The Fathers Are Worth Celebrating😍✌️✌️


So on 18th of June was kept aside to celebrate the father's so may churches did celebrated the fathers but my church couldn't because we had an evangelistic outreach to a rural area so it was rather postponed to the 25th of June which was a day before yesterday.
All the fathers we celebrate by the church and the youth department wasn't an exception, the youth wing of the church made sure that gifts were given to all the fathers in the church. There was so much joy in the house, the fathers were surprised because they never expected such from us and we were so happy to see the joy radiating in their faces. I can still remember that when it was mother's day we did celebrated them, so we planned on celebrating the fathers also and I am happy it came out all well to God's glory.

After the celebration the fathers showed the whole church love by entertaining us with soft drinks and a plate of jellof rice, it was too soothing to the stomach🥱🥱🥱.
We all enjoyed it 😃 and after eating we cleaned the church and we all dispersed.
It was a memorable day indeed.

I remain
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