Life without purpose
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, "The unexamined life is not worth living". That means it is important to think about the actions we take and the way we live our lives. We just follow others and try to live like them. Same culture, same life and in most cases same endings. Most of us just go through life without thinking about our dreams or even realizing them. About what we really want and what's important to us. I spent years doing things that I wasn't really interested in because everybody else was doing them. Then one day I realized that I was not really living life at all, neither did I ever understand its purpose. Besides, I am still looking for its real purpose. I always felt bored, lonely and lost looking for things I can't even understand. For the home I could never find and a big feeling of emptiness that I couldn't really overcome.
I made the decision to take the time to reflect on my life, looking more closely at my ideas, emotions, and previous experiences. Thought deeply about my choices and values, and actually noticed things about myself that I didn't realize before.
Now I think about my dreams and things that are important to me, and moreover what I want to achieve in life. Not about things that others want me to achieve. Because if I don't consider all of this and simply let life happen, I could not end up doing what I truly love and want to accomplish, which will make me more miserable. I learned to plan everything, to have better chances of achieving everything I want. Even if some things don't really go well as planned, but I learn from every experience.
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