

Greetings everyone! Merry Christmas In advance to you all

I did like to use this medium to welcome you all to my blog once again after a short while and also welcome you all to this edition of the unity weekly engagement. It feels quite great to be back here.

Health is one essential part of a man's (male and female) life, as the popular saying goes, "Health is Wealth" to say a healthy man is a wealthy man. This is very much true for there are lots of things we stand to lose if we ignore the rightful things and ways in which we are supposed to take care of our health.

Taking care of our health should be our top priority for when our body system is faulty, we tend to produce faulty results, hence our outputs are faulty too.

There stand to be various ways in which we can therefore utilize or put into practice to sustain good health for better output. In this context, I will therefore take the liberty to talk about some of the ways to keep ourselves healthy.

Firstly God first. Not forgetting the giver and bringer of life, which is our creator is one paramount thing we all need in our lives. God is the center of it all, he is the giver of good health and many more things a man can wish for. Recognizing the fact that we are alive and well, free from all sorts of diseases and other infections, it's God's Doing.

Secondly Intake of Balanced Diet and good intake of Fruits. Food, on the other hand, stands to be a primary source of being healthy. As the popular saying goes, "We eat to live" Yes we can stay without food for some days but not for the rest of our lives. Therefore, eating regularly is also a great way to maintain good health. It will be of more importance to know that eating does not only ball down to regular eating but what kind of meals/food you eat.

Being able to regulate the kind of food you eat and how you eat them is a great way to stay healthy. Food is good, and as they are, so are Fruits. Our body needs all the good nutrients in the world to keep it functional and healthy, so it is always very much advisable to eat and also take fruits. There are common examples of fruits to be taken like Oranges, Pawpaw, Pineapple, Apples, etc.

Good food intake with proper diet regulations helps the body build well and keeps fit, hence a bringer of good health.

Thirdly, Proper Medical Check-ups Our health is one of our top priorities. It is important to know when to go check up on your body system to maintain a good body system, out and in. It is very advisable to see our doctors when we get some signs that are off and unlike us, so we could know exactly what is wrong and how to tackle it.

Hence, to avoid stories that touch, it is always good to take our health seriously and hence stop paying deaf ears to most of the illness signs we get. For most of us tend to overlook some minor issues with our body system which in turn become something else.

Fourthly, Taking a Break From Work and Going on Vacations Our body and mind are like machines continuously use with no break or rest there end up breaking down. So is our body system as the popular saying goes, "all work no play makes jack a dull boy". As we work, so we should have time to ease our body the stress, rest, and work again some other time.


To keep our body, soul, mind, and spirit in one accord, there should be times in our lives when we give our body system break from the work we do, or at least take a vacation to help us relax the already stressed nerves in our body system. Through this, our body system will remain very much agile and more lively and hence fail us not.

There stand to be more ways to keep our body healthy, I can go on and all, but the above for me are more convenient to talk about, using myself as a case study.

I will conclude by saying Health is Wealth, so do make time for yourselves to give your body some nice treat to help you relax and keeps you going.

Wishing you all merry Xmass in advance
Thanks for reading, your feedback is always welcome

0.000 PAL


Hi there @gi-de-on ! Thanks you for your participation :)

You've said it, can't agree more one your different points..! I particularly like the last one ^^ but I should exercise more also ! Sorry to answer that lately, end of the year is a good and busy period at the same time haha :)

Best wishes for 2023 🌟 Take care !

0.000 PAL