RE: Heredise Reign
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In the realm of your mind, knowledge is power; thus every lie and falsity is a weakness.
Here are three concrete LIES that will destroy a mind and enslave it:
God. Yes, I will go there immediately, because of this reasoning:
- God is claimed to be a higher authority than yourself, over yourself.
- God is claimed to be able to read your mind and every thought, and judge you for it. This leads to fear of thinking thoughts that you would otherwise want to think.
- Gods lead to religions and religions lead to the SECOND lie.
Number two is as simple: Just as God-Church-Religion-Spirituality will compromise your absolute potency over yourself, so will State-Country-Law-Government.
Politics and the idea of conforming to society is the second lie.
To be clear, just as GOD itself is an idea that usurps your own mind, to think of ANY OTHER HUMAN as above you, is just as malignant. It is not so much the question of whether or not god or politicians -exist- that matters. It is more important as to how you consider them.
The question is simple: In the empire of your mind, is there a force more powerful ruling within it than your own mind? In other words, a shadow government that even your own mind bends to?
Do we fear these outside/inside powers? Do we fear punishment and crave reward from an external master so badly that we bow to them? Well, many people do, and those people are not just merely wrong: They've been tricked. And to me, they begin to look like cult-brainwashed slaves.
And the third ultimate lie that will destroy you is Solipsism. The idea that you are the ONLY true mind to exist, and all others are robotic illusions. To look at other people as machines, tools, slaves, or resources to be utilized. Territory to be conquered. For me and you, I doubt this is a problem. But there are many people who wish to dominate others and control them, and although I cannot wave away every sense of hierarchy in the chain of life and society, there are certain concepts associated more so with the darkness of solipsism that stand out and away from ideas like being merely helpful or needing to take charge of a project or job where you lead others to success.
No, I am absolutely speaking about the inverse of believing in Church or State, and God and King. I am speaking about trying to actually BECOME GOD OR KING.
The depraved and false essence of religions and of politics is far beyond merely being the one who BELIEVES in it. No, the absolute evil is the attempt to actually become God, or claim to be a person who speaks for a god, just as it is as wicked as to try to claim to own, control, or rule over other PEOPLE.
It is a falsity. As you said, @valued-customer, there are NO peers. NO competition. NO second party. There is only YOU. And that means you rule you, and I will rule me.
Knowing this means we must defend against factionalism and being usurped. To believe a lie that someone tells you, a lie that introduces an idea, and this idea is the idea that there is someone, anyone, more powerful than yourself, within yourself. That will compromise you and bring you to your knees. It always does.
I count myself fortunate to have realized that I am incompetent to ascertain whether there is or isn't God, and therefore to be immune to the sundry flavors of religion. I'm lucky enough to be able to tie my shoes. I have also been blessed to gain some measure of humility, because the conceit it has supplanted really sucked.
God, I am proud of my humility!
I reckon the best defense against factionalism is to be helpful to folks hereabouts. If being on good personal terms with them has any value beyond my enjoyment of it, it should be factionalism resistance. As to usurping, I'm a lot easier to kill than usurp.
Yeah, the question of a god, to me, has been figured out, but the answer is more complexly technical than theological. To me, life itself is divine, while non-life is mundane. Rocks, water, fire all have their beauty, but life is a certain type of extraordinary that demands to stand-out compared to non-living matter.
But if life is what is divine, and humans wish to have a "god character," then the most wise answer is already what many beliefs are: We have to wait and see.
Simple things grow more complex over time, so rather than a god being at the beginning of a universe, I would call the beginning of the universe "godless chaos," and thus, time itself is the divide between non-sense death, chemical-physical chaos, versus new-born life, complexity, order, art, science, and glorious endeavors of life throughout time and space and evolution.
God is an expression even atheists will say, simply for the fact that we need a word for the Awesome.