Que Difícil es Haberte Perdido [ESP / ENG]
Perderte abuela ha sido el dolor más grande que he vivido hasta ahora. Siento que mi corazón se ha roto y me recorre un escalofrío por todo mi ser, incapaz de hacer algo sin que una lágrima recorra mi rostro.
Losing you grandmother has been the greatest pain I have experienced so far. I feel like my heart has broken and a shudder runs through me, unable to do anything without a tear running down my face.
Estoy viviendo fuera de mi realidad, aun no acepto que ella ya no está, y que cuando regrese a casa no me va recibir con su risa , sus brazos abiertos, que por el resto de mí vida, no escucharé más su voz.
I am living outside of my reality, I still do not accept that she is no longer here, and that when I return home she will not welcome me with her laughter, her open arms, that for the rest of my life, I will no longer hear her voice.
Que triste es perder al ser amado, confieso que he llorado tanto, que me han dado ganas de gritar sin control, que he dado golpes a la almohada porque me resulta difícil aceptarlo. Es quizás rabia o dolor.
How sad it is to lose a loved one, I confess that I have cried so much, that I have felt like screaming uncontrollably, that I have hit the pillow because it is difficult for me to accept it. Maybe it is rage or pain.
Esa enfermedad le arrebató su vida y como una vela se fue apagando su llama y así se fue desgastando la esperanza de no perderla, hoy la extraño mas que nunca, hoy quisiera ser pequeña de nuevo
That disease took her life away from her and like a candle her flame was extinguished and so was the hope of not losing her, today I miss her more than ever, today I would like to be small again.
No controlo mis pensamientos, cierro mis ojos y veo su cara sonriéndome, hoy quisiera poder decirle nuevamente, Te Amo Mucho Abuela.
I don't control my thoughts, I close my eyes and see her face smiling at me, today I wish I could tell her again, I Love You Grandma.
Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism