WASTED LIFE AND EFFORTS:: :The Ink Well Prompt #74
It is fine to be lost most times in our lives, but not letting it take the best part of us is simply what we should all try to escape from, James advised as he shared his story with the young stars who cared to listen.
Life from the unset was good for James as everything he wanted was provided for him in an instant. The life he was having as a teenager growing up was quite great and full of hope. He was very alive and hence great among his peers for, the provision from his parents kept him on edge above most of his peers but as they say, life always got its way of showing itself to people.
James who happened to be the first son of his mother, but almost the last of his father, had rounded up with High school and was all in preparation to face the higher education ahead of him. Hence being a very outstanding student, he wrote the entrance examination into his preferred school (University) choice and was successful due to the way he hard prepared and with God on his side.
The following year he started school, not so long into schooling it happened that he lost his only serious form of support. His dad passed away and his mom on the other hand was not financially stable, so it was mostly on James to fend for himself and do most of the provision of his basic needs. Though he had senior siblings nobody cared so life pretty much became a tough race for James.
James had struggled so hard with the little assistance from his mom, to keep himself in school but it was very much not an easy one. The bills, the responsibilities at home, everything surrounding him, and the whole circumstances of life changed from the very day his dad died, due to the fact that all his father's possession were taken from his mother by the family members of his father, and this, therefore, became a hindrance for simple living for both James and his Mom and younger siblings.
All the turn-off events, it was tall enough to drive somebody crazy, James began to think regularly all his thoughts were based on how he can make money to liberate both himself and his family from the present state and condition of their life. It all got so bad that he was really much lost in his own thought, the thought on how to make it, the thought of how life has very much changed, how things have become, this really much on his day and night he thought but no solution.
He worked different jobs but it was not enough. All this drove him mad, he grew wild in his own thought, he was overpowered by his inner demons, those thoughts got to him, he lost his way, he was off the track for over a semester in school and this affected his study. Life became really hard for him, no one to run to, left in this world to very much cater to his problems and fend for himself in an already crashed economy where the value of their currency held no meaning for things that were way costly.
Being consumed by your own inner demons is the worst trap to ever be in, through the thought of lack and discomfort he was driven to a peak in his life where things all fell out of place, lost his way, and at the end of the day, dropped out of school. For things couldn't go the way he planned, life was much harder for him as he said.
But sincerely speaking, James said, no matter the situation you are going through does not allow it to consume you too much for they might be no remedy when it gets too late, he told the young blood listening.
Using himself as an example, all his life he had been lost right from the day his dad died, to him his dad was the greatest of all his lost but that he later told them was a wrong conception, just a young child blaming his failures on the death of his father. He told the children to learn from him, that life goes on no matter what we lose, no matter the situation, there is always a way out, "patience is a virtue" he said, they should all take a look at him he had lost his life all he is now is only but a drunk.
He cautioned these children that he should be a lesson to them, they should never allow their situation to take the best of their life and not allow themself to be consumed by the surrounding circumstances hence making them a failure to both themselves and their family members.
I did say it's great to be finally back here making my entry for the #74 posting prompt in this wonderful community. All thanks to God for life and also the community admins for their good work to always keep us engaged and keeping the community in order.
This story depicts the image of the today youth who have resorted to the monopoly of knowledge to deprive themselves from the good life that awaits time.
This is a great interpretation of the prompt. Not only did he lose his father, but he lost his way. He is very young, though. Since he has the wisdom to tell others they should not follow his example, perhaps he will have the insight and will to change his ways.
Thank you for sharing this story with us. The narrative has a message every reader can appreciate. We appreciate that you engage with other writers in the community.
I have to admit that this resonated to an extent with me; I haven't derailed off studying and things haven't been as tough as a few years ago...but last night I was terribly frustrated from being taken by my inner demons again. The feeling of wanting to do something for yourself and stop doing something against yourself but being unable to keep up with that promise is one of the worst things you can feel, but I talked about that with a friend last night and having someone that can support you really felt important to me.
That said, I could get to sleep and wake up in a better state than yesterday, looking forward to clear my mind further, detach my head and thoughts from overusing certain things that have got me this way, and exercising my creativity not only to try and achieve ideas that I wanted to do, but also to exercise my concentration and attention to be able to keep up with long projects and ideas once again.
I know that its weird to put this into a comment of all things, but I was already inspired in the morning to write something as a way to stay away from the computer (which is why I checked this community today), and reading this has me even more inspired in expressing myself and working towards to writing what I want to write...which is something that I think that will help me push myself off the terrible headspace I keep getting caught by as a productive action, objective to reach, and a creative outlet for myself to use and free my ideas after so long.
So from several perspectives from myself...I'm grateful that you wrote and posted this :)
I am glad my post was of great help to you dear friend.
Just know hard times do not last forever dear friend, everything will pass just give it time.
Giving up cannot be an option.
Thanks for leaving a comment behind I appreciate your time.
The theme is well used, I can say a lot of people will learn from this if it get the widest broadcast
It's difficult but not impossible to build oneself after the death of someone dear and supportive, it's unfortunate James learned this when it was too late but he took a right decision to educate the younger ones
Yeah sure. letting them know it will be bad to make the same mistake he did.
thanks for your comment dear friend.
Always welcome
The message is vital and timely. Everyone needs caution never to derail no matter the challenges.
thanks, dear friend for leaving such a nice comment behind.
James story is sad, he lost the his greatest gift which is his dad. In such a shame on his part that he gave up on his education because his supporter he's no more.