Realities of the New Covenant.

Good morning Everyone
Hope we're all doing Good?

Today i want to share with us on the Realities of the New Covenant.


Covenant is a formal, solemn and binding agreement between two or more people.

The New Covenant refers to the relationship between God and humanity established through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God instituted a New covenant and sealed it with the blood of Jesus that it might never be broken. In the old Covenant, the blood of the bulls and goats were always sacrificed year after year to cover man's sin. So God gave his only begotten son as the last sacrifice for the redemption of man and the Blood of Jesus shed initiated a new covenant for man and the covenant of his blood breaks the power of all other covenants.

There are key realities of God's New covenant which includes:

Forgiveness of Sins: Through Jesus' sacrifice, believers receive forgiveness for their sins, past, present, and future. According to Matthew 26:28 This forgiveness is offered because of the blood covenant of Jesus that does not only deal with sin but forgives sin. When we come to the knowledge of the truth that sets us free, the covenant blood of Jesus breaks the power of sins.

Personal Relationship with God: In the Old covenant, The people never had access to God directly according to Exodus 24: 3-8, Moses alone had access to God. He always brings God's word to the people. But now the realities of God's New covenant are that Believers have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, with access to God through prayer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Transformation of Heart: According to Romans 12:2 The New Covenant promises a transformation of the heart, where believers are given new desires and empowered to live according to God's will.

Eternal Life: According to John 3:16, 1 John 5:13. The New Covenant offers the hope of eternal life in the presence of God for all who believe in Jesus Christ. Until you come to the knowledge that you have eternal life and also believe in the Son of God only then will you have this eternal life.

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I still remain @gloreal.
