'OnKilter2' - New Original Music - Some More Tweaks...


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So I made some smaller tweaks

to yesterday's idea, which I think have helped a lot. Nothing huge, and only two new tracks (technically only 1 original), but things have much more of their own space now. Firstly, we have Track 2, which adds a new kick drum, which I think helped quite a bit as the previous one was a bit too mid heavy. Together, they fill in the space quite a bit better. Tracks 4 and 5, the keyboards, have a high pass filter now; it turned out the low end on that was muddying things up a LOT, and a lot of it was just extra stuff, no real harmonic information. For the audio clip drums (Track 6), I boosted the highs a bit, so the hats are a bit more prominent, as they were a little quiet previously. Track 7, the bass synth, I compressed, but also raised in volume a bit, cause it was too quiet for sure. Track 10 was the last new addition; it was a single note line, played by Track 9. I recorded the audio to 10, then wraped it a bit. The reverb on it caused it to come in late, so I put it on beat, and stretched some bits out to get a bit more of a glitchy sound. It now pans across the spectrum, just playing single E notes. Nothing too wild, but I like the effect. Overall, I like this idea a lot so far! I like the bass, but I am starting to think maybe, at least rhythmically, its got a bit too much happening that distracts from the other rhythms of other instruments, so I'll play around with simplifying or replacing it. If that becomes something, I'll share the results.

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Clearing out the low-end on Tracks 4 and 5 to make room for bass/kicks

Listen to OnKilter2 here...

Hope you enjoy!

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