Entre mariposas 🦋 / Between butterflies 🦋
Hello hivers. Butterflies appear playful and restless, sometimes I find them on the road, in the park or among nature, they fly around me as if wanting to show off their beauty, their colors and their free spirit. Other times, they simply come to me, like unexpected visitors that immediately brighten my day ☺️. Sometimes I can only take one, two or three photos, sometimes luck is on my side and they allow me to organize an entire photo session from all angles. In this post I have compiled some of these quick encounters, some of these quick visits. Among so many butterflies there is a tailed moth hahaha. Enjoy 🦋.
La primera mariposa que les presento es una mariposa búho (Caligo eurilochus), yo iba saliendo de mi edificio por el estacionamiento y ella estaba sobre el muro que está al final, era bastante grande, tenía unos diez centímetros mas o menos, esta especie de mariposa crece mucho, las he visto incluso más grandes. Son comunes por aquí, aunque las que me encuentro con más frecuencia son pequeñas.
The first butterfly that I present to you is an owl butterfly (Caligo eurilochus), I was leaving my building through the parking lot and she was on the wall at the end, she was quite large, about ten centimeters or so, this species of butterfly grows a lot, I have seen them even bigger. They are common around here, although the ones I encounter most often are small.

La siguiente mariposa me la conseguí un día que había ido a visitar a Dylan, un perro que rescaté hace año y medio, Dylan estaba junto a Niña, su amiga, la mariposa voló a nuestro alrededor y se sentó sobre una planta, ahí aproveché y le tomé una foto. Según lo que pude investigar, es una pavo real blanco (Anartia jatrophae).
I got the next butterfly one day when I had gone to visit Dylan, a dog I rescued a year and a half ago. Dylan was next to Niña, his friend. The butterfly flew around us and sat on a plant. That's when I took advantage and took a photo of her. From what I was able to research, it's a white peacock (Anartia jatrophae).

Esta es una polilla, se llama Eudesmia Hübner, la vi en una de las paredes del estacionamiento de mi edificio, me llamó la atención el amarillo intenso sobre sus alas, era mediodía y había bastante sol así que me sorprendió que estuviese parada ahí de lo más tranquila jajaja.
This is a moth, her name is Eudesmia Hübner, I saw her on one of the walls of the parking lot of my building, the intense yellow on her wings caught my attention, it was midday and there was quite a bit of sun so I was surprised that she was standing there very calmly hahaha.

No es fácil detectar a una mariposa cuando estamos entre la naturaleza, y menos aún si esta es de color oscuro. El día estaba soleado, era temprano en la mañana y yo andaba caminado en el parque en busca de buenas fotos, y de repente, la ví entre la vegetación. No conocía su nombre hasta que investigué en internet, resulta que tiene un nombre bastante gracioso, mariposa Saltarina de Ala Escalopada Dorada (Staphylus vulgata). Hay muchas en el parque.
It's not easy to spot a butterfly when we are among nature, and even less so if she has dark colors. The day was sunny, it was early in the morning and I was walking in the park looking for good photos, and suddenly, I saw her among the vegetation. I didn't know her name until I did some research on the internet, it turns out she has a pretty funny name, the Golden Scattered-winged Hopper butterfly (Staphylus vulgata). There are many in the park.

Ya les mostré una mariposa pavo real blanca con la que me encontré en la calle, bueno, un día recibí la visita en el balcón de mi casa de otra mariposa pavo real, pero en esta ocasión, fue una pavo real roja o escarlata (Anartia amathea), toda una belleza ♥️, al parecer estaba sedienta porque la encontré bebiendo agua del envase de los gatos, con cuidado le puse mi dedo para que se montara ya que mi gata la estaba viendo con no muy buenas intenciones 😬😂. Es realmente hermosa.
I already showed you a white peacock butterfly that I found on the street, well, one day I received a visit on the balcony of my house from another peacock butterfly, but this time, it was a red or scarlet peacock (Anartia amathea), a real beauty ♥️, apparently she was thirsty because I found her drinking water from the cats' container, I carefully put my finger on her so that she could stand on it since my cat was watching her with not very good intentions 😬😂. She's really beautiful.

Otra amiga que encontré en el parque, ella estaba sobre el suelo así que no se veía con facilidad porque sus alas tienen un color parecido a la tierra. Recuerdo que ese día estaba buscando hongos para fotografiar ya que estábamos en época de lluvia y la vi por casualidad porque estaba concentrada mirando el suelo jajaja. Cuando abrió sus alas eran oscuras con unas manchas blancas, lo que me confirma que es una Eunica.
Another friend I met in the park, she was on the ground so she couldn't be seen easily because her wings have a color similar to the earth. I remember that day I was looking for mushrooms to photograph since we were in the rainy season and I saw her by chance because I was focused looking at the ground hahaha. When she opened her wings they were dark with some white spots, which confirms to me that it's an Eunica.

La siguiente mariposa no pude identificarla porque sólo logré tomarle esta foto desde este ángulo, ella estaba parada sobre la ventana y el sol caía directamente sobre ella y el reflejo era intenso y no me permitía ver con claridad pero a pesar de todo eso me gustó como quedó esta foto jejeje.
I couldn't identify the next butterfly because I only managed to take this photo from this angle, she was standing on the window and the sun was falling directly on her and the reflection was intense and didn't allow me to see clearly but despite all that I liked how this photo turned out hehehe.

Por último una pequeña mariposa que descansaba entre las plantas de mi balcón, no logré identificarla 😕, las más parecidas que encontré por internet son especies que viven en Europa y Asia, no aquí en el continente americano.
Finally, a small butterfly that was resting among the plants on my balcony, I couldn't identify het 😕, the most similar ones that I found online are species that live in Europe and Asia, not here on the American continent.

No es fácil identificar y recordar los nombres de tantas mariposas que existen 🥴, pero esto de estar fotografiando las que me consigo, es un excelente ejercicio práctico para lograrlo. Me encantan las mariposas, su simple presencia inesperada e inoportuna hacen que sonría donde quiera que me encuentre y que mi corazón se llene inmediatamente de alegría ante su juguetona y mágica presencia. Me ha pasado que estoy conversando con alguien, de repente pasa una mariposa y sonrío, dejando a la otra persona totalmente confundida con esa sonrisa ajena a la conversación jajaja, lo gracioso es que me ha pasado más de una vez 🤭🤭.
It's not easy to identify and remember the names of so many butterflies that exist 🥴, but photographing the ones I get is an excellent practical exercise to achieve this. I love butterflies, their simple unexpected and inopportune presence makes me smile wherever I am and my heart is immediately filled with joy at their playful and magical presence. It has happened to me that I am talking to someone, suddenly a butterfly passes by and I smile, leaving the other person totally confused with that smile unrelated to the conversation hahaha, the funny thing is that it has happened to me more than once 🤭🤭.
Bueno amigos, para mí es siempre un placer poder interactuar con estos mágicos e inquietos seres voladores. Espero que estas fotos hayan sido de su agrado. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.
Well friends, for me it's always a pleasure to be able to interact with these magical and restless flying beings. I hope you liked these photos. Thank you very much for your time. Infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.
Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.
Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.
Until next post.
Very beautiful butterfly photography my friend
Thank you very much for appreciating @riyat friend, I'm glad you liked them 😺.
You're welcome, keep up the good work 💪
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Muchas gracias por apreciar amigo @jlinaresp 😺.