Love Yourself


Nobody is going to love you more than you love yourself
No matter is going to treat you well better than you treat yourself
It is how you carry yourself, people are going to carry you
It is how you see yourself, people are going to see you.

You will be measured by that same scale you measure yourself with
It is from the lens you view yourself, that people are going to view you from
There is no too way about it, there is no other way than this.
Cherish yourself, love yourself, build your worth and self-esteem and people are going to see and treat you that same way.

You would be seen, talked to, and appreciated in the same way you see and appreciate yourself. It is what it is, life will dish to you what you dish to yourself, so you get to dish to yourself more.


We are always in a rush for people to love us, we are always so eager to find love and want to be loved but if we do not teach ourselves how to love ourselves, we will never know the true definition of love because others will only define to us what love means to them and want us to integrate it. After all, we do not know what LOVE actually is.

Love yourself that you become selfish and obsess with yourself, love yourself that you would not find it lonely and boring to have alone time with yourself. Love yourself that no matter the pressure or what is at stake, you will never think to settle for less because you know you deserve good and better things life has to offer. Love yourself so that you become jealous of how much you love yourself.

It is you and you alone against the world and all that is involved in the world and if you do not teach yourself what love is or the true definition of love, you are going to be having a long walk around the world because the world is going to dish you whatever it can offer and not what is suitable for you and I bet you, by that time, you will have no option than to accept whatever it dishes to you because you have no mind of your own.

