

edited in canvas

Good day everyone! I did like to use this medium to welcome you all to another interesting week on the hive learners weekly edition and also to my blog, I hope you have a great read.

Back to the main area of concentration for this week, As A Parent This is a quite an exciting and very sensitive topic to talk about for a whole lot of us are looking forward to this stage of our lives, some of us are already on this very interesting journey. Funny how no matter how we have lived most of our youthful days trying to doge from this responsibility it still comes regardless, parenthood is inevitable.

As a kid growing up, there had been lots of things I admired my parents for and will love to do as they did and even do better than they did too, but also, on the other hand, they stand to be lots of things I would never like to try on my kids.

Growing up was one stage of my life I can never forget in a hurry and will definitely share with my children, for the memories from my childhood were filled with a lot of mixed emotions, one minute you are happy and the other minute you are sad, one second you are this favorite child everybody loves and the next you the worst child so far, and so on, it was tough as a child with all these clouded emotions.


As a parent in the nearest future to come there will be a lot of things I will try as much as it is in my power to do, I wouldn't allow my children to go through, experience or even allow to be done to them. To kick start this, I will like to therefor list out some of these things I wouldn't want my children to go through, or allow myself to do it to them, or allow them to experience, namely;

  • A SCATERED FAMILY: I have seen and experienced what this can do. A polygamous home isn't something every member fo the family can benefit from. Once a parent children are scatered, with one woman or man or the other at the end of the day, these children are never united, everybody does what benefits him or herself and these is very much not a good way to go.

  • Allowing my kids to stay away from my guidance: Another thing I did not like to do as a parent is to give my child up at a very tender age to go stay with one family member or another. Myself is pretty much an example I will always leave with. Though these children might be getting the best home training they can where they are a mother's own is way different. There is this bond children need to have with their parents which keep the family going no matter how bad things get. Sending your children out to stay with distant relatives will only reduce these bonds and leave you a stranger in the lives of your children. The children can go on vacations and back, yes but not going to stay permanently.

  • Bullying/Child Beating: If there is any I so much disdain is children beating. This is the first thing on my list. Yes correcting the child of every wrongdoing is very paramount but not to the leaving of leaving wipe marks, bruises, or even serious injuries on the child's body this is not acceptable. Correcting a child is very much part of the assignment as a parent for even the Bible says and I quote "Train up a child in the way that he should go, for when he grows he will not depart from it", Correcting children is paramount in children's upbringing. But overdoing it by beating and threatening the child in a hostile way is not acceptable. Once a child gets used to bullying, from a parent he then knows what comes his/her way after misbehaving and this only pushes children far away from you as a parent.


There are a lot of things to allow children to go through to make them feel at home and experience more love which is very essential to their well-being and growth, and as a parent, I would much allow these children to have these things as much as they stay behaved and coordinated.
  • THE WAY OF GOD: One very essential aspect of parenting is to bring up your children in the way of the Lord. Every achievement and success, these children get as well as the family is attributed to one source which is God our creator. So bringing up these children in the way of the Lord will very much be a great experience for them all.

  • SHOWERING THEM WITH ALL THE LOVE THEY CAN GET: They are lots of ways to make children feel loved and help them feel at home and as a parent, I will very much try as much as I can to make my children feel very much loved. Children are very sensitive to everything that surrounds them, the people around them, and even the way they are brought up, if there are shown less love it follows them to adulthood, if they are been bullied, it comes in to manifest in what they become in the nearest future and so on. So, it will be very much essential to help show these blessings from God (children) that you very much love and value them to help them grow sain and hence a reciprocated feeling and gesture when you are old.

  • GO ON VACATIONS: Most of us growing up never had an experience of this, traveling with our parents, going site seeing and visiting lots of interesting places in the world. It's one thing I like to experience with my children as a parent, trust me this will very much help grow the parents-children bond which is very much essential in the family.

  • LEARING TO SAY SORRY TO KIDS: IF there is a thing I did change as a kid growing up on my parent was the ability to say sorry when they were wrong. Saying sorry to children doesn't give them power over you it just makes them feel more comfortable and more relaxed around you. It makes them know everyone is prone to fault and hence apologizing makes things all easier instead of claiming right and steal not apologizing for this was one thing I really much hated and I did like my children to know I too can make mistake and be sorry for it.

There stand to be lots of things I would love my children to experience as a parent, above are just a few of them. The family needs all the strength they can get to stay together, grow together, and achieve together, and before most of these things can be achieved there must be a strong bond holding them together that I am very much looking forward to building.


Growing up on my end has really been much of a struggle all through my life, it has always been one way out which was to work my as up to get anything I want. As a parent, I would very much love for my children to experience a simpler life than I did.

Life has really been much of a lesson, lessons I have learned from most of my mistakes and most of my experience, becoming a good parent, I wouldn't want my children to go through these ordeals I have myself in, It's just the best, and being able to accomplish all these, actions and decisions have to be made leading to the above mentioned, both the allowed and disallowed.

Parenting is hard, growing up and getting to make decisions and cater to my own needs has made me know my parents very much did the best they could for me and this I am very much grateful for.

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0.000 PAL


We all learn from struggle. What we learn helps us to transfer them to our children. Yeah, that's how the advancement of human race has taken place at present day after long hardship and fight. We always very careful about our child and thier future to give them what we haven't attended.

Beautiful writing man. Wish you a better future for you and your children. Good luck for the contest.

0.000 PAL

The struggle in polygamous homes is usually a tough one which little children shouldn't be exposed to.

0.000 PAL

Truly, a scenario that makes children not directly with their parents could have adverse effects. For me, I would not recommend that except in a case where one or both parents are late. A polygamous family operates in that area too, a large family is also like a large country such that the overall head will be far from the grassroots in almost every way.

I think that vacation got me, really. Maybe I have not been to one I would call that. Or maybe I am used to people coming to visit us most times that I and my siblings don't usually travel or go use our break from school at another place..

0.000 PAL