Christmas a Season of Giving


Christmas is fast approaching, people are busy buying gifts, planning for reunions and planning for the festive celebration this coming Christmas day and New year.

In my case we don't have any plans because my husband has work from that date. Maybe it's my another normal day during Christmas season and New Year but I'm already used to it. Nothing new to me.

December month where bonuses given to the employee if completed the entire year of 2024.

And my husband plans to buy something to his nephews and nieces to let them feel the spirit of Christmas. Though in our modern days it's really different and far during our eras .


From the photo above this what happened, my husband invited them to go to the boutique of shoes nearby in our place, but unfortunately there's no available sizes for them.

Instead we still made the day productive we just dine to City Mall Food court and have some chatting with them then went home. Still they enjoyed the morning and we are just happy to see the smiles on their faces though our plan wasn't materialize.



These are the nephews of my husband that we invited to stroll in the city. Yet they appreciated what was available for them.

The other part was about his niece. The other day niece message me asking the link of the Bluetooth speaker with microphone. Because when she came here at home she saw my Bluetooth speaker with microphone and I didn't expected from her that she liked it very much and loves to sing in karaoke.

So my husband and I decided to give her that, as our Christmas gift. Supposed to be given this Christmas but she asked me about it the link from online shop, so I need to spit it out that my husband already ordered and it was shipped out.


It was delivered and letting know niece that the parcel has arrived and I told her to come on that day to try the Bluetooth if it's working properly .

She stayed a little longer we had a chat about 3 hours then she went home. I felt happy too because in our simple ways we let them feel happiness from what they wanted to have.


That's her wearing with the blue blouse and me wearing an orange one
She went home happily and excited to try in their house the Bluetooth speaker with microphone.

Thank you so much for reading my posts. I just wanted to share the spirit of Christmas still in our hearts if we let it lead the way. If we choose to be kind in our simple way. Being kind it's not about material things being kind is what we share to others from the heart. Being kind is to understand one's situation before judging before scolding. To put our feet to their shoes how to feel their inner sufferings And struggles after all we are human we have weakness and strong character in our being. It's the choices made us difference from others. Have a blessed day everyone

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