We Can Actually Do Better.

Perfection is one thing we are far away from in this world, and just like humans aren't perfect, our inventions aren't any different. If we look deeply, there is always a but in every human or thing that was invented by humans, and this tiny imperfection sometimes outweighs whatever good that person or invention is capable of doing.

These shortcomings are somehow inevitable since we can never attain perfection, but for humans, I believe that there are things we could have done differently or even better than we are doing at the moment.

My image

Thinking about the things I dislike is not something I do frequently because there are some of these dislikes on my list that piss me off a lot. It's somehow difficult for me to discuss my dislikes since I am not perfect either. I have my shortcomings, which people and even my family complain about. Honestly, I am giving my best at trying to turn a new leaf, but there are times I find myself slipping into old habits, but it's fair enough since I am not in any way hurting anyone.

The first dislike on my list is bullying, and this actually pisses me off more than anything in this world. Many times, I have thought about what other humans deprive them of by oppressing and inflicting pain on them, because it really doesn't make any sense to me.

I was a victim all through junior high school and didn't have a choice but to fight back, even though it wasn't easy. Every day, we hear news and see posts about how students bully each other to the point of death.

We have seen many bullying cases happening at work, on different social platforms, and even in the least expected places. I find it annoying, and it breaks me when there is nothing I can do about bullying cases around me. If only every human can be reasonable, if only everyone can truly love others like themselves, then we will have a little worry about bullies. This act should be a punishable offence by law and shouldn't overlooked, but it's sad that even society indirectly encourages this horrible act.

My second dislike would be nuclear weapons, because I haven't seen anything good about them aside from the destruction they bring. We have guns, which are still causing issues globally when in the wrong hands, even though we claim that they were invented for the sake of protection.

I really don't have a problem with guns, but what is it with nuclear weapons when there are already bombs? As a matter of fact, millions of dollars go into the creation of these weapons, and I believe that these same funds can go into solving problems in different parts of the world, but that won't happen because people are obsessed with power and want to be feared just because of the destruction they can cause.

The existence of these nuclear weapons is one of the reasons why many countries are always eager to wage war because they know what they have in store when they eventually provoke other countries.

My image

Thirdly, infidelity is another thing that makes me assume that many humans need to be examined mentally because it's becoming the norm in society today. People don't feel remorseful about the act and even go about shedding crocodile tears online just to gain people's empathy and justify their act of infidelity.

Relationships aren't a do-or-die thing, and it's better to walk than stay in them while doing so many mischievous things. Infidelity is not a good thing, and there is no way it can be presented before that would make any sense. If you can't stick to one partner, don't bother taking those vows.

There are a lot more things on my list, but these things actually piss me off more than the others. Despite being far away from perfection, all that I have mentioned above are things that we can do away with, or is it too much to stop bullying, infidelity, and the existence of nuclear weapons in the world?

The answer remains, not because it's impossible but because some humans deprive joy in inflicting physical, psychological, and emotional pain on other humans.

Despite our imperfections, I believe that we can make a better world. We are capable of positive things by supporting each other and promoting empathy, kindness, and understanding.


Are people even shedding crocodile tears again when caught in the act of infidelity? They have now normalized it to the extent that you will see someone on social media advising people to always have a "backup" partner, it's quite shocking the way so many wrongs are now being seen as normal these days


It's really messed up and I don't blame people who choose to remain single in the world today just because of the high rate of infidelity..

The world needs a reset... 😂


Most bullying comes from the parent, if parents can not control their children at home then it will deteriorate to bullying other children


I agree with you because if we trace many of these bullies background, we will realise that they learned that terrible habit from home.


Indeed all nuclear weapons have ever done is to cause destruction to mankind. Sometimes I wonder the benefits those scientists thought of that made them brought it to existence


There is really no benefit ooo than to cause havoc, it only brings destruction and people keep funding the upgrade of these unnecessary things.


I didn't think of these when I want to write mine but I definitely hate them, I think we have many people who hates these but somehow there are some of them who still engage in it someway.

Well said o, I wish people do better.


Sometimes, we don't see our bad habits as bad until someone points it out to us but in the case of bullying, bullies know that they aren't making life easier for their victims but they enjoy inflicting pain on others.
