COME LAUGH WITH GIDDY::: You all Have a blessed day famzz
Greetings Wonderful Hivers
It's yet another weekend dear friends, I thought it is great to share with you something to put a smile on your faces. I like to use this medium to welcome you all to my blog once again, I hope you have a nice time reading through this post and also hope it puts a smile on your face while reading.
So, I have been off the blockchain for a few days and felt I have really missed those interesting comedies here and had read a few and decided to drop this. Hence, this post will therefore be under the under-listed subheadings.
I am hoping this puts a smile on your faces as you read through.
Question and Answering format and where Nigerians got it from
So, I have had several thoughts about where we Nigerians got some of this attitude we potray from then it struck me that it has been with us from the creation of man until this day.
So, this is what really happens, almost every Nigerian child does this. Go ahead and ask somebody a question, like "where are you going to?" instead to get an honest reply what you get in return is "I am coming?" seriously!! you are coming, mean while you are going.
It's quite funny how all this plays out, hence it becomes a trend. But on the other hand, mostly, the question being asked deserves the reply gotten though, lol.
You cannot see me leaving and still get the mind to ask me are you leaving? the reply No I am not leaving I am coming lol.
Outside all this, I just find them funny but when you think you have seen or heard it all then just read this.
Okay, when Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden at the time when they had already eaten the forbidden fruit and their eyes got opened. Fast-ward to when God came calling..
Adam, Adam, Where are you?
My lord I am neckade... Lolz
seriously!! is that the question being asked. Me to be God at that time I will be like
Me as god:
Did I ask you if you were nacked, I say where are you? lol......
Nigerian Dads and their habit of food remaining for the younger kids`
I have always been a victim of this with my dad, no matter how often he had always done it, I still didn't learn. It was always an occurring incident, the first day he played this trick on me, it was really lit and smooth.
So, while growing up, there is this mind of entitlement we always had on our minds as children that our parents should always eat and remain for us mostly our dads. Since I was the only male child left at home with my dad and other sisters, I felt he should always eat and remain for me.
I was always in anticipation, yes he usually does it. So one day he decided to change the whole narration.
After his meal was served and he was done eating, he took his time to cover the plates to make it look like food was still inside, and then he called me to go carry the food he left for me.
I went with all the confidence in the world and just went to the dining table got my hands washed and were mouth watery to eat only to open the plates to find it empty. lol the joke was seriously on me that day, I was like daddy, there is nothing here, and he was so serious saying he left something for me, only to burst into laughter later and was like oohhhhh I thought I left something there ohhh.... Quite funny, the whole house was seriously laughing at me that day sha, in the end, I found it to be funny for he kept on playing this trick on us until it went round the house including my mom she was so furious but it is what it is. lol....
Me deep down:
Men and Mosquito
So this is something I have been wanting to talk about never knew how to put it but here it is today.
So being the men (both gender) that we are, we have been made to know from our childhood that, we men have dominion over all animals But I have been left thinking over this for some time.
Coming to think of this, it sounds true and consoling to know but deep down, yes you reading this do you feel any form of dominion on these creatures around you.
Take for instance some of these homes found insects and animals, like lizards, millipede, cockroaches, and so on, we tend to fear them, females mostly you see how they scream and shout only on sighting a cockroach. lol...
But all that aside what I really want to talk about is this. No argument that as men, we have dominion over all animals and insects but my main focus is this; When that meeting was been held and all animals were in attendance, did they make sure MOSQUITO attended that meeting, lol..
I very much doubt if mosquito was present, cause, from my point of view, mosquito seems to have dominion over us ohh. those creatures are too worrisome and no matter how much energy you put in making them stay away and let you have a peaceful night rest there is always that stubborn one that keeps finding its way to our ears the next thing you hear is the buzzing sound from it... lol

I see you smiling, lolzz
Thanks for visiting my blog and reading this, do leave a comment of your thought on your way out
Much love and do have a lovely weekend
Lolz 😂😂😂😂😂 same here bro I think mosquito wasn't in attendance in that meeting oooo
One bit from mosquito is like a boom shoot bro
Not at all, mosquito was not in attendance... That is the story I will believe because one bite from them is a definition of dominance 😂😂😂
Your dad though, he should be awarded as a comedian... But it's painful sha, dark joke 🥲😅
That question answer format is common in Nigeria, no time to waste in giving answer to an obvious question 😏
The first one got me rolling on the floor laughing. I do that a lot especially to my mom and she gets to furious about it. Lol, thanks for making me crack my ribs a little today