Vix and Mira in the Valley of Scorn



Mira sighed, dejected from yet another failed transformation. Another one! She tore her Necronomicon to pieces, the blasted pages regrowing faster than she could destroy them. It wasn't fair!

"Miraaa. Calm dowwwn!" Vix, her pix, pleaded on her shoulder. His devilish looks subverted by his miniature size. "We're making progress! We're -"

"Shut up, Vix!" Mira loved her pix, truly, but he didn't know when shut up. "Or I'll hex you!"

"Miraaaa, you can't hex meee." Viz appeared to be crying, but Mira was long passed his cheap tricks. "But I can hex youuuu~."

"Yeah, yeah." Mira rolled her eyes. He really could hex her, but no pix had ever used magic on its master. "How can I not be mad? Look at this disgrace!"

The corpse lay tangled. Tangled, but beautiful! Red, blue and yellow roses sprouted from her torso, her face covered in scales that shone majestically in the ever-setting sun. A wholly unwelcomed piece to the Valley of Scorn.

Mira had purified the unsuspecting traveler in seconds - she was always good at purifying people, So what? She could kill them, but could never accomplish what was truly important! She looked up, the dim stars just getting back into place, a final reminder of her failure.

"It's done, Mira... Move on..." Mira hated when her pix was rational. Which meant she would constantly hate him if not for the fact that she loved him. "We -"

"Shut up, Vix!" Mira let out one last defeated sigh before putting on her mean face. "I'll appease you damn Gods one day..." She whispered. "Come on!" She yelled to herself more than Vix or his stupid Gods.

Mira let her Necronomicon fall - it disappeared before hitting the ground. She grabbed her backpack, her wand and her hat and was off.

Mira was in the valley for a week now, and her knowledge of this beautiful pit of hell was growing depressingly accurate. Most witches stayed in the valley for a day or two. Mira on the other hand...

"Miraaaa, stop poutinggg." The pix was puffing in and out of existence around her. "We'll get out soon!"

Mira trudged through the River of Blood until she reached the enormous rock halfway through - she affectionately named it Rock o' Bloody Sorrow, or Robs for short. She knew Vix was right, but at the moment, she just wanted to kill something. Shame that everything in the valley was already dead, decaying or dying. For forever more, dying.

Mira surveyed the riverbank atop Robs. A tactic she developed from days of failure.

Finally, she spotted something.

A hapless mother and son appeared behind some gnarled, poisonous roots. Their fleshy color contrasting nicely with the dark, dim, faded background. They were still normal: skin in tact, eyes frightened, limbs attached. As fresh as fresh gets. She had to move fast or risk them dying to... well, anything.

She opened her Necronomicon and began casting her summon. "Vix! I'm gonna try for the big ones this time! I need you to glamour them until I'm done. Hurry!"

"On it!" And the pix was off, streaking like a beam of light towards the two unsuspecting victims.

As Mira continued casting atop Robs, Vix landed behind a decrepit oak tree, feeding on the memories of the pair. He soon transformed into a tall, lanky man with blonde hair. For some reason, this image would comfort the dregs. He stepped out on the decaying path before them.

"Hello lovelies!" Vix proclaimed, performing an elaborate bow.

The mother screamed, stepping in front of her son. The boy seemed more frightened of his mother's constant screams than the strange man blocking their path.

Vix tried to calm the situation. "Do not worry humans! You will soon perish anyway! Might as well have some fun while at it, mm?" His experience with humankind however, was lacking.

The mother grabbed a discarded branch, trying to attack the glamoured pix. The branch however, moved, curling itself around the woman's arm. It bit into her skin, letting out a deadly toxin that would soon smother her from the inside.

"Crud..." Mira needed more time, they can't die now!

Vix pointed, and the branch broke off from the mother, taking the lower arm with it. She dropped to her knees, eyes wide and mouth open. Defeated. The son dropped beside her, hugging his mom. He was now well and truly afraid. The discarded arm started to twist and turn. It would soon bloom into a new type of tree. An appeasing offering to the Gods, however made by Vix, and not Mira. It wouldn't count.

As for the mother, her injury started to spread at an abhorrent rate. No living thing could survive the Valley of Scorn for long.

Mira finished her spell. Two little goblins were summoned behind the petrified couple. They carried two ritualistic staves, which they placed firmly in the ground. The goblins started dancing, chanting a muted chant and growing by the second. Their deafened song calmed the humans, putting them in a deep state of trance. While the goblins only grew.

Mira was now standing next to Vix, who was back in his pix form. "You made a new tree without me..." Mira whimpered, looking at the blooming hand, tears welling up. "I thought we would... we would..."

"Shhh! Focus! Cast your spell, the goblins are nearly done!"

Mira nodded, wiping her cheeks and setting her feet. She cast several spells on the immobile couple, preparing them for what came next.

One goblin grabbed the mother, and the other the son. Their mouths drooled in anticipation. But they would not feast, not while summoned by the Necronomicon. Instead, they joined the mother and son into one entity, deformed and horrifying to the human mind. Mira and Vix watched the process with great anticipation.

When they were done, puff, they were gone. Leaving behind a terrifying stump of flesh and puss. It was so gross Mira almost cried with joy.

"It's... horrible... Vix, we did it? Wait..."

Before the pix could respond, the stars above started rearranging themselves into a vague human-like face.

"MIRA OF RIVERWOOD." A voice echoed from the sky. "YOUR ADDITION... IS NOT ACCEPTED..."

"What?" Vix yelled incredulously. But the stars already started to return to their orbit.

"It's alright, Vix." Mira said in a calm voice. "I knew we failed."

"But look at that thing, Mira! It's disgusting! How can it not be a worthy addition to the valley?"

"Come." Mira led Vix to the clump of flesh. "In its middle, you see?" Nothing in the putrid mess resembled anything human. Except for two hands, clasped firmly together. "I wager that's the hand you let the mother keep?"

"I had no choice they were about to die! I had to!"

"I know. I know." She patted the ephemeral creature by its nonexistent head. "We were too ambitious, too impatient."

"Mira..." Vix's voice was tired, horse. "I want to get out of here..."

"We'll do better next time. We'll work as a team, we have to be aligned Vix. Witch and pix thinking as one, acting as one! Only then can we produce a worthy addition to the Valley of Scorn."

"You're... growing up so fast!" The pix vanished, obviously proud.

"Not fast enough." Mira turned, returning to Robs.

The mesh of flesh and bone that was once a mother and child began rotting. Breaking apart. It soon resembled debris. But not fully.

The knowing eye could still spot two hands, clasped as one before the end.

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This was a fast write-up. (not sure what that says about my demented mind 😅).

This is a world I can see myself writing in again. I can see these two getting in all sort of mischief together. But we'll see. 🙂

Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

Image source.

Peace and have a great week! 😏

0.008 PAL


Thats a fast write up, thats pretty damn good

IM impressed :)


0.000 PAL

Thank you daddy. 😂

Took me an hour. So yes it was pretty fast. 😁

0.000 PAL

Part 1 of 3 perhaps??? !LOLZ So what do you consider to be a 'fast write'? Curious because everything is relative, right? For me, a fast write is starting and finishing in one day... and... depending on the genre and subject matter, fast could mean a couple of days haha.

I think you are creating a wonderfully dark world here where I can't work out yet whether Vix and Mira are actually good guys caught in a bad guys trap or not... looking forward to future chapters

I came here via Dreemport.


0.000 PAL

Part 1 of 3 perhaps???

Nah, this is a standalone for now. Got too many ideas to get tied down to one world right now. 😅 I'm sure I'll come back to it though.

This took me like an hour to write, and... like 20 minutes to edit. So this is a first-and-halfish draft. 😁 If I spend more than a day on it as you say, it would have to be a third draft at that point. I only do that for contests, and even then I slack off most times and just submit the second draft. 😂


0.000 PAL

I ruminate too much... clearly! !LOLZ

0.000 PAL

Yee, I came to the conclusion "who cares?" You learn most when writing, thinking about stuff I've found to be counter productive. 😇

0.000 PAL

haha... yeah I agree that we learn most when writing... but this is how I see it... I revisit my pieces over and over before publishing... tightening and editing until I am happy with them... it gives me perspective on my own development and process. Not everyone's cuppa tea, I get it... but thinking is kinda how I improve things for me. Going to be a lot of thinking going on for the next few weeks! !ALIVE

0.000 PAL


Everyone has their own process. Whatever works, right? I used to kinda do what you describe as well, and I never finished anything I set out to write. 😅 I always found something that was worth editing, it literally would never stop. That workflow destroyed my creative pace, until I found what works for me - which was basically the complete opposite. 😂 My writing has improved leaps and bounds ever since. But for sure, to each his own. 👊

0.000 PAL

Completely agree... I like to do a mix of free-writes that push me to just let go and write creatively with freedom, and more considered pieces... I actually quite enjoy both processes. I think there is a space to be found somewhere in between that would work optimally for me... I definitely hear you on writing improving by pushing the creative process into that zone where you don't think at point of writing... and just flow... I am still on the hunt for the perfect balance for me... one day I will find it!


0.000 PAL

one day I will find it!

Dude, it's gonna find you. If you just keep writing, then you will naturally fall into the habits that most suit you. Just takes time. 🙂

0.000 PAL

A fast and dastardly world spun out of an... ummm... demented mind. Well, Mira might not be able to get her spells working too well but you certainly managed it. Spellbinding fantasy!

I'm planning on going for the fast approach this Friday myself. Who knows what will come out of my "demented" mind? Hahaha!

0.000 PAL

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. 😌

I'll definitely do the slow approach on Friday though. 😅 Speaking of which, I need to start planning out that story...

Peace and thanks for stopping by!

0.000 PAL

It was an absorbing stopover. The view into the Valley of Scorn and watching that poor, terrified mother and son turn into a tree was both fascinating and frightful.

0.000 PAL

You did justice with this even though that you wrote it from your demented mind as you always call it.. Awesome creativity and fascinating imaginations...why not elaborate it more into getting a part two...probably when Mira and Vix had a battle it was all about betrayal or what ever and then part three for the succession of their plans in the valley of scorn.
This name sends shiver down mumu spine...yikes!

Thanks submitting this article on Dreemport...its a good read!

0.000 PAL

I can't focus on one world too much. Although I'm sure I'll return to this one since it has such an 'easy' feeling to it. When i say easy, I mean I can write in it without breaking a sweat. 😅 So I'll def return, just not for this contest.

Thanks submitting this article on Dreemport...its a good read!

Yeah, I had to try the site out and see what all the fuss is about. And I must say, the using experience was very smooth and intuitive. Will def submit through it again. 😇

Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it. 😌

Have a nice day. 👋

0.000 PAL

Okay great grocko!
Gracious glad you love the fuss about dreemport...we would always be on your articles definitely and that's through the submission.

My pleasure!

0.000 PAL

Well I'm in the DreemPort discord as a tester now, so am look forward to helping you guys improve it even still. 👊

0.000 PAL

Run for the hills, everyone! 😂

Welcome to DreemPort!

0.000 PAL

Trying to imagine what the Valley of Scorn looks like makes my skin crawl already!

...not sure what that says about my demented mind

Yea, says a lot! 😂

Fast paced and fascinating! I was almost rooting for Mira to succeed in her spell so her pix can stop it's weirdness. 😄 You did great with this! !PIZZA

0.000 PAL


Thank you~.

I actually plan on writing more of Mira and Vix's journey. Was super fun and easy to write, but we'll see. 😅

0.000 PAL

Fast write-ups are the best!

0.000 PAL

You know it bruh! Most of my writing on hive is a fast write-up. God only knows how long it takes to actually draft/edit your content. 😅

0.000 PAL

Hehe all depends on my mood 🤣

0.000 PAL


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0.000 PAL