Being an African child, especially a Nigerian, isn't at all easy in any way to describe, I must confess. There are many things we go through as children, but when we look back on them, most of them are extremely valuable.Our African parents, in a more specific sense, our Nigerian parents, are all full of jokes and lots of funny things. Though they were very strict with them, today they are all very funny too, as we all grow up. Our Nigerian parents are all filled with diverse ways of child upbringing that are very funny alongside the children they birth who come into the world and hence copy the same style. Let me take you all the way down to some of these things:
When the Lord spoke of thy rod and they staff, he was indirectly referring to our African Parents.
In Nigeria, to be precise, it is very common to see parents always go for the slippers every time their child does something bad. It gets quite funny because they do this involuntarily. Like in the case of my mom, every time I do something bad, no matter the distance, whether in a close range or a far distance, you always go for that weapon, which she always uses to her SLIPPERS before you know it's on you. Our American parents, like Spider-Man, cannot function without his webs, and the slippers are always their most convenient means of obtaining justice.
This is very much a common trait among African children, who always display On their first day/time in place, they always behave as if the most holy saint ever lived, but give them the next 24 hours and you will know exactly the kind of person they are. It is very common on the first day of school or work.
They always behave as if they can't hurt a fly. Omohh.... do not be deceived by such looks, ohhh, because under such looks, hmmmmmmmm... I guess you will have to find out for yourself later on....
To be precise, everything is a joke to everyone in Nigeria.parents are also very fond of that too, but it is always in a funny way though. My Mommom will always be like, See how he the dey go there, I do not believe you say na me born you, you go tell me who be your mother
and I will be like, What
and that is been said inside your mind Ohh, you dare not say it out loud.
The Question Askers and the Responses: Both our parents and we the children are guilty of this: you see someone doing something and you know exactly what that person is doing, but you continue to ask irrelevant questions; the questions themselves are not the issue; it is the response that is.
Here are some such questions and replies: Okay, I came to visit you, I stand up to go and you will hear the person asking you questions like:
You dey go?
and the reply that always follows this is,
No I dey come
When you are actually going. Others ones like: I am working and you will be like
You dey work?
The reply usually gotten is
No I dey eat come join me!
There are always a lot of questions asked, and the funny responses are always given in response.
The most common occurrence in the case of our parents is usually when a child does something bad and they want to draw your attention to it.
My mom will always be like *`Ayiba!`* and its always your native name *`Ayiba!`*. *`Ayiba!`* then here they goes, HOW MANY TIMES DID I CALL YOU? This question is usually answered with fear. Deep down you will be like three(3) times but you dare not say it out. Omohh, our parents are just the best jhooorr..
Thanks everyone for reading. If you love it, do leave a comment below
Best regards, and do have a lovely new week ahead
Hahaha our parents sha 😂😂😂
Na very few comot from all these categories wen you share so 😂 God bless them for us 😁 I can't say more than that, mum might be looking 😝
Smiles God bless them for us oh..
I just can't help but laugh at those things they use to do to us when we where still kids though.
Person see peper Sha ohh
As in ehn, nor be small o
Have you been thrown a broom or turning stick by your mom before? 😂😂😂 We received slippers, broom and turning stick and our mothers are so good at targeting as they would throw and it will meet you wherever you are 😅
They are always on target. Omoh my mom didn't throw broom she wipe you broom I can never forget that one swezzz.. African Parents hmm.. I no know where there learn their own parenting from ohh.. but there are the best though