The Art of Asking for a Raise


Finding a job in the Czech Republic is relatively easy. In fact, companies fight over skilled employees, and Prague, in particular, lures workforce from other EU countries and even overseas expats with competitive salaries and promising professional growth opportunities. Just a side note – with the unemployment rate as low as 2.7%, we rank the best within the EU, and Prague shines even more, hovering around 2%. From my experience witnessing the hiring process and even looking for my own replacement in two companies, the Czech labor market still lacks experienced people capable of working in international companies or start-ups, and that’s a gap that expats fill. Yet bragging about the local market is not my point, although such a saturated market gives power to employees. You can hardly affect the macroeconomics, so let’s put that aside and focus on what’s truly important: yourself.


Your Salary is Your Responsibility

Nope, I am not about to write any motivational nonsense like the self-made people who got rich and keep telling you that even you can do so. Just buy their books and subscribe to their podcasts or workshops (which, by the way, is what made them rich in the first place). But there’s still a seed of truth in the well-marketed crap they try to sell you. Mind yourself first. That means two things – find yourself a job you enjoy and make sure your effort is appreciated accordingly. While the former is straightforward, many people struggle with the latter. What a pity for them!

Your salary likely consists of the base pay and benefits or bonuses. There’s no reason to play it safe as long as you’re confident about your efforts – I’ve always been, and it pays off. Accept (or offer) lower base pay with significant bonuses for reaching set goals or KPIs. It shows your dedication and is heavily appreciated by managers. If you do this during the job interview, asking for a bold salary structure could change the tide of the assessment process in your favor. Feel free to discuss your remuneration anytime, though.

Keeping You Pays Off

Asking for a raise is something most employees feel uncomfortable with, yet it’s simple. Way easier than handling your company’s clients – you know the playground, and there’s no reason to feel unsafe. Let me point out a few things that back your demands (unless you’re a poor worker; then you might look for a job you’d like instead).

  • Your company likely invested time and resources in your personal development. General onboarding and introduction to the tools and processes related to your position are not for free, not to mention job-specific training you might have undergone since. You improved your skills and gained experience over time, so you likely work better and more effectively than when you last asked for a raise.
  • You may look for a better-paid job elsewhere (as you’re more skilled than you used to be). Hiring your replacement is always costly. Generally speaking, hiring one person costs about 10 FTEs of a recruiter. That could easily cover your raise for a year even if we put other costs aside (the time you or somebody else spends training your replacement, the low efficiency of the new person within the first few weeks or months, the costs of promoting the job offer, etc.). Besides, your replacement would likely ask for more money than you get anyway.
  • Hiring a new person to replace you comes with risks for your employer. The person may decide to quit during the trial period, effectively starting the hiring process over with all the costs mentioned above. This person may turn out slower than you, make more mistakes, or have health issues.

Take Over the Negotiation

Every good manager is aware of all that. Even bad managers will hear your arguments for raise if you present them smartly, preferably in one of your regular 1-on-1 meetings. Start the conversation positively:

“Hey! I’m quite confident about my work outcomes. How do you feel about them?”

As long as your superior agrees, your raise is on the way.

“Cool. Then, I believe my effort should be remunerated accordingly. Our company values good work, doesn’t it?”

It’s hard to say no if you put it this way, right? Can you imagine any superior replying something like: “No, our company does not give a shite about your work”? If there’s a bit of beating around the bush to avoid a clear reply, insist on a simple yes or no answer. In 99% of cases, it would be a reluctant yes – the manager knows where you are heading.

“I love to hear that. So I’ve been doing good work, and our dear company values such an approach. The math is quite simple then. Besides, I’ve grown professionally since my last raise, and I believe this should be reflected in my salary.”

Your manager will likely agree, but there’s always the budget mantra. All the world knows you should get some extra money, but the budget is tight!

“I understand that the market situation forces our company to cut costs, and I am obviously aware of the negative projections due to XY. However, let’s do it this way: Instead of a base pay raise, let’s agree on, say, up to 15% extra in bonuses for reaching certain goals. I happened to list them for this meeting. I am sure a manager like you can push it through – it’s not extra costs at all as it comes with profit. Instead, it’s a win-win-win situation for the company, your department, and me.”

Can you imagine anyone rejecting that? It never happened to me, nor anyone I know who has played this card – given that they did a great job. It works better than emphasizing the extra costs and risks if you took a job elsewhere, and it doesn't make you look like an extorter.

This is my #juneinleo day 17 entry. Feel free to join the challenge with own genuine long posts!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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LEO Power Up Day - June 15, 2024

Nice one brother, it's necessary to advocate for fair compensation that reflects your actual efforts. You would definitely need confidence and preparation when discussing salary with the employers


Try to follow the suggested approach, I quite sure it's gonna work in your case too. Given that you work with same effort you comment here ;)


Absolutely big bro, anything I do, I put in maximum effort, thanks for the advice, will be sticking with it 🍺


This is a great point of view... Asking for a raise is actually a skill needed in this job market or else one will stay as he is and may end up not feeling appreciated in the work he does.


It sounds like the job market is pretty healthy there and that helps when it comes to asking for more money. You still have to show you are valuable to your employer.


Yes, the job market is quite all right here, yet many people still feel shy, or just uncomfortable to ask for a better remuneration.


I usually run into the case where my raise is tied to the other bargaining groups even though I am not associated with any of them. They say things like we only gave this group a 2% raise, so we can't give you a 4% raise. It's pretty annoying. Especially when the jobs are not similar at all.


Then it is about preparing arguments in advance, preferably with "common sense" examples proving the equalist approach inappropriate :)


It's a hot mess. I already put in my request about a month ago. I am still waiting to see if they are going to accept it. I have a feeling they will wait until the last minute and then not give me any time to counter.


Fingers crossed then!


I have to write up my wife's every year too so I am still waiting to hear on that as well.


Už jsi získal nějakého Španěla z T. okruhu, aby k nám přišel pracovat, když jsou u nás tak skvělé příležitosti? Na synkově škole učí minimálně dva Španělé angličtinu.


Ano. Není to nic neobvyklého. Ve Španělsku schopný čerstvý absolvent takové podmínky jako v Praze těžko dostane.


Mohl by sis na to udělat agenturu. To myslím vážně.


Česko není tak atraktivní jako třeba Německo, ale v principu jo. Jen by mě to tak nebavilo. Taky hrozí, že za pár let doroste schopnější generace, která třeba ovládá jazyky :) Aby na našich školách nemuseli angličtinu učit Španělé. Tedy doufám :)


I am a slightly older generation, used to working hard, not complaining and not asking for excessive benefits... Until a moment... Until the labor market changed so much, that the sentence: "If you don't want to work for that salary , there are those who want", turned into a counter: "If you won't pay more, there are those who will". And until younger generations came along, who don't have the "shame" of asking for a raise.
Well, that's when I also changed my attitude and thinking...
In essence, I have never checked the salary on the market for the qualifications I have and the work I do... When I talk to my director about earnings, I tell him the following: "I have not checked on the market until now how much I could earn, and you think about how much it pays for the company not to even increase the salary, so I don't think about checking the market, because we know what can happen then 🙂".
I demand maximum raises for my team, so that they get at least half, which is still good.
If I can't get a financial increase, I take other benefits, so I negotiated private health insurance...
Take everything you can, because the company also takes everything it can from you.


Yep, giving away benefits makes sence for companies, depending on the tax structure in the country. Still, a good benefit could be worth quite a lot of money :)


Sometimes "fruit at work" is counted as a benefit, and it can be useful for health 🙂


I was once a manager of a coffee shop, like head manager making 2x the staff.

One of the staff members was an older lady who realized that she had the same experience that I had but with an additional 10-15 years, I was 22, she was in her late 30’s early 40’s

She said “why is it that I have the same experience as you but times 5 and yet you are manager and I am just staff?”

I looked at her and simply said “I applied for the manager position, you applied to be a staff member”


This tactic would need to be written down and memorized😂😂😂

Maybe you should write your own book like one of those self-made people who got rich and keep telling us that even we can do so. 😂😂


It's not for a book, just a couple of posts like that at maximum. And it's no hidden truth, just a simple way anybody could come up with.

Feel free to use it anytime ;)
