13-ta godisnjica Bitcoin Genesis Bloka - 13th Anniversary of the Bitcoin Genesis Block

🇷🇸 Bitcoin slavi danas rođendan!🇺🇸 Bitcoin is celebrating its birthday today!
Na današnji dan, tačno pre 13 godina, 13.01.2009. i u tačno 20:15 sati (kao i ovaj post u Hive-u), stvoren je prvi Genesis Blok Bitcoin-a.On this day, exactly 13 years ago, 13.01.2009. and at exactly 8:15 p.m. (like this post in Hive), the first Genesis Block of Bitcoin was created.


Naime, šta to mi slavimo ovde?Namely, what are we celebrating here?
Upravo je to što bi trebali svi da znamo - slavimo rođenje neverovatne tehnologije i kriptografije, koja nam je promenila svet - u korist ljudi, a ne koruptnih banaka, vlade ili država.

Prvi program (App) na Bitcoin Blockchain-u je upravo - finansije.

Davne, 2010 naišao sam na Bitcoin i kako bih saznao šta je uopšte Bitcoin, tada sam prvi put otvorio fajl sa https://bitcoin.com u kome Satoshi Nakamoto (ličnost, koju nikad niko nije upoznao uživo) objasnio nov P2P direktan, elektronski keš sistem.
Za one koji žele da upoznaju malo više Bitcoin, predlažem da pogledate prvo Bitcoin White Paper.

Čitajući ovaj pdf više puta, svaki put sam se sve više divio i oduševio šta tu čitam i shvatajući sve više kako Bitcoin funkcioniše, nemajući pojma da će to znanje sve više upijati u sebi i to okruženje, u kojoj se nalazim i danas, proučavajući tehniku i tahnologiju, danas mnoštvo drugih Kripto valuta, koja je neverovatna, ali stvarna.
This is exactly what we should all know - we are celebrating the birth of incredible technology and cryptography, which has changed our world - for the benefit of the people, not corrupt banks, governments or states.

The first program (App) on Bitcoin Blockchain is finance.

Back in 2010, I came across Bitcoin and to find out what Bitcoin is, I first opened a file from https://bitcoin.com where Satoshi Nakamoto (a person no one has ever met live) explained the new P2P direct, electronic cache system.
For those who want to learn a little more about Bitcoin, I suggest you take a look at Bitcoin White PaperBitcoin White Paper first.

Reading this pdf many times, each time I admired and admired what I read and realized more and more how Bitcoin works, having no idea that this knowledge will absorb more and more in myself and the environment in which I am today, studying the technique and technology, many other cryptocurrencies today, which is amazing but real.
Moja teorija Bitcoina:My Bitcoin Theory:
Mnogi kažu da nam je to dar sa neba, a pošto, svi misle da je Satoshi Nakamoto bio prvi inventor ove tehnologije, mada, ja mislim da je to neko, ili nešto drugo, što nije sa ove planete, a to mogu i dokazati mojom animacijom sa Github-a, pogledajte i sami, da, Satoshi, nije prvi koji je startovao ovo sve, vec neko, ili nešto, imenom "Sirius":Many say that it is a gift from heaven, and since everyone thinks that Satoshi Nakamoto was the first inventor of this technology, although, I think it is someone, or something else, that is not from this planet, and I can prove it to my animation from Github, see for yourself, yes, Satoshi is not the first to start all this, but someone, or something, named "Sirius":
(Unsupported https://odysee.com/$/embed/Bitcoin/8364b31efde60006d95c25a10968e3cc1063b72c?r=B8NKaKHCrH6y3kFoTfMWYULC3uV8NtnQ)
A svi znamo:And we all know:
Da je Sirius sunčev sistem, u kojem postoje planete sa životnim uslovima, kao što je naša planeta, zemlja. Tako da, moja logika mi kaže, da nam je to dato sa neba (metafora), sa druge planete, gde možda ovakav sistem postoji odavno, možda već hiljadama godina.That Sirius is a solar system in which there are planets with living conditions, such as our planet, the earth. So, my logic tells me that it was given to us from the sky (metaphor), from another planet, where maybe such a system has existed for a long time, maybe for thousands of years.

Davne 2010Back in 2010
Naravno, tada, 2010, nisam mogao znati tačno kako će se sve razviti, i da će Bitcoin postati jedan od glavnih mojih prića skoro svakog dana. Tada, 2010, mislio sam da je to samo tehnologija, kojom će se baviti samo ljudi, fanatici tehnologije kao ja, i da će to biti samo neka prića među nama, fanaticima u tom polju.

Kako su godine prošle, Bitcoin je postao sve poznatiji svima, sve više ga ljudi koriste, i samim tim, i njegova cena je u stalnom rastu duž godina.
Of course, back then, in 2010, I couldn’t know exactly how everything would develop, and that Bitcoin would become one of my main stories almost every day. Then, in 2010, I thought it was just technology, that only people, technology fanatics like me, would deal with, and that it would be just some story among us, fanatics in that field.

As the years passed, Bitcoin became more and more known to everyone, more and more people use it, and therefore, its price has been constantly growing over the years.
Kako se sve razvilo?How did it all develop?
Kako je vreme prolazilo, Bitcoin je počeo sve više da menja fundamentalnost trgovanja i kupo-prodaje raznih stvari.
Bitcoin je počeo da se koristi internacionalno. Kako li je to moguće? Pa, jednostavno: Bitcoin je mreža kojom niko ne vlada, koju niko ne kontroliše, Nit jedna država, nit jedna firma, nit vlade, niko.
Vi se sad pitate, pa ok, ko je tu glavni? -fora je što nema glavni, niko nije gazda, svi smo jednaki, svi imamo ista prava, nebitno odakle smo, kako izgledamo, ili koliko imamo para ili šta posedujemo.
Svako, u roku od par sekundi, instalacijom nekog od novčanika (Wallet-a) može koristiti i učestvovati u internacionalne kupo-prodaje bilo čega.
As time went on, Bitcoin began to change the fundamentals of trading and buying and selling various things.
Bitcoin began to be used internationally. How is that possible? Well, simply: Bitcoin is a network that no one rules, no one controls, No state, no company, no government, no one.
You're wondering now, so ok, who's in charge? - The advantage is that there is no boss, no one is the boss, we are all equal, we all have the same rights, no matter where we are from, how we look, or how much money we have or what we own.
Anyone, within a few seconds, by installing one of the wallets (Wallet) can use and participate in international sales of anything.

Kraj koji se nastavljaThe end that continues
Za više detalja kako to stvarno sve funkcioniše, objasniću vam u drugom postu, pošto je to jako duga tehnološka priča, a u ovom postu, samo želim da vas podsetim, da ne zaboravimo na stvaranje i startovanje prvog ikada stvorenog Bitcoin Genesis Blok-a (Prbi blok u Blokčein-u se naziva Genesis Blok).

Ovo nije kraj, ovo je samo tek početak...
For more details on how it all really works, I will explain in another post, as it is a very long technological story, and in this post, I just want to remind you not to forget about creating and launching the first ever created Bitcoin Genesis Block (Prbi block in Blockchain is called Genesis Block).

This is not the end, this is just the beginning

🇷🇸 Pozdrav svima u zajednici od Djole-ta
🇺🇸 Greetings to everyone in the community from Joe
