HiQ №14 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | Birthday-Raffle, Interview with PIZZA, PsyberX, Tribaldex, MuTerra a.m.m.
By: @quekery
A little late but still smart, stylish & sexy. HiQ №14 has managed to appear this month. Full of games and many other topics - grab some PIZZA and enjoy this issue.
Our last issue got quite an audience and helped us get an interview with @thebeardflex. It wasn't easy to synchronize schedules and time zones. But we won't be serving you cold PIZZA. That is for sure.
Served up this edition full of PIZZA-Engine-Gaming with a raffle that's going to bankrupt us, with a prize total estimated at 564 USD. We did look around for sponsors as well, but in this issue it was probably not meant to be. However, since we are celebrating our 3rd birthday, it was and is still worth the expense to us. A few smaller sponsors came together anyway. We can only thank them for their exemplary hivestyle: Thank you.
You should also not miss our cover story about Tribaldex. Especially the shadow drop of a certain frontend is a real insider tip. Don't miss out on any fat upvotes by commenting diligently. (Editor's note: And do not forget to subscribe [Editor' note note: By typing "SUB" into the comments.]).
Then, especially thanks to @schlees, a lot of gaming articles made it into this issue. So look forward to what the one and only Schleesican has dug up for you. We're going to go practice our centering and edging skills already.
We can't guarantee that this month's outpouring from @satren was done without the influence of alcohol, but we don't want to be PG. The articles get PG-HiQ all the time.
A little gossip, the MVP, lots of hivestyle news and googolpre-many letters to the editor round it all out. So it works even without a column (Editor's note: MARY, why don't we have a column?). We will prepare the Hivefest in the crunch-conditioned waking coma.
See you at Hivefest in VR, because the HiQ has its eyes everywhere. ★
➀ HiQs MVP - @thebeardflex
Cover Story
➁ Raffle - THE crosswordbirthdaycompetition
➂ Interview - !PIZZA for the Chain
➃ Tribaldex - Hive DeFi to the Moon
➄ PsyberX - Cyberpunk meets Blockchain
➅ MuTerra - Hold on tight Splinterlands
➆ BigTime - Familiar faces at work
➇ dCrops - We move on paths on which no one else goes
➈ Mir4 - From my battle to our war
Apps & Tools
➉ HBD Stabilizer - Came to stabilize the HBD
➀➀ Hivestyle for Hivians
➀➁ Gossip
➀➂ Readers' Letters ★
Von: @smooms
➀ HiQs MVP
He faced the merciless questions of the Discordchatinterviewpingpong. He wanted to be interviewed voluntarily. That earned him the MVP title. Yes, the cover gives it away. Our MVP is @thebeardflex.
Our (Editor's note: ...now...) personal pizza dude, the one and only, a legend of the hive community. During the interview he turned out to be a communicative contemporary, who was not too shy to respond to our jokes and also shoot out a few sharp-tongued remarks himself.
We hope to continue working with him in some way in the future. (Editor's note: Who knows what's to come, at least we don't.).
Despite the time zone difference from the depths of Hades, he managed to connect with us. If that's not worth an MVP title, what is?
If you want to know more about @thebeardflex, don't miss the interview and visit his profile. We wish him continued success on Hive. And may the PIZZA be with us all. (Editor's note: Also the pineapple pizza. We are no pizza racists.).
Are you HiQ's next MVP? Do you want to call yourself the most stylish user of the month?
NEW: Submit 1 HIVE & get 100% votes for 1 MONTH!
Every month we are looking for the most stylish hivian of Hive. You can submit your photo too! Send 1 HIVE (+ bribe) to @hiq.magazine with the memo "HiQ MVP + link to your profile".
We will then publish your picture in one of the next issues. Additionally, we'll put you in our auto-voter for a month. That means at least 28 days of 100% upvotes from the smart HiQ trail. ★
(only 1 vote per day!)
Von: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me
Founded as STEEMillu on a long forgotten chain, HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine celebrates its third anniversary. We're raiding our tip jar and knocking out massive prizes.
Our project celebrated its third birthday on 10/15/2021. Reason enough for us to organize a huge mega birthday raffle. You want to win prizes worth a total of around 564 USD?
What you can win?
1st place:
- 1 MuTerra Booster Pack, 10k DEC, 100 SPS, 20 PIZZA, 20 HIVE
(Estimated value: 177 USD )
2nd place:
- 3k DEC, 50 SPS, 5 UTOPIS, 20 HIVE
(Estimated value: 87 USD)
3rd place:
- 2k DEC, 50 SPS, 20 PIZZA, 5 UTOPIS, 20 HIVE
(Estimated value: 80 USD)
4th place:
- 1k DEC, 25 SPS, 5 BEE, 10 HIVE
(Estimated value: 57 USD)
5th place:
- 25 SPS, 20 PIZZA, 5 BEE, 10 HIVE
(Estimated value: 28 USD)
6th place:
(Estimated value: 29 USD)
7th place:
(Estimated value: 24 USD
8th place:
(Estimated value: 47 USD)
9th place:
(Estimated value: 18 USD)
10th place:
(Estimated value: 17 USD)
All correct entries will be entered into a drawing to determine the winners. In addition, each correct entry will receive a HSBI share from us on top.
What you have to do?
It's easy: You have to solve our diabolical crossword puzzle. **Answer the questions to find out the solution word and send this solution word as an encrypted memo to @hiq.redaktion. (Editor's note: Just write #Supergeniuscreativesolvingword in the memo).
Deadline is 09.11.2021.
You can also subscribe to us by writing "SUB" into the comments.
Which category does this issue of HiQ serve most often?
Where will @thebeardflex announce the planned game?
Who could dispute Splinterlands' throne?
What is the reason for this raffle?
What game did @schlees lovingly compare PsyberX to? >... 2077<
Back then, in the dark ages - what was the name of HiQ?
What might @thebeardflex not be putting on his PIZZA?
What is the best website to invest into diesel pools?
Which token competes with PIZZA, LUV, BEER and Wine?
Smart, stylish, ...?
A big thanks goes out to the sponsors who responded to our call:
@schlees: 1 Muterra Boosterpack, 5 AWESOME
@blue.rabbit: 10 UTOPIS
@chrislybear: 5000 ECENCY POINTS
@quekery: 60 PIZZA
@solymi: 3 NFTs
@hiq: 16k DEC, 300 SPS, 10 UTOPIS, 100 HIVE, 20 BEE, Infinity HSBI ★
Von: @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me
Not everyone is invited into the hallowed halls of HiQuarters. However, PIZZA seems to have reached a size that justifies being a cover topic. The PIZZA Dude answers our questions.
HiQ: Welcome to the halls (made of stone-oven-stone-tiles) of HiQuarters, and thank you for taking the time for this interview. To begin with, what our readers are most interested in is not how you became a crypto lover, but what kind of pizza you like to eat the most?
Beard: Hey! Thank you so much for having me! I've been super excited for an opportunity to talk with you about some of the things we have going on over at the PIZZA project here at HIVE! This is an excellent first question! I have to admit my favorite type is pretty basic when it comes to pizza! The pizza I do love to eat the most is Pepperoni and Mushroom with a buttered crust, goopy cheese, and slightly crunchy crust with a dash of garlic! Extra points if it's stuffed with Mozzarella cheese! The real mystery is, do I like pineapple or not?
HiQ: Quickly claim an pineaplepizzatoken (laughs). Can you tell us briefly what PIZZA actually is and who is behind the project?
Beard: Haha, you'll just have to wait and find out if I do or not!
PIZZA is many things! Most people know PIZZA for our epic engagement bot that you've seen in comments across HIVE (and that other projects have started adopting) but our project has grown to be so much more than just a 'tipping token'.
The PIZZA project aims to build real value at HIVE through the second-layer and through our tools, features, and services.
PIZZA is extremely gamer-centric. You can purchase Steam PC games through our hive.pizza website along with our video game servers that we use to invite off-chain gamers to HIVE and teach them about blockchain. We're also in the R&D stage of our first HIVE game.
PIZZA is DeFi as we have 3 liquidity pools available that yield high APR. We have pairings with SWAP.HIVE, DEC, and STARBITS currently.
PIZZA is music and art as we have been developing and are getting close to releasing our HIVE music store and streaming services along with our first NFTs!
PIZZA is also community. We are building a strong community in our Discord built around real engagement and showcasing how a tribe is not a requirement to bring like-minded people together.
HiQ: We will go on asking the questions out of the catalogue of demonic questions about PIZZA. But first tell us something about the individual: @thebeardflex.
Beard: The catalogue of demonic questions, now -that- is intriguing!
Hmm, something about myself. I have what is called a constant alternating exotropia in my eyes. It's mostly manageable but sometimes when I'm tired, my eyes do some really funky things! It makes for a really fun party trick 😛
Oh, to answer the second part of your previous question! The core PIZZA team is myself and @hivetrending!
HiQ: Ah, we see. You are as sassy as you are misterious. ;) Why did you guys chose the Hive Blockchain and Hive-Engine for Project PIZZA? And why Blockchain at all?
Beard: That one is actually pretty simple. HIVE is home. HiveTrending and I both love this ecosystem and have intentions to build value with HIVE long-term. Second-Layer gave us a chance to begin practicing our passion and refining our skills as HIVE developers, but it quickly turned into a community and adventure that we truly fell in love with. Blockchain for us makes sense. We have a heavy gaming background and run a whole line of public and private game servers. We operate a video game store and have a few other services planned! All of this fits in perfectly with the HIVE Blockchain ecosystem!
HiQ: Your gaming passion is not to be overlooked. What is actually your best favorite game of all time? You mentioned that you are planning your own hive game. What can we expect there? Overcooked-Hive-Edition?
Beard: From my childhood I think my favorite games would have been Commander Keen or Kings Quest. Growing up I fell in love with the Final Fantasy & Suikoden series with Final Fantasy 7 and Suikoden 1 being my favorites of them. As an adult I don't have as much time to dive into RPGs so I find myself playing more sandbox survival style games like DayZ, Rust, or Minecraft or something more arcadey like Risk of Rain 2. We'll be announcing more details at HiveFEST this year regarding some of the games we have planned!
HiQ: Did you know that we are part of pizza.connection? What do you think about market depth of PIZZA. What should big stakeholders do with their PIZZA?
Beard: Our big stakeholders control the progress of our financial situation right now and the ability to accomplish certain tasks. We rely heavily on the sales of PIZZA from our sell walls to grow our accounts which enable us to do things such as paying for extra development time, building our curation power, or generating income to buy and burn pizzas off the market with. The sales over the past few weeks from our larger stakeholders on-top of users exiting the pools has pushed the sell price quite low and weakened the depth charts. Since we traditionally don't sell PIZZA cheaper than the previous wall, our PIZZA accounts will need to wait for some of the planned growth. We hope to see those large stakeholders help sustain the project and help keep it moving forward so that e can reach new heights and conquer some of our objectives! We think it's worth waiting on personally 🙂
HiQ Surely creating value and maintaining it is a tricky task. One more reason to ask: What are your plans for the future?
Beard We have so much planned, it's hard to sum it up quickly! We want to stress that this project is very young and we're really just getting started. Our roadmap (which can be viewed at hive.pizza/roadmap) will show you that in this short amount of time we've produced some pretty awesome things, such as our staking tool (which can be found at hive.pizza/showcase). Alongside the games we are building (and over time, there will be likely be several!) we intend to expand on our gaming store, gaming curation power, and physical gaming servers to continue bridging the gap between ordinary gamers and the HIVE blockchain. We're building a gamified onboarding adventure through the website that will help bring new gamers into the blockchain ecosystem and will further stimulate the PIZZA economy through rewards and incentives. We operate a gaming community off-chain with several public and private servers and work with content creators and influencers. We will bring this all to blockchain in the coming months. Alongside more gaming stuff we will expand on staking rewards for all holders and will be introducing our holder rank and roles based NFT reward system 🙂 This is just a few of the things we're working on! We also have a music store and streaming service that is coming soon for HIVE musicians and the first annual Hive Christmas album in the works! We are very busy.
HiQ: "Last christmas, we gave people our HiQ, and the very next day people gave upvotes away." ;) Not last and definitely not least. THE question of the questions. And think about it twice. If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak?
Beard: Why on earth would I punch myself?!
HiQ: Nice. You are the first person that we interviewed who wouldn't have punched himself. THIS is strong. But now realy the last question. Do you have something that you want to tell our fans? (Editor's note: And yours as well from now on of course.)
Beard: Together WE are strong! I just want everyone to know that we are working really hard to build something unique and valuable here at HIVE. While tribes are cool, we believe a real community with real tools and functionality is even cooler. Come hang out with us in our Discord, gain some ranks and roles, and stay tuned for some really cool stuff we're bringing in the coming days! Oh, and stake those tokens! More rewards are coming for stakers!
HiQ: We definitely don't argue with that. Well thanks for your detailed answers to our diabolic catalogue of questions. You did great and it was a pleasure chatting with you. Even when the interview was kind of unorthodox.
Von: @quekery
Hive to the fucking Moon? Tribaldex could make this possible alongside Splinterlands. DeFi, Dex and much more is already possible today. We just have to use it.
Recently @blue.rabbit held a virtual meeting regarding Hive-Engine and Tribaldex. The older Rabbits among you have been accompanied by Hive-Engine or its predecessor Steem-Engine for a while now. Hive still doesn't have the ability to create SMTs, but Hive-Engine does.
A lot has happened since we created our first token on Steem-Engine, though. For example, Hive-Engine became a decentralized side-chain of Hive through the introduction of Hive-Engine-Witnesses.
But through Tribaldex we got many more possibilities. Be it NFTs, SMTs with even more features, listing of swap tokens, so-called outposts, DEX and diesel pools.
Why Tribaldex?
Of course you could also outsource various functions to other chains like ETH or BSC, but Tribaldex offers many out-of-the-box functions. This means that the creator of, for example, an SMT, requires little to no programming knowledge.
A somewhat newer feature of Tribaldex are the so-called outposts.
You can find them here. If you click on create Outpost you can also create your own outpost. As mentioned before, this is an out-of-box function of Tribaldex. You can create your own costumized Tribe token including your own frontend by simply setting the parameters and the desired functions.
An interesting example is 1UP. 1UP is still a fairly fresh outpost. 1UP also has its own frontend and its own Tribe token. This outpost is all about gaming. But you can also get rewards by using the right tag. In the case of 1UP this would be #oneup.
An outpost can even have the function of supporting proposals. Is this the opportunity to create a journalism outpost?
Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple. This fun costs BEE, and not by a small amount. BEE is the in-house token of Hive-Engine or Tribaldex. Traditionally 1 BEE = 1 HIVE should be valid. Of course, this is not always the case, but it is probably a pretty good benchmark to estimate Tribaldex's pricing policy.
So you have to shell out BEE for pretty much everything Tribaldex related. You want to be able to mine NFTs? No problem. With 100 BEE you are in and each further mined NFT also costs some BEE. You want to list SHIBA INU at Hive-Engine because of FOMO? No problem, with 1000 BEE you are included.
You also want to have a stylish Outpost? Depending on the features, it won't be cheap. Roughly, you should expect about 3000 BEE. That's not that cheap, but you get a lot for it. It is almost out of the box and you can access an existing infrastructure.
Of course, you can simply buy BEE on Hive Engine. Alternatively, you can use WORKERBEES to get BEEs or become a Hive Engine Witness. However, if you've been paying attention, you should have discovered something else interesting. There is an in-house outpost: tribaldex.blog.
Here you could write and curate posts and earn BEEs in the process. If you don't use the Outpostfrontend, you can also use the tag #hive-engine. By the way, it's still completely unclear if this is a theme-based thing, like with 1UP, or if you can use the tag for all other themes as well, like with #proofofbrain or #palnet. So if you want to be on the safe side, you should make sure, that a corresponding post has something to do with Hive-Engine.
Credits go out to @leosoph, by the way, who brought this to our attention. Tribaldex.blog is an exciting thing and we also use the corresponding tag in our posts. As a little bonus, we curated our commenters with BEE. Do check your hive engine wallet. Also tribaldex.blog has a proposal feature, this is currently used for funding diesel pools.
Tribaldex offers the possibility to get familiar with DeFi or to experiment a bit. Diesel pools are liquidity pools that enable swaps and usually reward providers with tokens on a daily basis. Similar to other DeFi projects you get interest, but also have the risk of impermanent loss.
If you want to try diesel pools, you can do so on Tribaldex. However, we would recommend Beeswap. Each pool consists of a pair, for example Swap.Hive:Bee.
If you decide to go into a pool, you have to give each token of equal value to the pool. For example, if you want to add 10 USD to the pool, you have to add 5 USD worth of BEE and 5 USD worth of HIVE to the pool. The reward will be interest. However, make sure that you select a pool that also pays out rewards. Beeswap offers a filter for this and shows you how much rewards you get and which tokens make up the reward.
For testing purposes we have chosen the pool STARBITS:PIZZA.
In this pool you get Starbits as reward. With a very small investment, we received 294 Starbits in interest in just under a month. As already mentioned, there is the risk of impermanent loss. Every decentralized liquidity pool has this risk, which we will not go into here.
It is exciting what possibilities Tribaldex and Hive Engine offer. There is a lot that the crypto heart desires. Of course, we can argue about the pricing policy. But a certain price/performance ratio is definitely there.
One problem that the side-chain definitely has to contend with is the low market depth. For example, if you wanted to list SHIBA INU (Editor's note: To the fucking Moon. [Note from @satren: KISHU INU listing! PS: KISHU INU to the fucking Moon.]) it's doubtful it would get traded much there. But the non-existent transaction fees are definitely a big plus.
Let's hope that this problem will soon be a thing of the past. Then we would also relaunch the HiQ NFTs on Tribaldex. ★
Von: @schlees
A new game ventures onto the Chain. We are curious to see how it will develop. Our favorite whale @balte already pointed it out to the HiQ editors weeks ago, unfortunately no one reacted to it then.
Cyberpunk 2077 is, I assume, a familiar name to every gamer. Royal Reptile Studio's Psyber X takes us into a similarly designed world in terms of setting, in which we should be able to move around like in a kind of "Second Life" in the final version of the game - according to the developers' current plan. The players have the freedom to take on any role, ranging from teachers to DJs and entertainers - housing is also to become a part of the game.
Players will also be able to customize the city according to their wishes, but only if they are in a high position - this probably includes different factions as well as the progress of their own character (" The one who has the most power will rule" - According to @psyberx).
The final version?
The game is funded through the LVL token, which can be traded on Hive Engine, like a kind of Kickstarter project. If the LVL 1 funding is successful, we can look forward to the first phase of the game, which will be a kind of Battle-Royal-Mode with 100 players on one map. As in other games of this kind, you choose your loadout and equipment before the match starts.
This can be unlocked during the game, so some players will have an advantage depending on their playing time - in addition, the weapons and other items can be traded/acquired as NFTs, which, depending on the possibilities (given by the developers), could also include a certain pay-to-win factor.
Weapons and armor can of course be found or purchased on the battlefield during the match, but they can only be used during the current match if you do not have the corresponding NFT.
The classic Battle Royal will in this case be refreshed by NPCs, which will move as robots and a huge indestructible (?) mech across the map to hunt you down on sight - so you don't just have to watch out for other players. According to the programmers, there will also be Kill Streak abilities like in Call Of Duty or other games, which will also be available as NFTs.
The current roadmap:
Phase One – Traction
- DONE The conceptual idea for PSYBER X
- IN PROGRESS Game assets completion
- DONE Level 1 cryptocurrency creation
- DONE Presale of LVL on Hive Engine and blockchain
- DONE Community updates via discord
- DONE Promotional material development including the trailer
Phase Two – Development of PSYBER X / NFT Sales
- IN PROGRESS Community updates via discord
- Community voting on desired features/items of the game
- IN PROGRESS Creation of NFTs for the game (first progress)
- Preparations for the sales of NFTs
- Release of the less completed version of the game (Battle Royal Mode) for a play-to-earn of LVL
Phase Three – Realization
- Completion of game
- Step by step release of the completed game
- Development of a depth roadmap
So far, the holders of at least 5 million tokens were rewarded with an exclusive airdrop, which came with the ingame title "Founder":
HODL 300000 Tokens (Participation possible until 10.11.2021!)
HODL 1 Million Tokens (Participation possible until 10.11.2021!)
HODL 5 Millionen Tokens (DONE)
We are curious how fast the funding target of 100000 USD will be reached, the HiQ team has invested a bit (Editor's note: we should have caught up with @balte ...), because we see great potential here, should everything work out as planned - not just regarding this game! ;) ★
Von: @schlees
Because we never get enough of gaming, here is another new game that would like to be introduced. If you like playing Pokémon and are currently playing Splinterlands, you should take a closer look at THIS one.
MuTerra is perhaps most easily described as a mix of Splinterlands and Pokémon. Like @splinterlands, you can acquire the cards by buying booster packs (Limited Edition (SOLD OUT!)). These cards not only have various stats like Attack/Defence/Life, but also genders - which allows you to breed the individual creatures with each other in order to improve them (similar to upgrading in Splinterlands).
MuTerra adds one more thing though, and this is where the Pokémon factor comes into play, because you'll probably be able to move around a map and hunt for wild Mutees (Wild Edition) and catch them, of course.

The packs from the pre-sale were out of stock very quickly, but they are still available (although much more expensive) on Hive Engine.
During the pack opening, you are subtly reminded of Splinterlands again, whereby a tree stump burns down in this animation:
(Editor's note: MARY, check out the centering).
The game itself runs on our beloved Hive blockchain, probably due to the fast as well as free transactions - the assets (cards) are managed via the Wax blockchain, which will also certainly get us more interested looks regarding our chain.
The game can currently only be played via Discord, but is already in Season 4 - here you can find instructions. You need a Wax account, which you can create here for free.
This is the map of the current expedition (Discord version).
According to current statements of the developers on their Discord, the graphical version of the game will be released at the end of December (probably around Christmas).

A more in-depth test is planned for the next few days - we'll definitely keep you up to date. :) ★
Von: @schlees
Of course our editors didn't miss the new game BigTime, which we would like to introduce to you in this article. Fasten your ears and sharpen your seatbelts!
It's a multiplayer action RPG in "comic book style", which is being developed by an already experienced team. This team includes people we've already seen at Blizzard, Epic Games, EA and Riot Games, but just take a look for yourself:
In the beginning of the game there will be 4 playable classes:
Time Warrior (Meele / "Tank")
Chronomancer (Range / "Mage" / DD)
Shadowblade (Meele / "Rogue" / DD)
Quantum Fixer (Healer / "Supporter")
It is supposed to be possible to switch between the classes during the game, but we don't know how exactly that works. Also the different weapons, which will be available at release and of course also bring different play styles with them, are already known - these would be the following: Battleaxe, 2x one-handed blade, two-handed greatsword, sword and shield, quantum staff (magic wand), warhammer (2-hand).
There will also be time machines in the game, which you can earn at the beginning of the game, according to the latest news. Among other things, you can use them to get to special places with special enemies, where you can get exclusive NFTs. Crafting, as well as many other functions, will also be unlocked somehow via these. Currently there is also a kind of pre-sale, for which you can sign up, but just take a look yourself, should you be interested.
You've probably got your nipples errect while readingt that there will be NFTs here too! So far, however, we can only say for sure that they will include cosmetic upgrades for your character - to what extent weapons or armor will be tradable is unfortunately not known.
We can't say much about the final quality of the game, but the pre-sales are going very well. :D We will be able to experience it and of course keep you up to date. Finally, we have some Alpha In-Game Footage for you. :)
Von: @mary-me
dCrops reads our posts! Last time we took a closer look at dCrops. Since then, a lot has happened and especially one update makes us very happy! Yes... yes it does.
The following options have been added:
- To be able to harvest several plants at the same time and to release several expired plots at the same time, there is now the "harvest all button"!
- The timer icon for harvestable plants and expired plots now has different colors. People with red-green weakness are still screwed, but if we suggest a color-blind mode today, that will probably come.
- Hooray! Hooray! The quests are here!
According to dCrops, you can now unlock 7 tasks at the beginning of each season. Once these are done, you will receive a reward box with 10 random items. In the first stage, the following new rewards can be obtained:
Mystery Seeds
Mystery Seeds turn into a random seed of the current season when planted. The droprate is analogous to the seed packs. That means: 75% are ordinary seeds and 0.8% are legendary.
In professional circles, Speed-Gro is also called horse shit. It reduces the time it takes for a seed to mature. The card affects an entire land map and all its plots.
Ferti-Plus doubles the chance to get double or triple harvest. This card also affects a whole land map with all its plots.
The drop rate for each of these cards is the same, so 33.33%, and each card can be used only once.
Be curious of what is to come. In the article linked above, more ideas of the creators are listed. If these will be implemented remains to be seen. We will keep you up to date in any case. ★
Von: @mary-me
Do you know that moment, when you hear the sound of dropping dark steel, even though the game is not on? For a few weeks now, parts of the HiQ editorial team have been in Mir4 fever.
Mir4 is an "MMORPG manager" where you can mine a material called Darksteel and trade it for DRACO (Darksteel Reserve Allotment COin) and then for WEMIX.
At Gate.io and mexc.com you can also get HIVE.
During an unannounced maintenance (editor's note: at least we didn't notice the announcement.) we took the time to look at the game's websites. Some things were already known before and it was rumored that the characters could be made into NFTs in the future. But somehow no one knew anything more specific. In any case, no one in our environment really dealt with it. In the following, we briefly summarize the announced innovations.
DSP (Staking Programm)
On NOVEMBER 2, 2021 the Staking Program will start. DSP is a lossless staking program where you get back 100% of your staked DRACO if you are not selected as winner. The winner receives a XDRACO item, worth the total number of DRACO wagered. However, the other participants are anything but losers, they will get 100% of their DRACO back. You can find a detailed explanation here.
Starting NOVEMBER 16, 2021, epic and legendary items marked with the 'XDRACO' emblem can be bought, sold, and traded via https://xdraco.com. (Minimum requirement: level 40)
Characters with a level of 60 or higher and a power score of 100,000 can be minted as NFTs starting DECEMBER 14, 2021. NFT characters can be traded, bought and sold via https://xdraco.com.
The game is not on Hive, but it is definitely worth a look. In any case, it is already a real and mature game with blockchain connectivity and not a browser game like the usual blockchain games. ★
Von: @satren
At this point, we take the chance to have a look at the central bank of the Hive blockchain. More precisely, the HBD stabilizer. What does it do and what is its actual task?
The HBD is supposed to maintain a exchange rate of one USD. This has not always quite worked in the past. We have often had prices well below one USD and well above. Not so long ago, we had an HBD price of three USD. That sounds pretty good now as an author, but it leaves us with a problem. HBD is a stablecoin. Its goal is to have a fixed value and to take on a role as a medium of exchange in reliance on that value. But that doesn't work if the value fluctuates between 70 cents and 3.50 USD. However, if it only fluctuates between 80 cents and 1.10, it's not optimal either, but you can live with that. It is not possible to make 80% loss. Well, 35% loss is not nice either, but it is better than 80%.
So now to the topic of the article. How to stabilize this value if the blockchain mechanism is not enough? If the price of the HBD is too high, you need to increase the number of HBD that are sold to enable selling pressure. And this is where the Stabelizer comes in: he takes the HBD out of the @dao.fund and throws them on the market. The HIVE he pulls out of there, in turn, go back to the DAO and are converted back into HBD there. Alternatively, since Hardfork 25, there is also the possibility that he converts these HIVE directly into HBD and simply continues the game.
If the HBD is too low in value, the Stabelizer does it similarly. He takes the HBD he receives, converts them into HIVE and buys HBD again with these HIVE - which he converts into HIVE again and so on until the exchange rate is stable.
In itself, our algorithm is quite good for keeping the HBD rate stable at 1 USD. You always get 1 USD worth of HIVE for your HBD. But we are in an ecosystem where the HBD does not have much market depth and can be easily manipulated. This makes it interesting for pump-and-dump actions, which we have seen repeatedly in recent years. To offset such actions and keep the price stable, a central institution like the HBD Stabelizer is definitely a tool that can be used. However, one must be aware that this is a central tool that is not much more than a central bank.
The HBD from the proposal system come from different proposals. Some of them are in top positions, one has replaced the Return Proposal. In theory, this has created a new return proposal, and at the same time other projects have to compete against it. As a result of the funds ending up back in the pool in the long run, not much is lost in the first moment, but the current funding of new projects is more difficult than before the stabilizer. At least when there are multiple proposals. When it forms a new return proposal, things look different again.
Whether there will be a method in the future that keeps the HBD at a USD without support, we will hopefully see. ★
Von: @quekery
For this issue, we have once again compiled the most stylish information for you. One headline chases the other. But it's best to read for yourself. We can't do everything for you.
Meet Up Vienna
On 11-04-2021 (4th Nov.) the Meet-Up-Vienna will take place again, hosted as usual by @manncpt. If you can make it, you are certainly welcome. The regulars are always happy to see new faces. (Editor's note: Rumor has it that this very meeting will be stormed by a non-Austrian delegation).
Virtual DACH-Meet Up
On 07.11.2021 at 8pm, the DACH Discord will host @satren's virtual meet-up.
The torch plan worked out.
After more than a year, the Hive Torch by @stayoutoftherz has met its end. After the controversial end of the last torch (Editor's note: We reported on it a long long while ago.), this torch has now met its end as well. The use of the torch was voted on via poll. Since people like @balte can't count, 772 HIVE with 500 torchbearers came up. 700 Hive went to @theterminal for onboarding and 72 HIVE to @therealflaws for hospital expenses of his uncle. Congratulations for completing the project. Our torch hands are still all warm.
How fitting. Although the Torch met its end, there is already a new one - the PIZZA Torch. The project comes from @hivetrending. Analogous to the Hive Torch, the torch is to be sent from user to user and each user is to add a maximum of 1 PIZZA and not eat any PIZZA. PIZZA-torch-bearers (note: I wonder how PIZZA-torches taste?) are also welcome to post their PIZZA-torch-recipe. What will happen with all the PIZZA has not been announced so far.
If https://hiveblocks.com is down or you just need a change, you can use https://hive.ausbit.dev/. This service is provided by @ausbitbank.
Be alive
Have you always wanted to be alive? With BEER and PIZZA in your belly and lots of LUV in your heart, you can now be ALIVE. If you hold at least 1000 Alive power, you can trigger the bot with !ALIVE
. You can even be curated and curate with ALIVE. Use the tag #alive or visit the Frontend.
Splinterlands Tool
Splintercards is a really useful tool if you want to farm vouchers (note from @mary-me: YOU SAY WAUTSCHA, you bird.) or SPS. Buy the dip!
Hive Authentication Services
@arcange is currently tinkering on some kind of ledger for Hive, also known as Hive Authentication Services. HAS, if the Hive dApp supports it, will act as a bridge between the app and the Private Key Storage Application (PKSA). The advantage is that you don't have to "type" your passwords every time and you can also use different devices. You can support the project by voting for the Proposal.
Some think it's funny when the comment column is spammed full of PIZZA, BEER, WINE, LUV, ALIVE and whatever else there is. But others feel annoyed by it. Good that the PIZZA bot got a clever update. In case of repeated PIZZAs, it simply edits the comment instead of sending a new one each time. That's how we know our PIZZA dudes: smart, stylish and sexy.
We were already worried that the PIZZA:STARBITS diesel pool would pass away and that pools with high APR would become increasingly rare. Fortunately, however, this one has been renewed. ★
Yes, Gossip is on board again this time. What can we say? It just doesn't stop. Every month we get material for this category - for that we thank you very much.
There is mustard in the air
@meins0815 has started a horror act, he has dared to delegate some blurt power to @mein-senf-dazu. Apparently to the anger of some users. Because our B-Promi got hate messages immediately (note: B-Promi because he dares to post also on Blurt ;)). By the way, @condeas joined in and also delegated BP. The comments were friendly. We give that a little heart (Editor's note: It´s called upvote!).
Syncro of the month
@wulf-media has dubbed a Hive explanation video. Our tip: Why don't you hire @smooms for the job next time? ;)
And it doesn't stop
It, aka @jelly-cz, aka @jelly13, flags on and on and on. @starthilfe offers to collect balancing votes. You can find the posts here.
flags against BEER
The Beer Saturday of @detlev has been flagged. There were many reasons in the comments, if this is justified you can decide for yourself. We find Mentions btw. completely in order. (Editor's note: @klausklaus maybe you discover this one. Have fun counting all mentions).
Markymark and the Keychain.
@themarkymark has agreed to check the security of the Hive keychain. Open source is cool, no question, but it's only useful if someone looks at the code - go for it :)!.
Felixxx and the corn
@felixxx is ready. At least his corn is ready. Our friend the corn farmer has taken care to announce a contest for other corn farmers. This will be a corn festival - with 1000 HBD prize money. ★
MARY, a teaser is still missing here. And stretch the teaser a bit, so that it also covers three lines in HackMD. (Editor's note: Haven't we had this gag before?).
@hatoto, our hero, deserves an award for the best comment of all time:
Goethe called. He wants HiQ to be read in school in the future instead of Faust.
The Werther effect was yesterday, the HiQ effect is today. (Editor's note: It goes without saying that the HiQ effect doesn't involve a bunch of people killing each other. That wouldn't be smart, stylish, nor sexy).
@muelli is delighted:
So I say so, a very cool and successful issue. Colorful, confusing and fun to read.
Confusing, that's exactly how it should be. Now @hatoto only has to compare us with Theodor Fontane. (Editor's note: Because of "Irrungen und Wirrungen" - you understand? MARY look for our Amazon affiliate link!)
@dragon-ti joins @muelli:
Great issue again. There is something of everything, nicely done. It's always nice to read this.
It is also always nice to read YOU. (Editor's note: suck-up!).
@tribemieregal wants to become a subscriber:
Cool magazine, you are welcome to add me to the list of subscribers. I like.
Thanks for the flowers. You now are on THE list.
@pundito got the hint:
Once again, this issue can be consumed with a smile on your face. High praise from my side (even if it's worth nothing).
Did I understand that correctly now? If I want to play dCrops, I should first create plenty of second, third, ..., X accounts?
Thanks for the tip!
That's right, that's how the professionals do it. Even the makers are already following our advices in their updates.
@chrislybear is in a celebration mood:.
I celebrate the writing style. Laughed a lot while reading it. Keep up the good work.
Even though it gets more exhausting with each issue, we still keep going and do everything we can to keep the Nivea (Editor's note: wink to @alucian.) up. But strictly speaking, they're writing styles. After all, we're not just one.
@balte writes a novel instead of a letter to the editor:
I think it's great that you are being completely fair here in letting the hive-watchers, who are certainly also doing right things, have their say.
However, in all their words, I wonder if they really measure up to their supposedly high standards, and I'd like to give a few examples.
On one hand, there is the system of first accusing and then having to explain themselves according to their rules, the tone on the corresponding Discord I have often felt as very condescending, but everyone can and should judge for themselves. You really have to read along...
Concerning me personally, I have been classified there (or their so-called "helpers" and other deputies) as "on the egde of being blacklisted", with the justification that I am connected to the possible spammer account @medical-news.
Hmm, my clear clarification that I have only one account and have zero to do with this account @medical-news (only upvoted 1 or 2 times, like so many others) has not been perceived, but only said that it must be somehow appropriate if I am named in this context.
Are these high standards? I think: No!
(Editors note: MARY insert a Voltaire quote here as well).
@klausklaus forgot to put on his glasses:
Where am I mentioned here? I am not at all!
Indeed you are, dear Klausklaus, far down in really small at the subscribers ;) (Editor's note: You should also read the small print).
@miketr written with tr:.
Name the child Heiko if it becomes a boy. Sounds almost like HiQ.
You are making it easy for yourselves! There are still some things to clarify! We'll gender a bit: If it will be a girl: Heikoine?
Hm, what gender is HiQ? Crypto-Transaction-sexyal?
You have conceived the child by immaculate conception, therefore you are (did we actually have group sex?) the father and I am the mother?
We are so smart, stylish and sexy that we should change our name to dMariaHiQ.
There would be high maintenance demands on father/in!``````````
We take everything it can spare. After all, we are the always bribed ones.
I think the best would be an abortion ;-))
This is called forking. The future is uncertain and we go separate ways.
@r0nny still happy about his MVP suggestion:.
Another great edition my dears! And @smooms, I hope you can handle all the fame as the new MVP!
Fame is fleeting. So unfortunately our Schmoms is no longer the reigning MVP. But he will forever remain as MVP of our hearts.
***@ganjafarmer wants to stalk us.
Excellent work and I will definitely follow you.
That's the least you can do. You're also welcome to follow us on Twitter and Instagram. AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE.
@magnacarta wants to support us:
Thank you for making and ENG edition of HiQ Magazine. It will take me a while to read this issue, and I hope I make a contribution to it in the future.
A contribution? Do we have an interested new editor here?
@ackza immediately shares, that the HiQ has been released:
@victoriaxl look...a decentralized hive magazine.
Yeeeeas, that's right. Glad you found us. We are a mixture of Proof of Work (Editors note: Because we work way too much.), Proof of Stake (Editors note: Because our editors-in-chief, the so-called HiQ-Witnesses, have the most to say.) and Proof of Brain (Editors note: Because we are smart.).
@emeka is a slow reader:
This is really awesome I thought the article was a two days read lol.
Keep up the good work moving.
It also took us two days to count all our new fans.
@ackza will unseren Grafiker arbeitslos machen:
Nice, u made a magazine! But make the cover nicer, use canva. we should keep making these magazines.
A graphic designer working with Canva is like a butcher working with a butter knife.
Who is @newsflash? Amazing job, we need to really make Hive a journalism Hive.
Competition is good for business, they say. Is it the same on Hive or do we lose upvotes due to possible future competition? Whether we tolerate competitors, we still have to think about.
...but I forsee some assholes in charge of Hive witnesses deciding for all of us that we have to censor anti vaccine "miss info' after they get some letters saying they're gonna be liable for medical terrorism or some scary shit lol
I bet most witnesses will cave to that pressure in EU and USA. We need witnesses to be completely anonymous without any people just stake holders. On @telosnetwork this is possible to run a smart contract witness and have it always on, no hard forks, stuck forever in no censorship mode. Now have AI clouds of self reproducing nanotech be what broadcasts the signal, everywhere, they'll try to block it with emps lol. But the gray goo will win because we will have to use it to fight the government lol
„I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it..“ Voltaire (Editor's note: We only know Black-Goo. What is gray goo? Have Grays and Black-Goo entered into a smart contract with each other? [Editor's note note: MARY can you googol pre Gray-Goo and insert a pre-ref link here?])
@thomasthewolf is not used to such long posts on Hive:.
That was a long read. 👍 Thank you very much for all your efforts.
You're very welcome. We hope you'll join us again for this issue.
@goldrooster, a real goldie:
Great read. Welcome @mary-me. (What a great name!)
Thanks! Whereby it's not entirely clear whether this is a joke or not...
@fredfettmeister has mixed up something here:
Now they even do this nonsense in spanish. 😵
@kaeptn-iglo even had live reactions from Spain on 3Speak. Your comment is definitely the funniest of them all though. (Editor's note: MARY send out an HSBI.) ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @satren & @schlees.
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are great!
The opinion of individual authors does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial staff or the publisher. If an article is published under an alias, the true (profile) name of the author is known. We reserve the right not to print submitted text contributions if the content contained therein is questionable or massively violates the boundaries of morality and order. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 team.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @alucian @atra-aranea @balte @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chappertron @cloudlynx @cultus-forex @dauerossi @ditsch @dieradikalemitte @flamo @florian-glechner @flows @fredfettmeister @hatoto @ischmieregal @jeenger @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @lammbock @leosoph @markus.light @mary-me @misan @mwfiae @lauchmelder @louis88 @platuro @powerpaul @pundito @quekery @querdenker @nessos @remotehorst23 @satren @sebescen81 @shakkei @schmidi @simsibee @smooms @solarwarrior @syalla @tribemieregal @tibfox @twinner @vugel @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@satren was involved in:
- More, That you wanted to/should know about HBD.
- HBD Stabilizer - Came to stabilize the HBD
- Gossip
- Cum sareneffusion
- Chabo
- Witness of DACHistan
@mary-me was involved in:
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of beebay
- Interview - !PIZZA for the Chain
- Raffle - THE crosswordbirthdaycompetition
- dCrops - We move on paths on which no one else goes
- Mir4 - From my battle to our war
- Readers' Letters
@quekery was involved in:
- Rebranding
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Editorial
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Raffle - THE crosswordbirthdaycompetition
- Interview - !PIZZA for the Chain
- Readers' Letters
- Tribaldex - Hive DeFi to the Moon
- Gossip
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of beebay
@smooms was involved in:
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater (If there are errors... sorry...)
- HiQs Most Valued Poster
- Raffle - THE crosswordbirthdaycompetition
- Interview - !PIZZA for the Chain
- HiQ-Smart-Bot-Designer for Life
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of beebay
@smooms, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
@schlees was involved in:
- Translation / Proofreading
- PsyberX - Cyberpunk meets Blockchain
- MuTerra - Hold on tight Splinterlands
- Big Time - Familiar faces at work
- Mangoslicesupplier (Editors note: Dried tho.)
"SUB " this topic was entertaining with the super fun and informative interview, I got the crossword right, I want to participate but I don't understand how to send the answer, friends, give me an orientation if possible. !PIZZA
Just open your wallet and send 0.001 Hive to the mentioned account.
When you send Hive/HBD to someone, you have the possibility to add a Message to it by adding it into the "MEMO" field.
To send an encrypted MEMO, you NEED TO SET a # IN FRONT of your message, like:
Both sides will be able to read this message with the "MEMO-Key".
@shclees Thanks for the help, although I did what you explained to me, I think something went wrong because the memo went public
If its public, you did not set a hashtag in front of it (#) i guess :D?
@katerinhernandez, you've been given LUV from @schlees.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/4)
Dear @hiq.magazine people,
like for the german version i try a short poem now, in english.
Sorry to all english native speakers if the grammar is wrong😂, its a pathetic one:
There was a time when i was told
a free press is just fine as gold.
So keep moving on with pride,
stand together side by side
publish for readers here on chain
pour no content down the drain.
And at the end, here is some lyrics from Tom Petty for you, the hiq editorial staff
"She said, I dig you, baby, but I got to keep movin' on, keep movin' on"
Best regards.
Free Fällung von Tom Petry gefällt mir besser. Aber Musik ist bekanntlich Geschmackssache. So wie !BEER !PIZZA !wine und vieles mehr
Crazy Work!
On crossword of the day, embed a PDF file from a service like LBRY. There is a few other services that will allow you to embed files. It would allow users to complete the crossword on scree in the article as if real life.
Have a good day, thanks for this awesome lifestyle magazine.
Wow, not a bad read! All in one place and what I needed! Apparently I was looking for you here...)
Fun Fact I was supposed to make create awareness about bigtime on tiktok. The video kinda blew up and got 125k views. I think this reach can't be generated with youtube, at least not by small creators like me.
bigtime tiktok video - 125k views
[@quekery] Also nur zur Erklärung. Wir bringen immer eine deutsche und eine englische Ausgabe der HiQ raus. Die deutsche gibt es unter @hiq.
KLeine Anleitung für das HIQ Abo!
love this magazine
@hiq.magazine! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
mary-me tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
@schlees(1/10) tipped @katerinhernandez (x1)
quekery tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
dlmmqb tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
katerinhernandez tipped hiq.magazine (x1)
indextrader24 tipped balte (x1)
Learn more at https://hive.pizza.
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