Hive Garden Journal: Vegetable Checking and Building Chicken Coup
Edited By: Incollage Maker Application
Greetings to all of us Dear Hive Gardeners, I felt very happy this morning when I checked my vegetables at the Garden. Its been a week since I did not visit my Simple garden due to a busy situations for the past few days. Truly that if we seen our fruit of success, we will truly glad, happy and proud to ourselves because of the Good and successful results behind of our hard works and dedication especially to our Family and Parents. This article of mine for today is serve as a garden journal and to share to all of you the good and fruitful results in my Simple Garden.
This is my Simple Garden and it locates at the middle and vast places filled with coconut trees. Even if it is not really directed seen by the sun, I keep this vegetables still healthy and grow better by applying an organic fertilizers like Rotten dry leaves, banana stems, saw dusts and crushed eggshells. My next plan for this is to add more bamboo pieces to my garden fence so that no animals can entering inside of the Garden and to keep my vegetables safe and secured.
First, Allow me to share my Monggo beans and it produce many beans already. By next month, this will be ready and good to harvest. Last day, I have a slightly problem regarding with this plant because there are an appids on its leaves. I did my best to removed the appids by applying and spraying water with chilli pepper on it. And now, aside of beans, there are also lots of flowers bloom that will produce into a beans.
This Okra vegetable of mine really needs to cultivate the soil surrounds in this plant so that it can easily grow. One of the best reason and the best thing to do in order to our plant grows healthy is to cultivate and pulverized the soil. Appids loves to lived on Okras leaves that is why I also checked it and luckily there was not.
I am very happy to see this Tomatoe plant of mine, I tried to plant one tomatoe and As I observed this will grow healthy. I never thought that tomatoe plants is good and perfect here in our place, and as I already seen the results, I will plant more of it. I cultivated the soil and it is fine even if there are no tree guards on it because it is in the inside of the bamboo fence.
Eggplants needs to take care because there are lots of worms living on the eggplant stems. I am very happy to see this Good results and my eggplant already produced this big and long eggplant vegetables. I always applied organic fertilizer so that my vegetable plant will grow healthy and produce more vegetables. We will be abled to know if there are worms on it because the stems and branch will turn into brown color, and as for that is should he cut immediately.
Camote taps is very popular and known here in our place, and it is good for Vegetable salad making. As for that, I also planted more of it and sell those to the market place of it will produce more leaves.
Sauted string beans is my favorite dish, this kind of vegetable is very expensive if we brought it in the Market. As for that, I decided to plant more of it so that it will less the Family budget and instead of buying in the Supermarket, we can get it free.
My spinach bamboo frame is also usable in this kind of vegetables and in fact it already crawls in the bamboo frame producing some seeds of it. Some spinach vines also produce more leaves and this is the important of this vegetable as main ingredients of fish soup.
I also plant lemons inside of my Garden. For now, the lemon keep growing and taller and in a few months it can produce more lemon fruits. I removed those dry lemon leaves and cultivated the soil also.
Making A Chicken Coup:
Chicken coup or Pugaran in Local term is a kind of a big nest only for the hen were they laying the eggs. It is made of coconut leaves and knotted it to creat a round and cozy coup. I built this because some of my chickens are going to lay more eggs. I placed it higher so that animals like dogs and can't eat the eats. To keep the chicken dry even if it is raining, I also built this simple rooftop to keep them warm.
Your garden is exciting! Thank you for sharing it with us.
I am very happy and glad that you appreciated it, thank you also for visiting my post. ☺️🙏
Your garden is looking beautiful, the plants are growing with so much pride and beauty, and I can sense the pride in your words.
Your garden is already reaping the benefits of the organic fertilizers and innovative pest control methods that you used
Now, about that chicken coup... You created a five-star hotel for your chickens... And from that image, I can imagine how the chickens will be lounging in their new, rain-proof abode... hehehehe
Hehehe 5 star hotel but free Ma'am. It is good to make this kind of thing so that my chicken will safe from any harmful animals and keep them cozy. Thank you for the visit Ma'am 😊
Lol... Yes, free 5-star hotel indeed. I am sure they are grateful for that. You are welcome 😍
The blood of a gardener has really running through your vein my friend. All of your vegetables was really beautiful and healthy. Great efforts.
Yes sir, and I really proud of it. I born in a simple Family and Agriculture is the primary source of income. It is very fun and enjoyable. Thank you for visiting my post sir.
Your welcome younger brother. Relate much here because I am also from the province. Glad Ive found you here...