photography the beauty of the thunbergia erecta flower.


Hi all my friends Good evening friends asean.hive welcome to meet again with hiday84 in this beloved community. On this occasion I will share some pictures about the beauty of Belgian flowers that I found a few days ago on my theme home page.

One day I visited my best friend's house, whose house is not too far from where I live, only 15 minutes away by riding a motorbike at standard speed.

when I arrived at the friend's house I rested for a while while joking and telling about their respective circumstances. After that I asked for permission to go home because it was already dusk and the sun was almost setting on the western horizon.

before I got on my motorbike I asked permission to take pictures of some types of flowers in his yard, one of the flowers that caught my attention was a purple flower, this flower is called Thunbergia erecta.

Thunbergia erecta flower is one type of flower that has a very beautiful color and very many people cultivate it because in addition to having beautiful flowers it is also very easy to care for.

The thunbergia eracta flower is almost similar to the shape and color of the telang flower, so what distinguishes it the shape of the telang flower is a bit smaller than the thunbergia erecta flower. This flower has a woody stem and is hard and the stem is about one to two meters high.

Thunbergia ercta flowers are very easy to grow in tropical and sub-tropical areas, in terms of care, we don't bother we just water them once a day, the leaves of the Thunbergia erecta flowers when we squeeze will emit an unpleasant odor.

That's all I can write on this occasion and thank you for the support from all of my friends.

In the following I will like some pictures about the beauty of the Thunbergia erecta flower.

good luck always
