Censoring Contents Should Be A Shared Burden.


The issue of censoring contents on different platforms is quite a hard one to tackle and if looked into thoroughly, the blame would extend beyond just parents and platforms owners because there are different government bodies who are meant to take this censorship of a thing seriously but they just sit and let content creators do their jobs without any close monitoring. I am not blaming these agencies alone; platform owners and parents or guardians have also played a part in how content censorship has been handled lightly over the years.


A lot has changed with technology globally, and bypassing platforms for security isn't a big deal anymore. If we are being sincere with ourselves, kids today are born smart, and 90% of them can bypass many platforms security checks without even stressing themselves. It's as simple as just imputing the wrong age when registering on a platform, and they are done.

The level of kids smartness today has exposed them to a whole lot of terrible things online that influence them wrongly, and the repercussions aren't farfetched. When I was young and visited cybercafé, there were some security checks on different platforms to know who their guest is, and many of us were sincere with our responses during the registration. We dare not watch movies with 18+ warning but it's all different today because kids are curious about everything happening around them and they want to get answers to questions they are scared to ask people. They lie about their age and gain access to things they shouldn't even be seeing.

I thought about this critically and think that parents, platform owners, and censoring agencies can't achieve anything if they work individually because kids today are smart when it comes to sneaking around adult content. Every one of them has roles to play, and without working collectively, nothing can be achieved.

Let's tackle it from the parents angles; they have the biggest job to do because whatever their children become from being negatively influenced by things they see online, it will be theirs to nurse.

I see a lot of parents pampering their children with smart devices without any form of restrictions, and it makes me laugh. It looks like you are doing the child a lot of good, which is true, but somehow, you might be destroying the child's life as well. Without kids even digging into adult contents, many of them are flying around different platforms and websites in the form of ads, while some kids ignorantly click on the wrong ads, and that's all; they become addicted to revisiting those ads.

Some parents do not even know about putting restrictions on their children's devices, TV, and others that give their children the freedom to explore. With everything happening online, I believe parents need to be on their toes when it comes to monitoring their kids activities online, and it must be done without giving these kids a clue because once they know, they will also step to their game.

For platform owners, they really need to step up their games with security checks. I don't know how, but there should be a thorough confirmation before a guest on their platform or website can roam around. It sounds impossible, but there are platforms that ask for IDs before granting permission to guests, so that shouldn't be a problem.

It could be a facial verification or anything, but they need to step up pretty well. In addition, sensitive content lying around platforms and websites doesn't make any sense to me because not every adult is even interested in those things. Contents on platforms and websites should be thoroughly organized so people who aren't interested in those things can easily navigate the platform without having to cancel different stuff popping up on their screen every second.

Finally, the film and video regulatory agencies have a lot to do. Personally, it baffles me why we can't enjoy content without having to see ladies half naked, romantic scenes, and others. A lot of content creators have lost their creativity, and some were never creative but have become famous just because of the shit they publish online.

These agencies need to start asking questions, taking actions, and controlling the content a lot of content creators put out there.

Like I said earlier, taking this censorship of a thing seriously would require more than the effort of one body. Kids won't be with their parents all day; they spend time at school and with friends, and the only way to ensure they aren't exposed to bad things online is when everyone joins hands to work together.


The issue with how free these contents are is very alarming... Parents need to educate their children on censorship and be a save space for their children to run to, else it won't be good at all


Parents educating their kid is a good thing but that's not an effective solution if we are realistic. Kids are curious and they need answers.

Gone are the days when mere superstition can prevent us from doing bad things, these kids aren't scared of superstitions.


Educating in this context is not filling their head with superstition, but breaking the explanation to them in a way they can understand not to paint it as bad, but so they can understand why you would not want them to go into such at that young age


This thing is a shared responsibility of first, the parents then some government agencies and these platform owners.

I think the parents have the highest responsibility in this. How the kid is trained, taught, the relationship between parent and kids to be free to ask questions and parents enlightening their kids before they learn from outside... all these can help more.


Yes, parents have the biggest share of the responsibility because they spend more time with their kids and moreover, whatever their child becomes is their fault at the end of the day.


Even as toddlers, you see parents give their kids tablets and smartphones just so that the kids would be occupied and not disturb them. Meanwhile, they have no idea what exactly the kids could be exposed to. All it takes are a few clicks.


Many parents think they are pampering children but they are doing otherwise. With these kids smartness, their parents will never find out what they are doing and in the end, they won't know where the child got influenced negatively.


I agree with you that both the platform owners and parents including our government has a role to play. Pampering kids with gadgets unguided can only harm their well being. I have had first time experience with my kids... both the negative and the positive side


I am glad you can testify to this as a parent and truly everyone is involved in making this censorship of a thing work out fine.
