Love Yourself More



If you don't love yourself and you are selfish and loud about it, nobody will love you that way. If you don't learn to put yourself first, think about yourself first, and think about yourself first, nobody will do that for you.

People give in return to you what you give out and produce for them to see, so if you constantly look down on yourself, constantly put down yourself, see yourself as the little, and belittle yourself in front of others, you will get the same from them, you will receive same vibes from them. Most times, they may or may not do it consciously but because they've seen you treat yourself with no regard and seen you talk about yourself like you are nothing, you will be treated that same way and they won't be sorry they treat you that way.

So, you are in essence reaping what you sowed, you are in essence, getting back from society what you dish out but this time what you dished to yourself. There are no two ways about it. Love you and see people give you that regard and respect you give to yourself, put yourself down, and watch people treat you that same way.

I know most times, it is hard but you have to love yourself more, you have to be in love with yourself, and you have to be selfish about yourself, it helps you create boundaries and filter what gets to your table because people know you are not mediocre and as such will not settle for mediocre. Life isn't that hard, so don't make it too hard for yourself and on yourself. When you love yourself, you would never let people treat you in a certain way because you know that you don't deserve to be treated that way and do deserve good and better things because you give yourself such treat.



It's necessary to love ourselves more than any other thing, aside from God
