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He’s also talking war With China non stop and committing USA sons to defending Taiwan. The USA needs to stay out of foreign wars. He’s right About staying outta Ukraine, but says it’s different with Taiwan. He’s spitting the same china talking points as the establishment.
But I do like his stance on the anti woke stuff and getting rid of affirmative action. I just think he’s setting himself up for a position in a Ron or Don cabinet.
It was pretty corny having him set up a presser right outside the Miami courthouse two days ago. It had a grifter look. But he’s certainly interesting and better than all these hack politicians joining race. Just Don’t myself see him as anything close to a Ron Paul type. Willing to send our troops to Asia isn’t libertarian. We need to bring back factories to USA. Not depend on Taiwan chips or o point it’s worth sending out teens and twenty somethings to die on the waters of Chinas territory.