You're all welcome to another amazing edition of the @hivelearners feature post, I'll be sharing with you all that long term celebrity I've always longed to meet not just to have only a date, but if even the opportunity to have a dinner with Cardi B. I won't hesitate to say no to that, I do fans majority of the celebrities but in this case I prefer to choose Cardi B.

I know that everyone have that one celebrity who we intend to ask him/her few questions about him/her self, how they come about to be this popular and wealthy which I know that most of them were born into a rich family, but not minding that, some started their life from scratch and became successful in life. One thing I like about Cardi B is her Rap and I'm wondering how she came about to be a raping as a lady, what most guys can't do.
I'd given the opportunity to have a dinner with Cardi B. will be the most amazing dream which come to reality in my life and I'll excited and hoping to get correct answer to all my questions
This is how our discussion will go for that faithful day
I'll have a lot to discuss with her
Firstly: I've no doubt to know what it feels like in life to be known popularly in the whole word as a celebrity, I'll ask if it's safe to be moving on the streets by herself with a guard as a celebrity. Hmmm because in Nigeria, I won't even try to advised any celebrity to try it, for him/her not be kidnapped and pay uneccessary amount of money for ransom.

I will try to know how she comes about to be a musician and so wealthy if she started from scratch or her parents made her who she is today, I'll love her mouth if it's difficult to her to be in the position she's or if it was a smooth progress.
Also I'll like to know if she planned right from her childhood to become a celebrity in the future or it just turn around to happened, After all this questions and answers, I will let her to have her drink and also eat and have her peace... I'll be happy seeing her eating with her beauty.
I believe Cardi B had a lot of work to do to get to where she is presently. Getting to that point in life requires a lot of work, and money is not just enough.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
I love Cardi B too. Awesome personality