Acting Up Data Breach

Leave. Every day we dey educate users still they give login to phishing sites because they promised them outrageous bonus
If twitter has any data breach that’s another ball ge
Of course, most people do that so u mean it's possible he has se password across his social media acts.
In other words, we are all vulnerable then
E fit be device compromise
Just don’t ble it on X
If they hack your whatsapp who will you ble now?
lol bro .. anyone can fall victim of anything…
no i saying, he supported a kanye tweet where he said people are paid to post crypto links and later claim hacked
Hacking sef is hard these days
Just hijack/steal session cookies and you’re probably good to go
there is no way someone or an organization has the ablility to hack X accounts and they only target his account because they want to put a stain on his account
Well calendly was the way in. So he granted permission to someone posing as reporter but he thought he was scheduling a meeting but was given permission so that was how he got hacked
I also got this se calendly request on my Gmail asking that I schedule a meeting that I have no knowledge of. But I didn't accept it...
So calendly has been compromised and it's also pose a threat to Twitter users as well or any app that uses thier api.
If a request is not coming from a genuine person better no grant request.
You’re getting it wrong again