The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah


I love reading, researching, questioning and analyse sources. To me, it's a never ending story and deeply mystic to track the sources of information. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, because you never know who wrote that part of history you are reading right now. Winners, survivors, people in powerful positions, like Kings, warlords, presidents, me, et cetera writing the history, isn't it? Sometimes it feels dangerous to question reality, social system, politics, daily life, etc. But always it feels enlightening.
May I present you something mystical?
Have you heard about The Ten Sefirot (or Sephirot) of the Kabbalah?

Source of the picture and for more information.

Me neither.
I stumbled into a connection with the Tree of Life and Jewish mystical doctrine. Here, the Tree of life is the primary mystical symbol of Kabbalah and the tree is kind of the structure of the Ten Sefirot, arranged in 3 pillars. Each Sefirah (singular for Sefirot) can be described as a type of spiritual light, and as the revelation of an aspect of the Creator.

Source of the pic and for more info.

Have you heard about Chakras?
It looks pretty similar to me. Or do the chakras look similar to the Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah? I've just started to collect some information about it.
Share all your knowledge you'd like to reveal, please.
My questions are:
How old is this mystery?
Who is practising it? Monks, priests, nuns? Is it for everybody or Jews?
Why is it similar to the chakras, or vise versa?
And, most important one, why I have heard about it only now? 😉
Maybe I'll give you more in another post. Maybe we just leave it here with the nice idea and pictures.

Source of pic n more info.

Source of pic n more info - same like first one.

I found some German text bites, but lost the source:

Der sephirothe Baum

„Die Kabbalisten teilten das Universum in vier Welten ein, von denen jede aus zehn Sphären bestand, die in dem sogenannten „sephirothischen Baum“ angeordnet waren.

Dieser Baum besteht aus zehn Kreisen, die die Zahlen 1 bis 10 darstellen und durch zweiundzwanzig Kanäle miteinander verbunden sind – die zweiundzwanzig Buchstaben des hebräischen Alphabets. Die zehn Zahlen plus die zweiundzwanzig Buchstaben ergeben die okkulte Zahl 32, die nach der Mischna die zweiunddreißig Pfade der Weisheit bedeutet.

animation (4).gif
animation (3).gif


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Oh amor! don’t tell me you have never heard about it 🥰 my love, we spend to long separate… let’s have a date and talk about the tree of life, the flower of life and the source of the universe ♥️
Btw I love how you wrote this post.


I've never heard about the Ten Sefirot of Kabbalah. But the tree of life, flower of life and the source of the universe, which we only have a few models, I'm familiar with ☝🏽🤓
Time for a date to discuss!


The mysteries of life. Yeah in the end it's all connected.if love to find time to chat about it :)


sehr spannend, was du da herausgefunden hast - die verbindung zu den chakras 😍
