Random thoughts on a Wednesday morning
Minutes in the sky,
never ate that pie,
listen to my lie:
Can't love you enough,
can't love you at all,
listen to my call,
not until you fall
in love with yourself,
my little tiny elf.
Love yourself first, they say,
like a full moon in May,
may I take your burden, Tyler
I am not your jailer,
You were always free, you know,
yes, that's you, my little bro,
as they say, dattebayo.
We are here to rule,
like Princes of the Universe,
makes no sense, to wake up
so early, Earl, just to go to work,
eat lunch with a spork,
see Spock on the wall,
saying words of wisdom.
While your whole life
is nothing but a siege,
my liege.
All the time spent
building that bridge.
What, is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?
Ah what? I don't know the answer to that!
I was referring to this.
I was referring to the last piece at the bridge - however, I am really glad that you went to the different scene!