


If this is how love always feels, I never want a taste or feeling of it, Shade sobbed as she tried to explain the situation to her friend, Jay.

Shade has always been known for her modest and sincere behavior in everything she has herself doing. Her relationships with people have always been good and easy-going. She is the type of person who shows so much care and support to everyone around her, she is more of her own man who she is in love with.

So, Shade and James have been in a relationship for over a year and everything was going great for both of them. Even out side did envy the couple for the way they had each other's back and how much they loved each other. But I guess nothing good lasts forever. This was the case with Shade and her man.

So having that one person in your life with whom you can share all of your day's ideals, with whom you can tell anything without holding back, with whom you can love you unconditionally, was all Shade ever desired in her life.She had not been in a relationship since she became of age to date but held herself back due to the stories she had heard from her friends about how men had treated them. She was too scared to even try one. And finally, she got into one and gave it her all, for she expected the best of it.

Shade never for one day thought of the possibility of her relationship with James turning sour. Love is quite beautiful when things are all going well with both parties.

So it all started when her man started acting strangely and displaying strange behaviors that were very different from what he was wearing when they started.Joy had given in her all to see that they both worked out, but still, as they do say, men will always be men.

Those strange acts didn't just come up all of a sudden. It happened that James had been secretly seeing a different woman outside Shade, who on her side was all truthful and sincere. James started with shade even when he had someone already serious with the aim of using her to get what he wanted. He only wanted her for what she had and not based on love, and Shade was ignorant of this.

She did all that was needed of a woman to keep her man, even spent half her salary on him just to make him happy, but was very ignorant that she was being played all this time. Through the attitude she started to get from her man, she questioned him. They both talked things out, but it was all a lie on the side of James. He was already tired of her. On the other hand, his weeding with the other woman was close.

Shade and her man, James, both settled their differences and things came back to normal. But that was all to make Shade less suspicious of him.

Some people are just wicked. Why will you allow somebody to be so in love with you and then, within the blink of an eye, you just call everything off, leaving the other partner in a total mess? This was the case if Shade was a bit very harsh. James never told her it was over. She found out the very hard way, which any woman wouldn't want.

It was a bright morning for Shade as she had worked up called her man as usual and was preparing to make herself breakfast that morning when she was continuously disturbed by the notification sound of her phone. It became too random and unbearable, so she had to check it was from her friends, asking her how she was if she was aware of the recent trend. Her friends couldn't tell her, so she had to log onto her social media account and the first thing she saw was a picture of her man in suit attire. Next to him stood a very beautiful woman in her white wedding gown.


She almost couldn't believe what she saw; her world came crashing down around her. She tried to hold back the tears that had gathered in her eyes, ready to fall, but her will was so broken as she looked at the images that she just let those tears fall down her cheek.

What's a life? How can people be this heartless? This was really a lot to take in. Her friends, who had been messaging, came in at once to be with her, for it was really a terrible thing to wish a person and here was Shade having the worst experience of her life.

It was really hard to digest. How can love be this wicked? How can love be this hurting? She was never ready for such pain. It was too sudden. So you expected, but nothing is promised these days.

The lesson was really a hard one to digest, but once the deed had been done, she expected so much from James, and he turned out to be a walking bomb of heartbreak looking for someone to explode on. It was so hard for Shade to believe that what she gave her all to make work was only used as a means to an end.

Much love ♥️ From me to you all

0.021 PAL


That's terrible of him. May it be in fiction or in real life, there are really cases like that. Like, how can they hold their conscience to fool and hurt other people? Awww, I feel bad for the girl.

0.000 PAL

Too bad she lost everything she invested in the relationship and the truth is that she didn't lose a good man, he doesn't worth her.

Why pretend to love people when we don't even have a few feelings for them, it is completely wrong. Thanks for sharing such a great story with us.

0.000 PAL

You evoke the progression, or rather disintegration, of a relationship. It is true that some people are predatory in love. In this case, an inexperienced young woman is duped by a charlatan. The conflict is clear. The prompt is well applied. There is a weak resolution, although it might be argued that the collapse of the relationship is a kind of resolution.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We appreciate that you engage with other authors in the community.

0.000 PAL