Greetings Wonderful Hivers


Let me use this medium to welcome you all to my blog once again. I hope you have a nice time reading this and very much hope it puts a smile on your faces too. This post comes with interesting fun facts you wouldn't want to miss out on, so let's get at it.
Hence, I welcome you all to the first episode of laughing to forget your sorrows, enjoy

Try to Hum while you hold your nose

It's quite easy to think this is impossible, but it sounds quite funny, so I urge you to give it a try. Try holding your nose and see if you can hum any song you know. Smiles I know you have tried it, but it's the truth, quite impossible to do. I tried it several times but it never worked out.Lol...

The over Talking Mom

As a Nigerian child, we get this a lot. Our mothers tend to talk for quite a long time, but to them it was just a few minutes.

This usually happens when something wrong has been done and your mom has tried to caution and advise you. My mom is a victim of this. She will talk all she has to say for close to an hour or even more, and then summarize the whole thing with, I don't want to talk too much; a word is enough for the wise.

I will be like seriously mom, this is is usually inside my head oh, ***they no born you well to talk am come outside**** [Nigeria Pidgin English].

The Reporter Sibling

Almost every house has that one person who always talks uncontrollably, no matter how much you have tried to bribe them, hence keeping them from reporting some deeds to their parents.

I have always been in these shoes. I have that one sister who always talks no matter what you give her. For example, if I beat one of my sisters, I would then start treating them all nicely and apologizing while buying them everything they wanted and saying, "Don't tell Mommy you hear!" The one who will always report will come to me. I will not tell Mommy.

But immediately my mom gets back, the news will be out without her even dropping her luggage, momy Gideon beat peace`, ahhhhhh 🙄..

The Bathroom is our most creative performance stage

I am more of a victim of this. There is always that time when we are in the bath trying to take our shower and so on. That is when we tend to be the greatest performers of all time. We sing so well.

Dancing isn't a problem, for it is always one of the acts done. It is always fun, though. Most times we tend to stay more in the bathroom. It's either we are singing in there, or doing both singing and dancing or phone pressing.

It is usually said that in a bathroom without a phone, we spend just 2 minutes. Ohh, bathroom with phone. We spend 10 minutes in there and bathroom with phone with subscription. It's almost a decade in there ohh...

Humans the only blushing animal

It's true we are all animals, but a higher one, they say. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 You have already called me an animal, but turning it around to either make it sound better or also get me consoled, you now say we are a higher animal lolz..

But truth be told, since we are higher animals, we are the only animals who blush. Since we tend to understand and interpret compliments and sweet talks, we blush at them.

A hungry school child and the kitchen

Almost every Nigerian child has gone through this stage, oh.But back then it use to be very annoying though coming back from and finding out they is no food for easy got the angry days of my life😁😁.
Once I get back, I don't even have to change my school uniforms or drop my backpack. I just go directly into that kitchen. Oh come and see the delight and sense of satisfaction when I find food in there, I will just forget I brought a bag and then start eating. I will just go and forget I brought a bag.

But on the other hand, when there is no food for God, the whole house will be on fire all the rest of that day. You wouldn't see me smile or laugh. Oh, everything annoys you at that point.
One funny thing that happens the next day is that since we dropped our bags in the kitchen and it's time for school the next morning, it's time to look for your backpack, oh. Come and see crying 😋😀.

The entire house will be turned upside down in search of the backpack, which is conveniently located in the kitchen; at the end of the day, you simply go there and find your bag waiting for you.
It was really an experience, but I miss those days.


Thanks everyone for taking time to read my content
Please do leave a comment below
Much love💚♥️💙



Talking too much will not help issues instead would change your mindset.


Sad truth dear. Thanks for the comment.


Singing in bathroom is what I do most,when reading that part of your post,I remember those days I stay inside bathroom for hours singing.
Mom keep shouting my name not to late to school.


Smiles. We are all victims to this oh. It's always fun though. Thanks for the comment dear friend.


with phone with subscription. It's almost a decade in there

Ahhhh you are just announcing me here 🤣 I take a lot of time in bathroom once I'm with my phone.

There was a day I spent more than an hour there only to come out and start hurrying for an outing I was supposed to go early... I totally forgot about it when I went into the bathroom 🥲

So you use to beat your younger ones, I'm proud of that your sister 😝

it's time to look for your backpack

Hahaha so true, I have little cousins who do that a lot when they get back from school... We would always have to look for their back bags every morning.

Funny one, thanks for posting to our community!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😁🤪, that bathroom is just another sitting room for of us oh. Once I go in with my phone, it's always a long bathroom session then. Lolx.

So you use to beat your younger ones, I'm proud of that your sister 😝

Smiles. This use to be the childish me growing up nah. But I don't do that no more though in fact I hate it when a child is been beaten like why on Earth will someone do that.
It's painful though I just hate seeing children cry that how.xhanged I am now.

Hahaha so true, I have little cousins who do that a lot when they get back from school... We would always have to look for their back bags every morning.

I did this one a lot oh. Like most Mondays it always in the kitchen I carry my school bag to school oh.. Greta Nigeria Student.🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the comment dear friend 🥰🥰🥰
Am sorry for the late reply, been trying to settle down, for the part two days now trav......


Lol so funny
It's fine, at least you replied and made me laugh again! 😅


Lol. I can totally relate with the last part. One time I came back from school and there was no food. To make matters worse, it was on a Wednesday. Sports day. After scoring plenty goals at school and my friends hailing me Kaka! Kaka!. Kaka came back home to find out there was no food. Hey God! Na small thing make me no bring down the roof that day. Lol.


Kaka! Come back house come see mattaa! 🤣🤣🤣
Dammm I always hated that feeling.
It was what brought me and my mom issues almost everyday.

She will be like who you marry keep here for house make e d cook for you
My face always have me up anytime I was angry so coming home and not finding anything to eat breaks my heart and also they will still send you message on top.

The one that gets me more angry,.mom will say oya go set fire🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for the comment man much love🥰💚


Almost every house has that one person who always talks uncontrollably,

Hahaha! This was so me when I was still a little girl. I remember once when I accompanied my sister on an errand that my mom sent her..on our way, she deviated and went to see her boyfriend funny enough they kissed in front of me and I knew in my heart that I was so gonna report. The boy gave me crackers which was my favorite and my elder sister bribed me not to tell my mom which I nodded to because I was feasting on my snack. Two days later, I couldn't hold it anymore I whispered my report and she was punished🤣🤣. My sister doesn't still trust me with secrets till this day.


Hahaha! This was so me when I was still a little girl.

I can imagine, me and you in the same house back then hmmm, it would have been war for us both oh...

My sister doesn't still trust me with secrets till this day.

Ah she learned the hard way. But you have to make her trust you back oh she is your sister give her different Impression about you jhoorr, you where just been childish back then abi?
Or you still do reporting up till now?

Omoh I got into lots of trouble s back then due to this reporting issues ehh. I was a stubborn type though.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪

Thanks for the comment much love🥰😘


I can imagine, me and you in the same house back then hmmm, it would have been war for us both oh

🤣🤣🤣🤣. I'd have been a pain in your neck.

Or you still do reporting up till now?

I am on mind my business mode.🤣

Thanks for the comment much love🥰😘

You're welcome.


You know, our mums always be like let me talk to you shortly..! Which may last days. And that adage always comes at end.😂

Oh have you seen me sing and dance in the bathroom. Who is Justin Bieber? Or Usher? But one thing is do not record yourself, you may regret it.😅😅


But one thing is do not record yourself, you may regret it.😅😅

Ahhh... I am totally in agreement with you on this one ohh, it's what is holding me back from that hive open mic Community, lolx.

Our parents are quite a vibe oh..
Thanks for the comment man.


I see... You can do a lot of editing to it such that it will show your face only for a little time then.
