building blocks. He enjoyed it so much, but no so long some older children will come visiting and they will go away with it which I was not happy about that at all. When the sister came too I was able to add more toys for them which got damaged in a short while.

After their second term we promised to buy a gift for anyone who performs so well in class. One of the days my daughter came home from school and told me she already took first position...this sounded so funny and we all laughed over it. The brother said he wouldn't take first and we rebuked him. At the end of the term my little girl came home with overall best in her class, she was best in English, first in the class and 2nd position for annual result. Wooow, I was so proud of my baby girl and I reassured her that I was going to buy a big baby doll for her. My son we promised to buy bicycle for him when he comes up in his average not necessarily first position. Presently his average is above 60% but out target is for him to get to above 70% which he promised to do.

Celebrating our kids have this special way of making them feel valued and they always dream to do more because they know their parents will celebrate them. We also plan to take them to a pack so they can view new environment and play with other toys that we don't have at home.

I love my kids so much as they are my investment. Thank you so much @marivic10 for organizing this contest and I also wish the kids in Venezuela and all over the world a happy children's day.

All the pictures are mine


One thing I learnt personally is that what ever fun you want your kids to have kindly ensure its will aid thier learning. Thanks for that reminder.


It happens that the toys are broken by the visitors. Our kids then become sad or angry. Well! Things do break. What shouldn't be broken is the self-image of our kiddos.

I love the fact that you didn’t ask your son to go for highest. Challenging him to get a little above his previous position is a good idea.


We may not have a special Children's Day here in Canada but I thank God daily for my two boys he has given me.


Woow, children are always sweet to be with. Thank God for your boys they will bring you daughters soon😂😂
