


Things have improved, very slightly since the FTX debacle, I thought Crypto would bounce back rather quickly, but in reality this is just a reflection of the current financial woes the whole world is going through. Petroleum based fuels are sky high, this alone makes for everything being more expensive, plus the greedier financiers take advantage of these situations, you know Oil companies have always had it good but right now things can not be better for them.

This actually points to the fact that governments are just there to help out the very rich, and still I know there are people who believe that if rich people have more money it will eventually trickle down to the masses. I first heard about this trickle down theory in the eighties and I am still waiting for it to happe, BUt the people who financed the politicians who put these theories into practice, they are doing great, money actually trickled up to them. Don't you ever wonder why there are so many billionaires? Well, it is mainly because they were able to make a lot of money off of government policies, paid very little tax for it and then just stashed it in financial paradises.

I think Crypto is one of the real ways were ordinary people can tap into wealth, but it seems the money guys have gotten wise to this and are doing everything they can to avoid ordinary folks tapping into this source of riches. It seems it is anathema for the very rich to see to much wealth distributed among the masses.

OK, this is just a little rant about what I feel is happening, as for Crypto, I do hope there is a major comeback, but for this to happen there are now way more obstacles than the last few times CRypto has been in crisis. Still I know the people in Crypto are resilient and we just might make it.

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